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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. There was just a story on here a few months ago where a woman did the same thing...threw her own poop at a store employee (security guard I think) at like a Wal Mart or something. Remember? Maybe this is more common of a human reaction (in some people!) than we think? 2 incidents of this in a few months seems like a lot to me! ALSO and as an aside: This chick has an impressive ability to squeeze one out on short notice and with lightning speed...in a public space no less! That's natural talent.
  2. Cleveland is an obvious choice. Love the show; this season should be good. We'll also get to see some insight into Tyrod that maybe we haven't seen before.
  3. FANTASTIC! Loved Kent Hull as much as anyone on the Superbowl teams. RIP. Thurman and Barry in the same backfield on the same team at the same time has to be the best 1---2 RB combo in collegiate history.
  4. Screw swagger! I prefer accuracy, timing, anticipation, ability to read defenses, high football IQ, that sort of thing.
  5. I'm afraid Shady's window is not going to be in synch with the team's window of success, assuming Allen beats the odds and develops into a franchise QB. By the time we are good, Shady won't be in the mix.
  6. You HAVE to love Fitz! Great guy... I was laughing non-stop throughout the entire thing. I think his Eric Wood bit was the best of it all, but it was all great. Fitz on Freddy: "Weird tooth to gum ratio" LMFAO That was not a shot across the bow! That was a full broadside hammered home from close range!
  7. Is there any permutation of who would go where and when that we didn't "hear" prior to the draft?
  8. I see why this guy fell for her, but it's time to send the B packing.
  9. I hear both very clearly. There is "YANNY" in a higher frequency and it is the predominant sound being produced. Under that, in a much deeper (lower frequency) is "LAUREL". I hear the second syllable in "LAUREL" much more prominently than the first. I can totally see why different people hear 2 different words, b/c they are both sort of there. If your hearing cheats to higher frequencies, you'll be in the "YANNY" camp, if you pick up lower frequencies better, you'll hear LAUREL or something more like that. Listen to it over an over and tell yourself to ONLY listen for 1 or the other. You should be able to hear it. Then listen ONLY for the other word...you should hear that too. If this is supposed to be a sound clip to show people what "LAUREL" sounds like, I'd say it's pretty ****ty and could have been better.
  10. 2 of my favorite stories: Many years ago I was driving on the beltway around DC, having just gone over the Wilson Drawbridge into Maryland. I was in the far left lane cruising at like 80mph....vehicle in far right lane ahead of me slams on brakes, comes to complete stop, puts car in REVERSE, and starts backing up, in right lane, as they had overshot the exit ramp they wanted. I watched in disbelief as the driver pulled the move off! They made it back to the exit ramp lane and then went forward again....Traffic was unusually just light enough that the car got away with it.... Another time on the beltway in roughly the same place I was again cruising at like 80mph in left lane. Looked in mirror, way behind me, way back, was a motorcycle coming at a ridiculous speed. Before I could put on my turn signal and move over a lane to get out of his way, the kid on the bike went past me one lane over to my right. I would suggest he was going AT LEAST 150mph, as I was doing 80 and he went by me so fast it was kind of scary. He was African American and wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I remember seeing his bare back as his t-shirt was totally inflated and puffed out with air, so it was like 10 inches above his back. If he's going 150mph, he's going 220 feet, or 73 YARDS every second. At that speed you don't have time to see that a 2 by 4 is lying in the road 1 or 2 seconds ahead of you and that you need to avoid it...something weird like that happens and you are going to be sliding along the ground at 150 mph, with a t-shirt on. Scares the crap out of me just thinking about it! I used to see kids flying long that stretch of the beltway on crotch-rockets all the time, usually wearing t-shirts.
  11. This same video was posted here a few weeks ago as I recall. Driver was trying to make it to that little gap in the armco so he could do an illegal u-turn. When the truck pushed him forward, he ALMOST hit the butt-end of the armco where it begins after the gap.
  12. With all the talk about Thurman today I thought it would be fun/interesting to hear what different fans remember about watching Thurman in so many games for the Bills. Doesn't have to be his greatest run ever, but just any memory that stands out. Younger fans who missed him may find this interesting. A few things that I always think of when I think of Thurman: 1) First and foremost, always just casually tossing the ball or handing the ball to the official in the end zone after just scoring a TD. My memory is that Thurman always did that, even right from the beginning, as if to say "I've scored a ton of these already and will score a ton more, nothing to get too excited about." 2) His crazy ability to just sort of stutter, start, stop, wiggle, and shift his way through crowds of players for 3 or 4 yards on a busted play that should have gotten zero yards or taken a loss of yardage. 3) The way he sometimes put his hand on OT Howard "House" Ballard's ass, ducked down, and just vanished behind the House as he ran downfield acting like a human blocking shield. House was a beast of a man in an era when "300 pounders" were still somewhat rare.
  13. If you are going to retire a Bills uniform, can't do any better than #34. One of the greatest all around offensive weapons the league has seen.
  14. When 1 team does this much winning for so long, most fans of the sport are going to divide into two camps. Those who either love them or DESPISE them. It's why so many people still hate the Yankees and Canadiens, and always will.
  15. He didn't look so terrible when he did the impossible last year, at least in Bills terms: he beat the Patriots! Don't get me wrong; the guy is horrid and we aren't going to sign him, nor should we. I did enjoy that prime time ass-kicking of the Patriots last year, though, so I can't say too much bad about Cutler.
  16. I really have nothing to add, other than you can't invent a better name for a football player from Texas than "Colt McCoy".
  17. I simply don't have the emotional reserves to re-hash that game. I have never viewed a replay of it, only saw it live once. Don't really want to discuss it in detail. The pain hasn't faded!
  18. Actually, completion % and games played in college are the only mathematically demonstrably meaningful statistics there are in terms of assessing whether a college QB will be successful in the NFL.
  19. Or that the team did absolutely nothing about it.
  20. Irv Weinstein could not have written this headline better. What's up with Brazil? There is so much poverty, crime, kidnappings...huge homeless orphan problem...and other huge societal problems going on in that country. I remember the articles leading up to the Olympics discussing the problem with unsanitary water at some of the water sports venues. Like raw sewage floating around in the water where sailing would be done. The quote from a local politician was something like "Well this is Brazil and clean water is not the sort of political issue that is going to get votes." WTF? I would think clean water and getting raw sewage out of waterways would be fairly high on the list of things voters would want their elected officials to take care of. Anyway, nice to see this woman kicking some ass but it's a shame she had to in the first place.
  21. He was a really interesting author. I guess he'll be best remembered for "Bonfire of the Vanities" but he wrote so many other good books, some having been been mentioned, and more! RIP
  22. Sorry to hear this news. The fact that you are writing this tells me you are seeking help. You should consider seeking out a professional counselor who can help you through this tough time, get you off your diet of self-medication (that's not going to help long term) and, if necessary, prescribe some medication that might be able to help with depression or just stabilize your mood better. Go do it!
  23. What's up with Simon? He looks like he's coming off a 3 day meth bender. The magic trick is really no different than normal tricks. Once the magician has the trick constructed and knows the outcome, you can play around with how you reveal your knowledge of the outcome any way you like. The twist here is how he reveals it, working the cancer/baby/wife emotional video angle into the whole thing to suck the audience in. It's more effective than say, opening a sealed enveloped with the various outcomes identified in the envelope, or any other traditional convention a magician would use.
  24. That's just how he is and it's not going to change. No need to listen to this sort of thing. You won't learn a thing.
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