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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Yes, they trotted Buffer out just for Game 1 of the Finals. I thought setting up the hockey game like a heavyweight main bout was a great idea and fun. If you want to get back into boxing, you need to subscribe to HBO. They have most of the big fights now, always on a Saturday night. Jim Lampley also has a show on HBO called "The Fight Game" which is good and pretty much the only boxing related TV program I know of. Those early Mike Tyson fights were something I'll never forget. A bunch of them were on HBO. That was when Iron Mike was young and mean and hungry for glory. He wasn't the tallest guy in the world, but I can't imagine a boxer ever being more physically imposing. He had that fast paced, attacking style, and the hand speed of a much smaller man....all combined with absolutely enormous punching power. In one of those early fights he got in really close against his opponent, almost chest to chest, and fired an upper cut that I thought was going to knock the guy's head off. It landed right under the guy's chin/jaw and it was lights out. At like the 30 second mark of the fight. At least that is how I remember it.
  2. When "Seinfeld" ended, I told my friends that the show could have literally gone on forever and I would have continued to watch each new episode every week. It was a shame to see it finish. I feel the same about Fallout. As long as they keep making new landscapes and slightly different plot lines but stay loyal to the foundation the series was built on, I'll buy each new game forever. For me, the look and feel of the game and its entire concept is about as good as it gets! Playing video games like that with a co-pilot can be a lot of fun!
  3. Especially with that horse--I mean dog--running around your house, you should nail down real hardwood floor planks. I.E., don't go with click together engineered products and for God's sake, don't use anything made by Pergo or anything close to their stuff.
  4. Pegula's wealth is largely a function of luck; that's how that business tends to work. He has also made some public comments that are borderline racist. That was before his handlers quickly muzzled him. We don't really him speak very much anymore, do we? Kim has zero experience or credentials to be running two major sports franchises. None. To suggest that she would even remotely be considered a candidate for the position, were she not the owner's wife, is absurd. Do you want the paper to spoon feed you rainbows, or provide opinion/perspective?
  5. Still early to predict, but I have us somewhere around 5 or 6 wins right now. We are a leading regression candidate league wide.
  6. Maybe we should just keep this thread in the TSW section! At this time of year, there isn't a hell of a lot of football related stuff to talk about. This has to be more entertaining than the seven threads started this week about how we don't have any WRs.
  7. Roseanne is a "left winger." I assume she was shooting for some type of joke with this tweet. Or was she drunk? Well, whatever.
  8. Money. It all comes down to money. People watch doom and gloom. One of my favorite hobbies is studying the choice of language on the crawlers used by CNN and other TV networks announcing "breaking news". The choice of wording is often hilarious, as it is intentionally so dramatic and fear inducing.
  9. Didn't hear what she said nor do I really care... But this climate we have in America now sucks. Say something controversial or offensive or what someone doesn't want you to say and kiss your job or reputation or career goodbye... Not very American.
  10. Your reasoned comments compared to most in this thread shine like a light in a vast, ignorant, darkness.
  11. Enjoyed the game and Gareth Bale's bicycle kick was as beautiful a goal as you'll ever see. But I haven't seen a goaltending performance THAT bad in a match at this level, ever! Pisses me off that Madrid has now won 3 years in a row. I'm a Juventus fan.
  12. Apparently they are going to do some DNA testing to see what the thing actually is. If someone sees a follow up to this story once the DNA work is done, post it!
  13. PS: Remember when there was no advertising on the boards, no jumbo-trons, and the entertainment was provided by an organ? I'd love for them to back to that stuff. Oh Jesus, now they are bringing out Michael Buffer! LOL
  14. I actually kind of like this stuff they are doing out in Vegas this playoff season. At least it's being done on a professional level. What scares me is the idea of everyone else trying to play "keep up" with really stupid and amateurish productions. I do agree the "show" here has now gone on too long however.
  15. Just listened to the radio segment posted upthread. Some tidbits in case you didn't listen to it: Richie ripped down a boxing mannequin in a "wrestling move", threw it down to the ground, and put his knee on its head. The dumbbell he threw at the guy was estimated to be @ 10 pounds. Richie threw it "grenade style". (LOL). The guy said Richie was an inch taller than him, outweighed him by 120 pounds, and was 20 years younger. I.E., no way was he interested in fighting him or confronting Richie in any way. The tennis ball Richie threw hit him in the back of the leg. The outdoor workout area was 1/3 the size of a football field and Richie and this poor guy being harassed were the only 2 people out there. He said he could tell right away something was off b/c Richie was "ADD" in his workout routine. Doing one thing for 3 seconds then moving to something else.
  16. The flag and anthem are not the focus of the recent NFL protests. In fact, they have nothing to do with the protests. As you point out, what separates America from lots of places is our ability to protest. The more of it going on, the better America is working at being America. Many here don't seem to get that.
  17. I don't know how widespread it is, but there seems to be a movement afoot on Youtube, among Star Wars geek content providers, urging the boycott of the film entirely, or at least during the opening weekend. They seem to be trying to get this woman at Disney who is in charge of Star Wars fired so the franchise can go in a better direction.
  18. Funny how some of the names are quickly recognized and fairly well known. Buzz Aldrin is a pretty famous guy, but I've never heard of any of the other living moonwalkers. Speaking of moonwalking, anyone here have an Omega moon watch?
  19. Nah, not a jerk move. But further proof that intelligence and the frequency of use of social media are often inversely proportionate. Kids. Don't know how you have the patience to deal with that crap.
  20. If you are going to Home Depot for customer service, you are going to the wrong store. This is what happens when locally owned, small stores vanish b/c customers flock to huge box stores to save a couple dimes.
  21. There are lots of big cities that were built at or below sea level that aren't going to be around in another 50-75 years or so. New Orleans and Miami among them.
  22. Dare I suggest that had it been a glowing review, it would have been cited as a "good article" and no one would be discussing the validity of information found on the internet.
  23. A lot of his specific takes on the Bills are straight up wrong, where he is obviously looking in from the outside.
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