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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I think you are overlooking the average poster IQ at this forum. Intelligence and complexity of thought/understandings vary directly. That is to say, as intelligence goes up, so does one's ability to see the world with greater complexity.
  2. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive replies. A better reply will help the community find information faster and make your post more likely to be read. The thread manager can can edit your reply to make it more specific and descriptive. For example, you may elaborate on what other things you would like to see Ms. Pegula do with the Whammy Weenie and in what context. Thank you.
  3. Just finished watching Russia vs. Saudi Arabia. Holy crap both teams are terrible, but Saudi Arabia must be the worst team in the tournament, and by a lot. Looking forward to Portugal/Spain tomorrow. It has to be better than the tournament opener.
  4. The black woman who speaks to the girl before she starts singing has an incredible speaking voice. Deep, raspy, with that accent from the North of England (I think). Almost Scottish but not quite. She should be doing voiceover work.
  5. Thanks to Fergy for clarification on the "wrestling" video. Now that I know what the hell is going on, I went back and watched again...much funnier knowing what the guy is choked up about. Regarding the lizard animation video: that is absolutely fantastic! The idea to synch the lizard to that psycho's ramblings was really brilliant. 5 stars. This is one of my all time favorites: There is a lot to love in this wine making video. I think the best part is the feigned look of concern shown by the female host back at the studio!
  6. A couple of comments: Regarding the faked McDonald's video: of course it's still hilarious but knowing it is not a piece of genuine found art diminishes its perfection. Regarding the Cleveland video: The line "Buy a house for the price of a V....C....R" sent me into hysterics for some reason. Regarding the naked streaker guy: I also immediately tuned into the sound of laughter coming from the guy shooting the video, particularly after the naked guy fell to the ground. I laugh in that exact manner when I really laugh hard. Tough not to love that! The audio track of the laughing is better than the video of what's happening. Regarding "It's still real to me dammit!" ....what is the guy talking about!? He says something like "I want to thank you guys for what you have done to your bodies." Is this some type of "I used to be fat but lost weight and you can do it too" thing or what? Anyone know what he is talking about? The "music video" of the bus incident is absolutely, 100%, FANTASTIC! LMFAO This video from Oklahoma City is great; no idea if it was ever posted here or what the exact theme of this thread is intended to be (!) but this makes for some good entertainment. The passion and emotion with which this woman speaks is genuinely fantastic. She could read a page or two from the phone book and I'd be riveted to everything she says!
  7. Director of Photography is John Paget. Don't know who he is, but he did a lot of nice work in that piece. The photography throughout is fantastic.
  8. She's got the Joe Cocker routine down perfectly. I'll give her credit as she comes across like a genuine talent if you dig that style of music.
  9. Still waiting for his promised last segment with Schopp and Bulldog! He promised those guys a long time ago that he would come on and do 1 last segment with them once all the craziness surrounding his K and retirement blew over. I don't think that's going to happen now.
  10. Yeah, let's resurrect a tired old marketing gimmick that was crap 40 years ago when it was devised and parade it around the stadium now. Buffalo, NY, the land that time forgot!
  11. One problem with making pizza at home is your oven doesn't create heat high enough to get the job done correctly. You can buy stones and cook the pizza directly on the stone...the stone retains and radiates heat and somewhat improves the problem of the "cold" oven. Wood fired pizza ovens in Italy are like 800 or 900 degrees in the back, and a pizza goes in and comes out, fully cooked, in like 30 seconds.
  12. The problem is the other QBs on the roster are all too new! Even Peterman...there isn't much to work with there, other than the 5 interception debacle against the Chargers. Once AJ starts stinking up the joint and Allen's development doesn't progress as planned, there will be plenty of QB problems to discuss and Tryod will be forgotten quicker than you can say: "EJ". For now, Tyrod is all we have!
  13. I've been asking that question for a while now. At this time of year, even a thread like this can have tremendous staying power! Don't underestimate TBD!
  14. Would love to reach some type of deal and get Richie back. Just make sure he stays on his medication.
  15. According to the link, this video is faked. https://www.brostrick.com/viral/mcscuse-me-woman-gives-mcdonalds-a-6-piece-of-her-mind/
  16. This has the potential to be the least enjoyable World Cup in a very long time. I've never seen a bigger collection of "so what" teams and lousy match ups in group play. No USA! No Holland! Worst of all, no Italia! I still can't believe that one! But we have Costa Rica, Iran, and Peru! LOL. I think Germany and Argentina will go deep and if I had to pick a winner now, I'd say Deutschland. Scanning through the first batch of games, I don't see a lot to get excited about. Spain vs. Portugal on Friday at 2pm could be good. I'll watch every game as I always do! A World Cup without Italy is a borderline "don't bother watching" development for me.
  17. We already live in a society structured in that manner. Every media outlet you care to mention in this country is owned by one of six or so mega conglomerates. The death of the local newspaper is not something to celebrate as Americans. The idiots who like to hate on TBN don't really get that, however.
  18. It doesn't really matter what Shady "buys into" or doesn't buy into. Just run when they put the ball in your hands, Shady.
  19. Pretty sure most real journalists understand basic grammar and spell correctly. Sorry, you don't qualify.
  20. Don't mind the idiots who enjoy the sport of hating on journalism.
  21. Camden Yards is a really nice ball park. I've seen a ton of games there and always enjoyed it. I got to see Wrigley Field last year. I think Wrigley has to be the best MLB experience there is, including Fenway. And I'm a Red Sox fan. The area all around Wrigley is totally cool and it is like going back in time to WWI days. Just a huge fan of Wrigley.
  22. Not all of us. Lots of folks around here thought Tyrod was great. In fact, some folks here are still waiting for EJ to turn the corner. LMFAO.
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