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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Wasn't nearly as bad as I had envisioned.
  2. yeah but this is not your typical ex-football player meathead talking out his ass. This is a bit more "scientific" than that. Way too early to make these projections in my opinion, but we are going to have a tough year ahead of us, especially if Allen can't jump in right away and actually be good.
  3. Insofar as I remember, OJ Simpson took ballet when he was playing for the Bills to help his balance. He was such a natural athletic talent I'm not sure he really needed it. Was going to mention Aikido....it's all about balance and energy transfer, using your opponent's own energy against him to guide him where you want him to go. Again, very useful stuff (perhaps) for an OL in pass blocking mode.
  4. I know what you mean here, but this is entirely off topic and not really relevant to the OP's suggestion. The issue is not whether McD is a "true Christian". The issue is whether or not he allows his religious beliefs to interfere in otherwise objective/clear headed decision making. I bet he does.
  5. I have considered this very point a few times and thought of starting a thread on it myself. I noticed right away when Josh Allen did his first interviews with WNY media outlets, he was working Jesus into his first few comments. Did that play a role in the team wanting him over someone else, like Josh Rosen? I believe it is highly likely that McDermott allows his Christian faith to influence his decision making, even if he is not consciously aware of it. No, McDermott has made it clear many times in how he speaks that he is devoutly religious. His use of "faith" is the religious meaning, not other more abstract meanings.
  6. Wasn't really on the USS Indianapolis; he just likes killing things.
  7. I realize these are very large screen sizes, but I'm surprised to see TVs costing this much in 2018! I thought they had all come down a lot in price. I have a Sony 46XBR6 which is now like 8 years old I believe. 2 issues with it: one of the boards quit on me which surprised me. The other is that overall screen brightness is "dim". That is apparently a long standing issue with SONY TVs, but I have no idea if that has been resolved nowadays. It does bother me, however, so if you have noticed the SONYs still being a little dim, maybe try someone else. I have also heard that SAMSUNG TVs are somewhat prone to failures which has put me off that brand. No idea if that has been resolved in recent years however.
  8. There are all kinds of things to be learned by football players from experts in other disciplines. I have often wondered why offensive linemen don't get a little crash course in sumo wrestling in training camp. The things OL need to do all the time are what Sumo is all about.
  9. Of course! This is the long version of explaining why we took the wrong Josh. We'll be looking for another QB in a few years. This is all going to be EJ 2.0.
  10. This cop set up stuff for prostitutes is bull ****. They set them up with a fake crime that never would have existed but for the police intervention.... It's bull ****. Why don't these guys either: 1) get real jobs or 2) fight real crime?
  11. Jesus Christ. This reminds me of the thing they did with EJ a few years ago!
  12. The words that jump out at me are things like: stuck tainted gutters rats cheap motels wrong side of the tracks snowy prison bum dying died Should do a lot to improve your average American's idea of Buffalo!
  13. I agree Hue Jackson's handling of all this is wrong, but then again, is anyone impressed with the intelligence of Hue Jackson? He's a dead man walking and will be replaced soon enough in any event.
  14. When it comes to predicting Allen's success, don't listen to John Ledyard. Listen to the data. Almost all of which says Allen will fail. I know lots of Bills fans don't want to believe that, but there it is.
  15. Don't confuse where he was rated with where he was predicted to go in the draft. Ledyard himself, who had Allen "rated" as a 3rd round prospect, said in the same GR-55 segment that he predicted he would go in the top 10 for sure, or something like that. His point being that NFL teams just can't hold off on a guy like Allen b/c they foolishly overvalue traits/talents and don't look at the whole picture of whether or not a QB prospect is likely to succeed in the NFL. He is basically saying if you view Allen objectively, he is a 3rd round lottery ticket. If you want to predict how NFL teams will view him in the draft, he'll be picked in the top 10. Most analysts had similar things to say about him. Lots of Bills fans focus on the "tremendous upside" of Allen, but fail to remember that you must multiple that by the likelihood of success in hitting that upside, which is very low. On aggregate, Allen is a traditional, lower round, high risk, likely to fail, gamble.
  16. What a lousy game last night. After a really strong start to the playoffs, there have been quite a few lopsided games this year where you knew who was going to win pretty early on. I'm hoping for better tonight. The NHL and its advertisers must LOVE this final four among mega super markets: Vegas, Winnipeg, Tampa and DC. I wish we could have somehow gotten a Vegas vs. Winnipeg final, as I'd like one of those teams to win it all.
  17. Got them all right but 2. I would not consider some of these "clear errors" but rather slightly esoteric judgments in editing, which is why a lot of people are not getting strong scores. It's worth noting that the editor states at the outset of the quiz: "I’m not counting less-than-elegant phrasing that could be improved, or other more subjective editing judgments." Strongly disagree with that...several of these are subjective editing judgments.
  18. The big bodies on their offensive line are going to LOVE this new offense. Don't the Dolphins play half their games in Miami? It gets hot and humid there! 3 of their first 5 games are on the road; that'll help, but still.... Hope they have a good conditioning plan in place.
  19. The video was ruined by John Murphy's strained calls.
  20. If Allen starts the season but ***** the bed, your approach will last 3, maybe 4 games. Then folks around here will be screaming for anyone and everyone to replace him.
  21. Has a Star Trek memorabilia collection with 12,483 unique items in it.
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