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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I guess you're joking but in all seriousness, there is no doubt Richie was suffering from some type of chemical impact on his brain...either as a result of taking something he shouldn't have, or failing to take something he should have. That combined with weirdo conspiracy paranoia crap. Though in fairness, tons of people are into that sort of thing, probably including many who routinely contribute to this forum. Maybe he got a hold of the same stuff Zay Jones was taking during his little melt down.
  2. I have never seen any evidence to suggest the kneeling lowered TV ratings or at-game attendance. I consider it a myth until proven otherwise. Do plenty of racists in this country hate the protests? Absolutely. Do they get annoyed by them? Absolutely. Does it mean they have turned off NFL football? No. They're mostly blowhard types to begin with and they don't seem to be principled enough to boycott games based on their beliefs. They're still watching. This whole controversy was fading into oblivion until the NFL put it right back on everyone's radar with the new rule, being the geniuses that they are.
  3. Yep. I've seen this commercial a ton lately and every time I can't help but notice the woman in the orange sweater...
  4. An updated Rich Stadium for nearly the cost of a new one would be asinine. First and foremost b/c a new stadium would allow a change of location. It should be in downtown Buffalo, and not where it is now.
  5. There is quite a movement of Star Wars fans on youtube right now...videos urging the boycott of the film and demanding that this woman at Disney who is in charge of Star Wars to be fired. LOL. There's a ton of them. By the way, I can't think of an actor who fits less into the Star Wars universe than Woody Harrelson.
  6. Disney will be the death to the franchise. Just watch! It will get so bad it will have to be resurrected down the road, once everyone has turned off to it.
  7. Didn't Marshawn Lynch think Buffalo was somewhere in the NYC metro area even as he was flying to Buffalo for the first time? Dave Stieb said that when he was drafted by the Blue Jays, he didn't know Toronto had a MLB team.
  8. Cool! Thanks for the input. I think I will sink into this over Holiday Weekend.
  9. I still have my PS3 hooked up and have "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" sitting here, having never played the game... (for PS3). I guess this is highly recommended?
  10. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Gronk is a big, heavy guy, and he has been slammed around a TON. His own body size works against him in this aspect.
  11. Funny! Your situation echoes my own. My S.O. also got me PS4 for Xmas, with the COD game! Just a couple of days ago, I watched some "top 20" videos of best PS4 games to date on youtube, also looking for good game suggestions. There are a bunch of these videos. You might want to watch a few and see which games speak to you. A few that jumped out at me are: Unchartered 4, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, The Last of Us, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Nioh, FarCry5, and Journey. Check out Journey in particular! Not sure if this is your thing, but a lot of reviews suggest it is straight up one of the best video games ever made, by anyone, for any system.
  12. I hate to judge a book by its cover, but there's something about this man that puts me off. It could be the fact that one of his eyes is lower than the other, the face tattoos, the "all seeing eye" tattoo in particular, the poor dental work, or maybe the general look on his face that seems to scream out "I eat children for breakfast. For real." I would imagine he finds it difficult to obtain employment. You have to wonder what this guy's options are in life.
  13. Lots of TV viewing as always. Biggest motor racing weekend of year, with emphasis on Monaco GP and Indy 500.
  14. Holy cow, he may actually be full-on looney tunes. Like headed to an asylum looney tunes. Sorry to hear this. I have to say, I detected absolutely NONE of that sort of thing listening to many interviews/comments from him during his 2nd tenure with the Bills. He actually seemed quite intelligent and well spoken for a pro football player.
  15. No, we didn't "Luck" into the playoffs. We "Daltoned" into the playoffs.
  16. If you think that's going to be nuts, wait until each plays 3 of 4 regular season games! This place will be calling for Beane's head on a silver platter. He took the wrong QB. This place just doesn't get that quite yet.
  17. Watching Game 7 "tape delayed" on DVR... This is one hell of a hockey game. Wilson and Coburn just went at it at center ice right after coming out of the box. OMG...REAL HOCKEY IS BACK! Enjoy it while it lasts! Regular season hockey has become such boring drivel...but games 6 and now 7 too are why we watch. Just an outstanding game so far.
  18. Several million years ago our ancestors started walking around on 2 legs instead of 4, and the knee joint has never caught up. It's a really ****ty design for bipedal animals.
  19. Yeah but a lot of people would argue the way any QB develops is by PLAYING. The whole "develop while watching" thing is kind of a myth in my opinion.
  20. I hate that "Bills mafia" crap. It strikes me as a term only used by non-Bills fans to describe Bills fans. It's like saying Buffalo is in "upstate NY". The only people who say that are people not from Buffalo.
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