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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This is great. What makes it even more special is how they are moving to re-adjust their aim with the arrows as the ball moves around the field. LOL. Just fantastic!
  2. Best line: "I hope someone calls the cops on 'em. I'd call 'em myself but I'm afraid to." If you move around this great land of ours and notice people around you speaking with this woman's accent, you need to immediately stop what you're doing and make moving plans. This **** is scary.
  3. Yes, typically. Then when we see he sucks, we rip him back down to nothing and cheer for a replacement. Any replacement. I.E., it's been so bad for so long around here, average, competent work stands out as being superior. LOL! It's true!
  4. Woah cowboy! Allen hasn't played a down in the NFL yet, and you've got him penciled in for 15 years? How many years did you give EJ after he was drafted?
  5. The problem is it isn't so old as to be historical, vintage, and cool, like Wrigley Field or Fenway. But it certainly isn't modern and comfortable either. It's just old and ****ty. Honestly though, what they do with the stadium bothers me about as much as our 2018 NFL Draft baseball caps. It's not a big deal one way or the other.
  6. Would definitely pay good money to see that. I'd bet on Ritchie winning, b/c he has the psycho factor going for him. Then again, Gronk did try to kill Tre'Davious! Psycho vs. attempted murderer. Game on! I would say he is definitely fighting some type of condition, and it is has impacted his career in the past. He seemed to really have that behind him during his entire time in Buffalo, though. I think all the turmoil with the pay cut, firing his agent, being released, all this stuff that has been going on....really kind of put him back into a dark place.
  7. You're still an idiot. Go read a brief history of the USA, the constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and report back. PS: Would love to know your age level, educational level, income level, and net worth level. I suspect all are low. DC Tom says: You're all idiots.
  8. The people who get to define the meaning of the symbolic gesture are the ones making the gesture. Not Phil from Cheektowaga.
  9. This is total BS but totally predictable. You have to love the USA! Greed and Money always come first. Always has, always will. Freedom of speech? All the veterans who were mamed, psychologically wounded forever, and killed to keep that right alive and well in the USA? F--- 'em! That's what the NFL just told you. Hopefully the players will simply modify their form of protest. Stay standing, but do something else.
  10. It's hilarious to me that "The Fonz" who was the perfect model of coolness is, in fact, a nerdy Jewish guy from NYC who stands 5'6" tall.
  11. If you are ever wrongfully accused of a serious crime, I think your views on the American justice system would change dramatically.
  12. The game yesterday was one of the best hockey games I have seen in a long time. After the game, TJ Oshie said Game 7 is going to be an "all-out war." I love this stuff. Can't wait.
  13. This is just a simple case of computers being a lot dumber than people, and no human catching that fact.
  14. That's b/c they don't tend to focus on analytics and just can't get over the big size/big arm, rather than look at more important traits that have more impact on the NFL game. Did anyone ever criticize EJ Manuel for lack of athleticism, size, strength, toughness, arm strength, etc? He has all that in abundance. The problem is he's a freaking horrible quarterback, due to all kinds of things having nothing whatsoever to do with his body size/strength/speed.
  15. All kidding aside, Peterman being the starter is not ridiculous at all if: 1) Allen is just not ready and needs to sit for a while 2) McCarron looks freaking horrible in camp and pre-season, which is a distinct possibility 3) Peterman shows improvement in all aspects of his game, which is also a distinct possibility The wildcard in this is that Peterman is McBeane's guy and they will give him every chance to succeed, maybe even including some he doesn't totally deserve.
  16. Saying Gronk should take notes assumes he can write.
  17. I believe the QB competition will focus on clipboard holding. I give a slight edge to EJ.
  18. Anyone ever see the film "Hope & Glory" ??? "He bowled a googly!" Great movie. Here is the best scene from said movie: Unless it's Yankees vs. Red Sox. Then it takes 4 hours, if you're lucky.
  19. Lived there for 12 years. I did think of it as home after a while, but it took a while. DC has a very transient vibe totally devoid of a sense of community. Not all big cities are that way, but DC is definitely one of them.
  20. I defer to the Ph.D from UB who, at the time, did some sort of geometrical computer analysis and concluded it was a forward lateral. At least that is what I remember happening at the time.
  21. I just checked. The hat issue is item 734,398 on my list of things to be concerned about. For those wondering, it's just behind "fear of world ending from massive comet strike" and just ahead of "will Justin Bieber release a new record this summer?"
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