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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Might want to hold off on the Allen conversion. It's going to be the next EJ/Tyrod jersey in 3 years.
  2. And her name is being associated with rape and sodomy. But the world is a freak show. And if you live in America, you have a front row seat. If you live in Kentucky, you have a backstage pass!
  3. It depends on your mindset. Minor league baseball is fantastic and preferable to major league baseball, if you have a fairly decent stadium and you can get tickets easily and cheaply. Especially if your major league alternative is living in a town where you can't even get tickets without spending a fortune. If you are into the purity of the game, I think AAA would actually offer a better all around experience. If you follow the major leagues exclusively and care about the stars, etc., minor league can be a little disappointing. But I was always impressed with the quality of play at the AAA level. It's not that bad. Contrast this with NHL hockey vs. American league hockey. AHL hockey is a giant step down from the NHL and played in slow motion. I could never enjoy the Amerks games I went to when I lived in Rochester for a year. Huge drop-off from NHL to AHL. Not as apparent with MLB to AAA ball.
  4. She's not that bad at all. We've seen far worse. She does have that "stroke effect" thing going though with one side of her face drooping relative to the other.
  5. Huh? You said we are a 5-7 win team. I'm agreeing with that, more or less. I said 4-6 but that could easily be 5-7 as well. 8 wins and up from there is the sort of record I don't see us achieving, at the moment. It's still early. I don't gamble.
  6. Make no mistake: the only plan in place is to make Josh Allen the starting QB of this team as fast as possible, without going so fast as to be to his or the team's detriment. How that development arc is worded or what the day-to-day plan is between now and Week 1 of the Regular season is kind of unimportant. The big question rolling forward is whether or not Allen has the ability to be the Week 1 starter.
  7. Folks, the Tyrod Train has left the station, jumped the tracks, and currently lies smoldering in ruin somewhere in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Let it go!
  8. This user on Youtube has a number of cool Fallout prop making videos.
  9. BBF: "Hey Fadingpain, try a sip of this new beer. It's called The Order of Yoni." FP (taking sip): "Wow, that's really bad! I mean that tastes like ass!" BBF: "Not quite, but you're close."
  10. Good post, devoid of the usual Kool Aid stained viewpoint. For now I have us in that 4-6 window as well.
  11. And the Kool Aid Krowd at OBD would have been predicting 19-0. The reality? We would still have been 7-9, 8-8, or 9-7.
  12. Do you play or know of a good one? I'm curious to learn more about it.
  13. I think the OP was taking it one step beyond a simple definition of what the phrase means, and asking posters to apply the definition to their personal lives. I.E., what time period in your life was that simpler, happier time, and why? We all know what the phrase means, but we don't know how you would apply it to your life.
  14. It seems folks around here have short memories, or just never learn. People loved Tyrod too! Great work ethic! What counts is how well Allen plays QB. What doesn't count is everything else.
  15. Scrubs? Pay attention to what Vegas thinks about all this; they aren't scrubs and they aren't wrong all that often.
  16. The TV networks see a need for the pre-game shows. They need the advertising revenue from all the filler surrounding the actual games. As to why anyone would not DVR games now and delete all pre-game, intermission, commercial, and post-game garbage from the act of viewing football, I have no idea. Usually the only exception I make is for the Bills game each week. I'm too excited and want to see it live, so I endure the garbage. But some random Thursday night game? Who the hell is watching the pre-game show for that!?
  17. I couldn't disagree more. We took the wrong Josh.
  18. Just wondering. Could have happened anywhere. You gotta be careful though. Dude might just as well have stopped his car, gotten out, and shot you dead. This is America! People are freaks everyone has a gun.
  19. I've only heard it as "Mulignan" which is a more Sicilian dialect for the same concept, hinging around calling black people "eggplants". It's an Italian/Sicilian thing for sure. The term Mulignan was thrown around on The Sopranos from time to time.
  20. Where were you when this occurred? As in what town?
  21. What about "war gaming"? Anyone do that? I'm not even sure what that means. I guess it is like a Dungeons and Dragons type role playing game involving books and dice instead of a computer? Is there one game that is considered the best?
  22. She looks like she'd beat the crap out of you if you stepped out of line. Also, you have to love the South. Who the hell has a last name like "Sprinkles" ???? Article doesn't mention if the 16 year old student is male or female. I'm thinking female, but who knows.
  23. I'm not sure what you are trying to say. If you are basically saying to the Bills "Make the playoffs or else I'm done rooting for the team" then you should prepare to find another team to cheer for. I don't think the upcoming season is going to be much to get excited about.
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