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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This thread calls for a flashback to 2007. Love the look on the host's face toward the end of the clip. You could clip random phrases and words out of a magazine, throw them in a hat, pull out 20 of them randomly, and end up with a better response than what Miss South Carolina provided.
  2. It's too early to get into some type of hardcore debate over how good the D is going to be.
  3. You mean like a Triple A minor league for the NFL? I think there would be a ton of interest in such a league, and it would help find/develop talent for the NFL, particularly at the QB position. Wish they would pursue this.
  4. When I clicked on the link, the website has the weather up at the top. Currently 97 in Houston but feels like 103. Ouch. Regarding the sweet looking old lady in the obit photo...I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
  5. Kind of funny that the piece makes no mention of the legality/illegality of the AK-47. It's like "Oh by the way, the property owner defended himself with a Soviet issued fully automatic assault rifle, which is inherently illegal in the USA." The dingbat crew sent over to his house for the story doesn't know what the hell is going on anyway. It would probably have been more accurate to describe the gun as a civilian legal, modified, semi-automatic design based on the AK-47. Such a gun is not an "AK-47".
  6. Here is a nice 1/350 scale model of IJN Kaga, sunk at Midway. Note the interesting design; it was originally intended to be a battleship and then modified to carrier use, as the Japanese did with many ships. This is a favorite subject matter among model ship builders.
  7. Have a look at largescaleplanes.com. It's one of the best online modeling forums out there for aircraft, in terms of the quality of work being done by the average contributor. The focus is on larger 1/32 scale aircraft, but the knowledge base at the forum is fantastic. Might help you get back into the hobby. Good luck and have fun with your builds!
  8. They better be careful! It's not like people are tuning in to hear how each contestant would create world peace, or end global hunger. You eliminate the exposed flesh angle and I'm not sure there's a reason to watch.
  9. If she committed suicide it was because she was suffering from severe depression. The size of your bank account has absolutely zero impact, one way or the other, on severe depression. Sorry to hear this. She is comedian David Spade's sister in law (of SNL fame).
  10. Kid on local radio station, probably lucky to make 20 grand a year, announces he's leaving his position for something new next week. 4 pages of fighting at TSW ensues.
  11. Don't leave out texting/cell phone usage and driving too! It's at least as dangerous as driving drunk....and actually perfectly legal in some parts of this country!
  12. Never heard a thing about the ALS. Dead at only 61. What a shame.
  13. Why do people go fishing for this crap on Twitter, then get bent out of shape when they find it? Weird comment by Graham. Not sure what he's up to, but then again, I don't give a rat's ass either. So there's that.
  14. This is my take on it as well. That producer position is obviously an entry-level type gig for a kid to get his feet wet in the business and put something on his resume, then move forward. Schopp & Bulldog have gone through a steady stream of producers over the years. I liked Ryan. He is a sharp kid and has a good sense of humor. I wish him well.
  15. Yes, but that did result in Heston delivering the line to his son: "You better watch it, tiger, or some hotshot Jap pilot is gonna flame your ass!" Classic Heston.
  16. In fairness, Midway is a pretty lousy movie, but I still love it. It's one of the old classic WWII films and at least it features footage of real aircraft and no cheesy CGI crap. It also had every big, small, and medium-sized actor in it! The cast is unbelievable. Anyone here ever build, for example, the old Monogram 1/48 scale Dauntless dive bomber kit as a kid? When I was a kid in the late '70s every boy on my street was into building model kits. One kid across the street did a gorgeous rendition of a Dauntless.
  17. Classic....he's not used to the power/torque that car has. Notice how the track goes slightly uphill just before that straight, and he was turning as well. Turn + going uphill = load lightening on rear of car. Then apply throttle a little too enthusiastically and boom! The back end comes around on him. Vehicle dynamics 101. PS: Leave it to General Motors to have a big wig executive who obviously isn't into driving. LOL. Dude probably doesn't care if he is working at a car company or a sewing machine company.
  18. You beat me to it. He was the CAG on USS Enterprise. They were out scouting around in Douglas Dauntless dive bombers looking for the Jap carriers and couldn't find them. Their fuel was running low and McClusky made the critical decision to follow a lone destroyer that they found, wisely thinking that the destroyer would lead them to a carrier task force. Sure enough, it worked, and it led to the sinking of the Akagi and Kaga. Japan would lose FOUR carriers that day, sent to the bottom of the ocean, and that was a blow they could never recover from with such a limited industrial base relative to the USA. McClusky was played by Christopher George in the film "Midway."
  19. I'm trying to understand what actually happened in mechanical terms. When you say "the tire" fell to the floor, I assume you mean the wheel, with the tire still on it. Was there anything else attached to the wheel when it fell? Like are you suggesting all 5 lug nuts snapped simultaneously so nothing was holding the wheel onto the hub? How old was the car and what percentage of it was composed of rust?
  20. One nice thing about living in Vermont is that you are a relatively short drive away from Montreal.
  21. I have seen automated English translations that make way more sense than what this guy wrote....and English is his first and only language. Holy ****.
  22. Funny you don't mention the QB! The biggest impact this team will have this year, by far, is a new QB. And here's the kicker. Our QB play is likely to be worse, perhaps substantially worse, than last year. It could well be AJ, and AJ could well end up being a substantial downgrade from Tyrod. As much as I totally support the decision to move on from Tyrod.
  23. I have still seen no meaningful data linking kickoff plays specifically to CTE or even head trauma in general. The NFL appears to be intent on creating a track record of action so as to create the illusion that they are taking preventative measures to help prevent head trauma. Modifying kickoffs is not going to impact overall cases of CTE IMO. I wouldn't mind seeing K/Os go away simply b/c they are used as a scam nowadays to pack in more commercials. Someone scores? Give the ball to the other team on yard line X. And keep the game moving! K/Os are rarely exciting, and they almost always give rise to a penalty anyway. Preserve the ability to do an onside kick if scoring team wants to. With the caveat that the kicking team has to actually do the onside kick if they line up for it.
  24. The key here is that the "alternate logo helmet" would be worn only once on "Charity Event of Your Choosing" day, and merchandise created in support of the new logo would be sold at the Bills stadium store and elsewhere around WNY (New Era stores and such) with all proceeds going to said charity. Maybe "fight cancer day" and then you could tie Jimbo into the mix. As a one off thing it's no big deal in terms of destroying the sanctity of the cherished Bills logo.
  25. Right. And he statically did things no one else has ever done before or since. If you are going to rely purely on regular season accomplishments, you can't just be really good. You have to be unbelievably great.
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