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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. On a similar note, I always thought it was cool that the Steelers logo is only on one side of the helmet. Not totally sure what that is about, but it's interesting and unique. I think Cleveland has, overall, one of the absolute worst uniforms in the whole league...but not b/c they don't have a logo. I agree that is kind of cool. But that color scheme! It's just horrible. I love the artistically painted bison all over Buffalo! Whoever was the impetus behind that movement deserves bonus points. And hey, while we are at it. Not that this is a new idea or anything, but how about all city of Buffalo grade schools have the kids paint their idea of a good logo on a sheet of paper with a blank helmet drawn on it. Maybe the art teacher (if they still have those) could pick the best 5, and send them to the Bills. Someone in the marketing department (?) at the Bills goes through each school's top 5, and picks the best. That is then translated to a sticker to be placed on the team's helmets, and worn in an actual game as "third jersey" type thing... Tie the whole "one Buffalo" concept into with the schoolchildren being part of the "one" and you have a winner. I have no doubt some kid out there would produce something really cool.
  2. I strongly disagree with most of the ordering of that list. He has Redskins in "bottom 5" ???? It's one of the best in the league. Whether or not you find it disparaging is a different issue entirely. As a logo, it's fantastic. He also has the Bills as one of the top logos; I have always found the charging buffalo lame and it is now rather dated to the time of its inception, graphically. He has New England's "new" logo also fairly highly rated. I think it's probably the worst in the league, and not just b/c I hate NE!
  3. Relax! Zay Jones is receiving two bionic hands. That's what his surgery was for.
  4. I don't think there is an area on her body that hasn't been tweaked by a doctor. Christ, it looks like she's had her 2 lower ribs removed.
  5. I voted Browns. Bills will regress this year and Cleveland will improve significantly. They have nowhere to go but up! (LOL). This all hinges on the QB play each team gets and that's still a huge question mark for both teams.
  6. He has no post-season career to speak of. That's not going to help him get into the HOF. But maybe that won't matter.
  7. Buffalo is a hockey and football town. Jerry's favorite sports are, by far, basketball and baseball. Same applies to WNY's other favorite sports media personality, Mike Schopp. He has stated that he is anti-NFL and anti-football. He likes tennis, sports history/trivia, fantasy stuff, and sports gambling in general. Just a few days ago he mentioned that he'd much rather watch an NBA game than the garbage the NHL puts on the ice in an average regular season game. In any event, both guys are/were in the wrong town in this regard.
  8. Her name could be Larry or Fred, but my God, those breasts would still be just as magnificent. Lovely head of hair to boot!
  9. 28 pages and going strong regarding 2 writers leaving the paper. Longest thread ever written on TBN here. Maybe that is part of the problem that led to the buyouts?
  10. I was going to cite this incident as well but suggest it was Rob Johnson! LOL. It was one of those losers. Tough to remember which one now. They all blur together with the passage of time.
  11. Are you under the impression that the media is supposed to adopt a cheerleader role when it comes to reporting on athletes and/or teams? That's what fans do, not the media. I ask because it is obvious that many at this board seem to think this way.
  12. I would pick those 2 as well. In addition to Marv Levy. The rest are pretty forgettable.
  13. I'm disappointed that the writer of the article didn't work in a little sly humor regarding the name.
  14. Cool story. It's like the first historically documented incident of consumer market testing to see if this new thing called a "video game" would be popular.
  15. She's hot. Just watching the clip again. Notice that curved green deck below her jumping position. There are two white outrigger boom type things which appear to hold lights that shine down on the pool, or something like that. I didn't notice how close she comes to those things on her way down. This whole thing scares me just watching.
  16. Tyrod is, and always has been, a little in denial regarding the strengths and weaknesses of his game. His absolute reluctance to throw the football, among other faults, will always make him a fringe player right on the edge of being a starter or a backup. His ceiling was nicely displayed last year.
  17. Our uniforms are the colors of the Union Jack, French Tricolour, and Stars and Stripes. They are going to look good no matter which bits they color red, white, or blue. Your poll doesn't allow ranking. A better thread topic would be: "Pick your favorite." Oh well.
  18. Anyone know when the current Direct TV agreement with the NFL expires? I find it absolutely hilarious that, in 2018, the NFL will NOT take the money I would otherwise gladly pay them each year for a Sunday Ticket TV package on Comcast cable.
  19. Oh, I get it. You mean you can't listen b/c of technical problems. I thought you were going to say you can't listen anymore b/c you can't take the commercials! I don't listen live for that reason. The recorded segments nicely delete them for you.
  20. A friend across the street had a "pong" type video game. It only played pong games. I think it had a few versions. The console was yellow as I recall. That was the first video game I ever remember seeing or playing. This is before the Atari 2600 existed. I think this was it:
  21. She's a definite yes, even though she clearly has huge balls.
  22. To remind you that black folks get a rough ride in this country.
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