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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This is the thread that won't die. When we actually make it to Week 1 and Nathan Peterman is NOT the starting QB against the Ravens, can we all agree to kill the thread then? Please?
  2. For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone with anything to lose would ever participate in "social media". I also have no idea why a so called professional--at anything---would get involved in this new breed of online mud slinging. It is totally unprofessional, lowers the so-called professional to the level of the worst in society, and casts the poster of this **** in a really negative light. I don't follow the stuff myself, but you can't avoid these references in various threads at this and other forums.
  3. The idea that a QB can be started too early and that it might "damage him" is a myth. Another myth is that a young QB needs to "develop while he watches from the sidelines for a while". The final myth related to this stuff is that a young QB needs a veteran QB to "show him the way". All of these ideas are just nonsense discussed by sports fans. They aren't actual things.
  4. Barry Trotz is on the market. Sabres need to sign him! Instant upgrade and one of the best coaches in the NHL. Upheaval resulting from yet another coaching change? Who cares! The Sabres have nowhere to go but up.
  5. No, I said she had a northern English accent which is trying to become Scottish but not quite. Leeds is up in northern English industrial country. In fact, she comes from an area right in the middle of where people speak like her...which is why she speaks like that!
  6. This was up in Columbia County, north of Gainesville; that county borders Georgia. That's some really scary territory right there. I personally consider extreme northern Florida to be the unofficial southern boundary of the Deep South. Enter these lands at your own peril.
  7. Everyone is different when it comes to this sort of thing. Heat and sunshine don't bother me. I love the summertime. A Buffalo winter? That **** would kill me these days.
  8. Baseball brawls have always been like that. The 1-on-1 fight only lasts a punch or 2 b/c by then, the whole thing has deteriorated into a wild melee with people tackling the belligerents to the ground and all hell breaking loose all around them. I wouldn't mind seeing 2 guys square off but that can cut both ways. Sometimes the guy you support in the fight is better off being saved by a crowd of teammates; sometimes you wish your guy could have finished business because he was enjoying a physical mismatch. I am a big Red Sox fan and any brawl involving Red Sox and Yankees is always coveted. One of my favorites in recent years was when A-Rod was yelling "F-YOU!" repeatedly to Jason Varitek's face until my boy Jason had enough, gave A-Rod an uppercut with his catcher's mitt still on, and then took him to the ground. That one was in Fenway as I recall.
  9. Were we expecting Shady to say something like this? "Looking at all the statistical indicators used to predict QB success in the NFL, I just don't see how the Bills view Allen as a future franchise QB. The analytics and college video just don't support it." Didn't think so. Let's see how training camp unfolds.
  10. I heard the same thing myself. Haven't been able to sleep since. Glad I'm not alone.
  11. They play clips from this song every Friday on Schopp and Bulldog. I always wondered what it was and if it was a joke or a song. I guess now I know!
  12. This is probably the most entertaining thing to ever happen during a golf tournament in the history of golf tournaments.
  13. Brady will turn 41 before the season starts in August. He can't play forever, and we have seen some pretty sharp drops off the cliff even by great athletes. His days are numbered. He'll be gone soon enough, no matter how it plays out.
  14. Just finished watching Spain vs. Portugal. Outstanding game played at a high level. The other 2 games today were pretty lame. Looking forward to seeing Argentina and Messi tomorrow against Iceland.
  15. Choice C) Neither. I dislike both rather strongly.
  16. That's her!? Scary Spice?! Didn't recognize her. She was always one of my favorites. She's aging quite well! PS: I see she grew up in Leeds. So I wasn't too far off with her accent.
  17. What's more stupid? Getting your head stuck in a tailpipe, or putting a tailpipe on your truck that is so f-ing big you can fit a human head in the damned thing. Dude's gotta be losing exhaust gas speed with that stupid opening which in turn is robbing the engine of a few horses. I guess he did it because "it looks cool."
  18. I was noticing the same things about the magic flute; strangely appears to me made of a modern aluminum alloy; perfectly formed cylindrical shape; perfectly machined round holes in it....most likely not "thousands of years old". LMAO. And then after all that you mention, Flute Man calmly and reassuringly states: "I just came to help out." LMFAO! I like the woman in the car. I think she has gotten straight to the bottom of this interesting mystery! "Could be a crack head got a hold of the wrong stuff and it told him to get in a tree and play a leprechaun." This video is right near the top in terms of what has been shared here so far. It's just outstanding.
  19. The NFL should have a developmental minor league, and it should be filled with QBS like Hackenberg. Let them play there and see who can improve and maybe work their way back into the NFL.
  20. There's an entire tournament of pro football going on in Russia now. Check it out.
  21. Funny, but the 12-3 slot was Jim Rome for so long, I taught myself to not go near WGR-550 during those hours. Now it's just second nature to not be thinking about tuning in at that time. I have no interest in listening to a Bills sponsored PR campaign for 3 hours each day anyway.
  22. This forum has Benjamin, for the most part, over rated. He isn't as good as most Bills fans think he is. Having said that, the AFCE is not swimming with WR talent at the moment. Let's hope he is as improved as the media guys say.
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