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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. No, I've been a huge Red Sox fan for going on 30 years now. Have no interest one way or the other in anything NBA related--so I'm totally neutral on Celtics. Dislike the Bruins as a long time Sabres rival, but also respect the franchise and their historical approach to icing good, tough, physical teams. Don't hate the Bruins as much as I probably should. LOL.
  2. There is never a reason to eat ice cream if you can get gelato instead. Having said that, the best ice cream I've ever had is from this place in a little town in Germany. http://www.eiscafe-hesse.de Among store bought commercial stuff everyone would know, Ben & Jerry's is fantastic and I am addicted to Klondike Bars. In particular, the cookie dough, Heath bar, and Caramel Pretzel flavors are awesome. One of my favorite flavors. B&J is very commercial and well known, but it is about as good as you're going to get if you are buying ice cream out of a freezer in a grocery store.
  3. I didn't now Arena football still existed. I thought the league folded years ago. I don't recall bumping into it or being made aware of its existence in years. Maybe the league needs to hire Russ Brandon.
  4. If and when Josh Allen is the QB, we'll need a speed guy to keep defenses honest and harness one of the few things Allen brings to the table: a huge arm. Not sure we need that guy right now though. Depends on how quickly they intend to push Allen through.
  5. I'll tell you what's wrong: that mustache! These things have slowly crept back into the culture, after having nicely died off for quite a long time.
  6. It's ridiculously too early to make this type of prediction, but I'll go ahead and pick Allen. I think they want him to play right away and it shouldn't be too hard for him to make the other 2 QBs look bad in training camp/pre-season games. The whole thing will be couched in terms of an "open competition" with no No. 1 etc...but they have their guy and they want the starter to be Allen. It will be sold as Allen giving the team the best chance to win rolling into Week 1.
  7. Love the interviewer nodding her head, feigning agreement/understanding as McKelvin speaks.
  8. Thomas was too much of a pass rushing specialist (and he was fantastic at that) to be regarded #2 best all around LB of all time! No, Biscuit (not "the" Biscuit) is not in the HOF. Agree Singletary should be way up there. Aside from being a great LB, the guy is the personification of "leader", "warrior", and "team before self". I dream of having a Bills roster filled with Singletary types.
  9. More like Meta "Not So" Lovely... PS: There really is no shortage of these stories, is there?
  10. Well have fun when you go! And try to enjoy the holiday weekend!
  11. Has anyone played "Journey" on PS4? I mentioned it up-thread but no one commented on it. It is consistently mentioned as like Top 5 or Top 10 games all time for the PS4, and that has now been around for a while. One list of The Best 100 games for PS4 had Journey at like 6 or something. Some people were comparing it to Shadow of the Colossus as one of the best games all-time. I loved that game so I suspect Journey is pretty good.
  12. For what it's worth, the Tatooine Cantina scene from Episode IV seems to be a fan favorite. And that could actually work, as the bar is a coming and going gathering place for all sorts of characters with their own story to tell. Would be hugely dependent on a great script, but what movie isn't? One drawback I can see, though, is that part of what made the cantina cool was how it was a crossroads for all types of characters and creatures from all over the galaxy. Very "urban" and diverse crowd in there. Most characters were not speaking English and that contributed to the texture of the scene. Most Star Wars fans and kids aren't gong to want to read subtitles all the time, though there are conventions around this. Maybe do what they did near beginning of Hunt for Red October...magically shifting from Russian to English as a convention so as to avoid the use of subtitles...and making Sean Connery (among others) try to speak Russian in a convincing manner, which he certainly couldn't do! You'd also have the creative freedom to follow whatever plots and sub-plots you want OUT of the cantina and into other parts of the planet/galaxy. The cantina could be a central focal point for the story, but as long as you are willing to leave it to explore other story lines, the script possibilities would be endless.
  13. I enjoy putting baseball games on sort of in the background while I pay bills or wander around on the 'net...basically with 1 ear tuned into the game and a few glances at the screen from time to time. If something happens I'll check it out. Baseball is enjoyable in this manner. My father used to tell me about listening to ball games in a similar manner when he was a kid on the radio. That's not a bad price, but for only 1 team it's kind of lame. Thanks for posting the info.
  14. Of course! Everyone feels like that at some point. Where you going for your baseball trip? You're not THAT far away from Wrigley Field. Was there last year and I think it has to be the best stadium atmosphere in the country, including Fenway. And I'm a Red Sox fan! Perhaps you've already been there a bunch?
  15. "Any Richie has monstrous thighs, Be careful he'll gouge your eyes"
  16. This game was an interesting spectacle, though that began to fade sometime in the 3rd quarter. A good football game it was not. Funny, yet in many ways true. Was watching that Bengals drive at the end on the edge of my seat, and it felt like I was watching a Bills playoff game with do-or-die consequences. I don't think any Bills game last year made me feel that way, other than the actual playoff game! And even that was rather boring as it had the look/feel of a game we wouldn't win, simply b/c we couldn't really move the ball or score points. Another game I'd give honorable mention to for favorites of the year: New England at Miami on Monday Night. December 11, 2017. I enjoyed that game as much as any all year.
  17. Kane's performance in his K year is NHL 101 for hockey players these days. He will quietly fade into oblivion now, and make millions in the process. Guaranteed Ks have destroyed the NHL.
  18. Has anyone else noticed how hockey in these playoffs has gone back to traditional "real" hockey? By that I mean we have seen genuine hatred by one team against another, personal feuds between a few players flaring up throughout a series, post-whistle scrums and shoving matches...fights...selfish fights born of emotion and with little regard to whether or not the ensuing penalty will hurt the team... This stuff has been back in the playoffs b/c players are playing at 100% with emotion and are truly competing for victories. This is now the only time of the season when we see this. It's completely absent from NHL regular season games now, and it's been that way for a long time. 20 or 30 years ago, the culture of the league was much different and we used to see this stuff all the time. It's interesting to note the rough stuff is still alive and well, despite most of the tough guys having been eliminated from the league. Most NHL regular season games have the look/feel of an inconsequential pre-season game. Players play at maybe 7/10 and seem to operate under an agreement, most nights, not to bother the other team too much and vice versa. Enjoy these playoffs while they last!
  19. Seriously? Coke pissed money away on a deliberately bad product and supporting marketing campaign so as to wound a competitor's product? How much of the purchase price of a coke actually goes to the **** inside the can? This is further proof that marketing is morally one level beneath thievery.
  20. Always loved Pitfall and Defender back in the day. The best of the old arcade style games is "Galaga" however. LOVED that game. You can play it online for free nowadays! Would have saved me a lot of quarters back in the day. Sounds very much like the Fallout games in concept, even if it's a different setting. I'm a giant Fallout fan so I will probably really like Skyrim as well.
  21. I do realize that the M.F. is capable of atmospheric flight on various planets, but "aerodynamics" are not really that important on a space ship. I agree it does not look natural and also agree that the Slave 1 was really cool. That and Boba Fett have always been two fan favorites, or at least it always seems that way.
  22. From what I hear, it got a lot worse with The Last Jedi (still haven't seen that one) and the Solo movie is allegedly in the same camp. I didn't really get the Disney hate at the beginning, largely b/c I don't really follow Disney entertainment products...but now I'm starting to catch on! "Porkins" was the fat guy who flew an X-wing fighter in the very first Star Wars movie. He was involved in the "trench run" to blow up the Death Star at the end of the movie. He was on screen for a few seconds before being blown up by a well placed laser cannon blast. Here's some video:
  23. Guess we'll be seeming more sappy TV commercials with this Uber CEO asshat on camera. You know, assuring us what a great company it is and how they are saving the world, or whatever it is they are doing.
  24. "Plus, playing in Buffalo, Allen has the juice to cut the ball through the wind, rain, sleet, ice and snow coming off Lake Erie." This crap yet again! This is simply not a thing. If this guy thinks it is, I'm not sure why we are reading what he thinks of Josh Allen. PS: Allen's weaknesses greatly transcend mere inaccuracy issues. Anticipation, timing, reading defenses, most of the mental components of the position are sometimes there and sometimes not there with him. The Bills will need to tear him down to nothing and re-teach him now to be a QB. That almost never works. Don't take my word for it, look at the data.
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