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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Buffalo Bills Football 2018: Regressing toward the Mean
  2. I assume it is PC, but I was hoping someone here would know more about it.
  3. I still remember his victory cigars. Guy was quite popular around here for a while. It didn't last super long, but people definitely liked that guy.
  4. Jesus Christ man, let it go. Tyrod is Cleveland's problem now. Let's move forward!
  5. Just watched the video again for the first time since watching this live I think. For some reason, I had the play switched to the other sideline in my mind's eye! I thought it was in the right corner of the end zone, not the left. That play was super painful for any Bills fan watching at the time. I'm sure a lot here are too young to remember that play.
  6. The guy is so good he has single handedly invented a new offensive position other teams are desperately trying to field....the huge, athletic, fast guy with great hands. I think it would be impossible to overstate how good he is, or how valuable he is to the Patriots. Other than that, yeah, he sucks and is overrated.
  7. Why would you want a moon colony? The moon is fairly well understood and fairly uninteresting. The idea is to go where there is some interesting stuff to check out. The closest of those locations in our solar system is Mars. Jupiter has several moons that would also be very high on the interest list, but they are even further away. One of Joe Rogan's best podcasts ever was with Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. He discusses this and the various technical issues that still need to be overcome. You can watch/listen at Joe Rogan's website or Youtube.
  8. Dream Academy: "Life in a Northern Town."
  9. I'm wondering if that is photo shopped. Watch the various videos of Ovechkin hoisting the cup. He didn't do that for very long...and there is no woman dressed like that anywhere near the glass in the video...at least not that I can see.
  10. What are your passion projects? I agree that this sort of thing is all that will survive us. That, and offspring. Which you could also consider a passion project if you are a good parent and really into parenting/building a strong relationship with your children.
  11. CNN really dedicated a lot of air time last night to this story. Tonight they are airing a series of "Parts Unknown" greatest hits if anyone is interested.
  12. I went with Jerry Hughes, only b/c he has proved he can do it. Scanning down that list, I don't see a ton of guys that I can confidently predict will have a strong season.
  13. A few years ago, Tom Brady had a quote which I have referenced here several times since. He said something like "A lot of quarterbacks in the NFL waste plays, I hate wasting plays and almost never waste a play." What he meant was that if you are smart enough and do enough homework, you should be able to stand at the line of scrimmage, before the balls is snapped, and tell if a called play is going to work or not work...and if it looks bad, you change the play to one that will work and go with that one. Tyrod, for example, is not smart enough to function on that level, so he wasted plays all the time. It relates to what the OP is saying. The QB needs to "see" the play before the ball is snapped, have a good idea what will happen based on the D formation, and go with what works. I agree that is often all figured out before the ball is snapped. Look at how long Brady holds onto the ball! He throws so quickly he must be throwing to a predetermined target much of the time. He isn't holding the ball long enough to "wing it" during a live play.
  14. I would hope they are looking for more from a candidate than "I have a pulse and like to watch football."
  15. Your triumphant rallying cry crescendoing in the bold statement "8 wins is doable" falls a bit flat. Sorry.
  16. There is a cycle to it. It runs year round. You can tell the time of year by where we are in the thematic cycle.
  17. Jamie Lee Curtis looks horrible! And that hairstyle doesn't help. The movie looks like it could be interesting.
  18. I stumbled across this last night. Check it out, looks pretty darned cool. "Hell Let Loose" gameplay:
  19. Saw the headline, was shocked, and immediately thought "I bet it was suicide." And so it was. What a shame. I bumped into him at a Borders book store in the DC area years ago. He had a book out and was the guest speaker that night. I met him in line for the coffee bar. Cool guy, stylishly dressed... He strikes me as the kind of guy to have some demons and I'm not surprised by the suicide, though I wouldn't have predicted it either. The world's lost a good chef.
  20. Worse than last year, but now 100% certified Russ Brandon Free.
  21. Gronk leaving the team isn't 9.5 on the Richter scale IMO, nor would it necessarily be the biggest story in the history of BB at the Patriots. Ditto for Brady being suspended for PED usage. It has to be bigger than that. Something involving BB or Brady. One leaving the organization? Brady retiring?
  22. Does anyone know what it is, exactly, that Bradshaw has on the FOX CEO? A crime caught on video? Embarrassing photos involving an affair? Emails suggesting the CEO is a racist? What is it!? No way the guy remains employed based on merit.
  23. Caps seemed to have more in the gas tank than Vegas did. And another franchise is removed from the "never won a championship" list.
  24. History has shown that accuracy problems like Allen has are rarely corrected at the next level. The Bills are gambling that they can fix him and be the exception to the rule.
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