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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I'm now picking up "Brain Needle" if I think of that before listening. There is some black magic, voodoo, and witchcraft at work here. OK...back to Naked and Afraid on Discovery Channel. LOL.
  2. Illegal in Japan to show pubic hair on camera so it is blurred out. Here is the other incident I wrote about earlier in the thread. It was at a Menard's and it occurred in February. 2 incidents in like 4 months suggests this happens on some kind of a routine basis. We need to add these stories to the teacher/student sex watch! https://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/crime/impd-woman-threw-feces-at-menards-employee
  3. I sometimes hear "GREEN STORM". If you listen for that, I bet some others will hear it too. This one is freaky. It's creeping me out!
  4. Over 3,000 people die every single day in the USA in automotive accidents, but it's not reported, ever, nor are all the accidents/deaths tallied up as a single "event". 100 deaths in a plane crash (worst in 30 years in Cuba) is not so bad, statistically speaking. It's just dramatic so it seems horrible.
  5. There's a lot of good food to be had in WNY having absolutely nothing to do with chicken wings. Don't seem to see many articles about that though!
  6. If Josh Allen has "it" or at least "some of it" (LOL) he should be starting ASAP on this team, including Week 1.
  7. Does the actual game play look as good as the video? I watched about 10 seconds, but I thought the look and feel of the game was fantastic! Definitely better than when I last played a football video game, which I think was some time around 1991. LOL.
  8. Not much of an OL, no QB, and no WRs to speak of. There is talet buried within Clay, but it's struggled to come out. Benjamin is not as good as most Bills fans seem to think he is. Great RB. Is the D good enough to win a lot of games 10-3?
  9. What is hard to believe is that you couldn't come up with a more appropriate thread title.
  10. I am all in favor of getting real people. It's just Allen that concerns me. Not sure his game translates to success at the NFL level, but we'll see!
  11. League minimum will be $54,000 in 2018. Salary cap per team will be a mere $5.2 million in 2018. Going rate for starting CFL QB: $400,000. A few elite QBs make over $500,000. SOURCE: http://3downnation.com/2017/07/24/raising-leagues-minimum-salary-key-cfls-upcoming-cba-negotiations/
  12. When this story broke, I knew everyone's favorite radio talk show host, Mike Schopp, would be all over this. He's now dedicated at least 2 shows to the topic of legal sports betting. Dude is a major gambling addict.
  13. Tyrod provided a lot of great long throws, thrilling runs escaping the pocket, ad lib plays sprouting from his athleticism, and all sorts of good things. His problem is consistency. He can't play at a high enough level enough of the time. Also loved to leave points and plays on the field through his own reluctance/hesitation/lack of confidence to throw the ball.
  14. I'd want to be coaching the guy who can play QB the best. No bonus points for sitting position at an interview.
  15. I enjoy this stuff from a historical point of view, plus it's a few hours of live TV from London, which is cool. I would imagine that on a football message board, a Royal wedding would not be a popular topic. I have many friends who would gag if they had to watch a football game. Diversity is the spice of life.
  16. More American students killed from mass school shootings so far this calendar year than American soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan combined!
  17. America moves more toward a typical S. American bifurcated society every day. In due course, we will have two segments to our population: monied/educated driving BMWs making up a small % of the population, and then everyone else, living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to read very well. Ancient Rome was structured similarly.
  18. Mayfield: "When this is over, I'm gonna F you up!" Darnold: "They're all fools...I will kill them all and get away with it." Allen: "I like turtles." Rosen: "This interview is so 20 minutes ago." Jackson: "No idea what this dude is saying but I'm still gonna F him up." Unless he's standing next to Tremaine Edmunds in a photo and then he looks small!
  19. Yeah but it was and remains a colossal error in judgment to have selected him 9th overall, notwithstanding his upside which you nicely summarize. I really like the OP's examples. Not sure what I could add to his list in terms of whiffs with the same magnitude. Can't overstate what mistakes EJ, Sammy, and Rex were.
  20. That's absolutely f-ing ridiculous and should be illegal in 2018. While they are at it, they should throw 21 virgins into a volcano in hope of a good growing season....
  21. Don't tell that to McBeane...they're turning the Bills into Carolina North.
  22. Does theRalph always refer to himself in the third person?
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