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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Is he a first ballot HOF'er because of his three years as a two, or despite them? Correlation does not imply causation.
  2. Organic matter doesn't mean "life". It just means they found stuff that is carbon based in the rocks, which are around 3.5 billion years old. The carbon on its own can't tell you its source; it could be inorganic sources delivered by meteorites or from volcanoes on Mars. The key is that you need the stuff for life to grow, so this suggests we may find more evidence of actual life on Mars down the road. I don't believe they know what the organic material is, precisely. Not yet at least. This is a much better/more detailed article than the thing I posted from CNN. https://www.popsci.com/organic-matter-rocks-on-mars#page-4
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/07/us/nasa-mars-curiosity-rover-findings/index.html
  4. I have us somewhere around 5 wins at the moment, but it's early and that prediction can change up or down. I think 2 wins is kind of low however.
  5. I suspect this sort of thing is like smoking weed in the NFL. The harder you look for it, the more you will find everyone is doing it.
  6. I have been pulling for Vegas! The idea of an expansion team taking the Cup in their first year, when other middling franchise like the Sabres can't get the job done in 50 years, is hilarious. I am still holding out hope for a Vegas comeback. If any team could do it, it's them. Their whole story has been too good to be true all year, why stop now? Wish this had been a better series, but maybe that all turns around tonight. I don't think Vegas will lose tonight on home ice. They dominated the last game despite losing. They've had some trouble finding the back of the net. They need to score first as they have been doing these playoffs, get the momentum/crowd going...and finish the Caps off. Live to fight another day. Rob Ray talks about this theme consistently during his spots with Schopp and Bulldog on Sabres game days. It's not just "fighting" that is gone now...it's much more than that. There is an entirely different culture among competing players in the league now relative to when Rob played. It's all go along to get along and not nearly as confrontational/competitive as it used to be. The atmosphere in most buildings around the league, on most regular season nights puts you to sleep. Anyway, enough of that for now. We should have a heck of a good game tonight....unless Vegas blows the Caps out, which is possible. Don't think it will go the other way.
  7. Who is this woman? Are we supposed to know who she is? Or care about how much dick she is getting?
  8. Maybe you're just using this as an excuse? IMO it is hard to actually find evidence of the NFL protest movement during actual games. If you find it so bad that you don't want to watch, then don't watch! Lots of other people aren't watching NFL football games either. They're still living.
  9. I just watched the entire video. Fascinating! These contestants are obviously receiving coaching help with the question/answer thing. They have been clearly told to repeat the question in their answer as it buys some time to calm down a little and think about their answer. Also provides a bit of a framework for their response. So in most of these, the contestant starts to speak, and for a while is OK, until they have to actually wing it and provide some type of answer beyond merely setting up the framework. And that's when a lot of them just freeze, like a deer caught in the headlights. It's kind of interesting to watch, in a train wreck kind of way. Like formulating a coherent thought is new ground for a lot of them.
  10. Unfortunately I can't seem to avoid the commercials for the new Jurassic Park film. That franchise just won't die! Somebody, please, kill it! The summer is usually a good time of year to avoid the cinema.
  11. The plot line going forward is now this: How long is it going to take to get Allen ready to start at QB, and how good is he going to be once he starts? Or at a minimum, how likely does it appear that he is going to become good as the starting QB of this team? Everything else is a distracting subplot at best.
  12. I visited the Ludendorff Bridge site a few years ago.
  13. Don't forget the other ten nations (not counting USA and Canada) that had troops participating in the landings as well.
  14. Glad you mentioned that. I had stopped the video early and didn't catch the guzzling at the end until I watched a second time. Make no mistake: this woman could suck the chrome off the proverbial trailer hitch, and would likely find it enjoyable. What a keeper.
  15. Wow, Howard has really gotten fat. Haven't seen him in years. They are doing them with what I'd consider a "reverse" hand grip. Their palms should be facing their body, not away from their body. Shouldn't they?
  16. 1) Our W/L record for the season will be worse than last year. 2) Allen is the starting QB for Game 1. 3) White will be named "Defensive player of the week" at least once.
  17. The bottom line is Incognito still offers an immediate upgrade at Guard for some teams in the NFL. As to whether or not they are willing to overlook his "issues" and sign him is another matter.
  18. Does anyone know the story regarding Roseanne appearing or not appearing on the Joe Rogan podcast? As far as I knew, she was going to be his guest last Friday. Still nothing up at his website. I guess it was cancelled for one reason or the other.
  19. Yes, Kathleen Kennedy. That's the one. I still haven't seen Solo but will at some point. I just discovered last night that Blade Runner 2049 is now on HBO. Will watch that one shortly. Also have "Aliens" recorded on the DVR! That is my favorite of all the Alien sequels, by far. It was actually quite a good film in its own right. Sorry to go off topic.
  20. I am behind in watching. Just caught the first episode centered on "Shogun World" last night. Thought it was the best episode of Season 2 by far. Will watch another episode tonight. Anyone else enjoying the switch to feudal Japan? I prefer that backdrop much more than the old west theme.
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