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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Maybe the NHL can make this a more permanent part of the show. Would probably help ratings.
  2. The plot thickens! Forget the AK-47. Looks like it was Col. Mustard with the rope.
  3. If you are interested in stopping or turning, you can do a lot better than a Mustang. If you want to go really fast in a straight line for cheap, you can't beat them.
  4. Emory University is a well known, good school. I wouldn't necessarily find any of those outrageous except Miami. No way in hell, by any metric, Miami has better fans than Buffalo. The Dolphins are just not an important part of the culture down there; too much stuff to do on a Sunday afternoon.
  5. CEO of the distillery's note to self: "Remember, never pay construction workers in bourbon. Use money instead."
  6. How do I know that someone said, prior to starting the work: "Oh it won't be a problem, it's not a load bearing wall or anything like that."
  7. I enjoyed the Old Man's brutally direct and honest way he addressed Chum-lee. "Damn't Chumlee" followed by something. "Dammit Chumlee, don't be a dummy." "Dammit Chumlee, put that down before you break it." Dammit Chumlee, leave that alone." Etc.
  8. Mine was a 1993 Honda Civic EX coupe in black with taupe interior, just like this one. Great car; put 125,000 miles on it in 8 years of ownership, nothing broke ever. Took it to Watkins Glen for a few driving schools; car was nice and light (@ 2,350 lbs. as I recall) but tended to understeer. Still a lot of fun to drive.
  9. I will give the OP credit for being realistic. I agree with the final record but I don't think Peterman will start the season and I don't see Allen impressing at the end.
  10. I have had my eye on her for a number of years (LMAO) and did some google searching on her not that long ago, just to see who she is, etc. She is cute, smart, and into books. She's a home run. Something else I have consistently noticed for years...they always show a few transitional "filler" shots basically showing shoppers in the store milling around, etc., as they set up the next segment. There is almost always a hot chick in the background; they have to be selecting that random footage on that basis... Next time you watch, play "spot the hottie in the background milling around in front of a counter." You'll see one!
  11. The fact is that the Superbowl era is the only era in the franchise's history when we were nationally relevant, successful, and realistically competing for championships. It stands out like a shining light in a vast darkness of mediocrity. People have a hard time letting it go for that reason.
  12. Sal is an idiot, nowhere near the league of the guys the paper just lost.
  13. Want to feel old? Consider that someone who is too young to remember the shuttle Challenger tragedy is now pushing 40 years old.
  14. Not much of a wing eater anymore, but when I was, it was always the drumsticks. I hate the other "2 bone" wings....too much work for not enough meat.
  15. Jerry Sullivan is a heck of a good writer. The type of forum member here who views this place as "The Buffalo Bills Booster Club" never understood Jerry, and never will. I think some of the criticism thrown at him is warranted, however. There were some columns that did seem to be really dark for the sake of being really dark. But that was kind of his thing.
  16. The correct answer is: both. Either works fine for the intended application.
  17. That position is pretty big fall from NFL GM. Not surprising, however.
  18. MLB made the switch a while ago, and now most teams are run by really bright guys who do not come from a traditional baseball background. The NFL, unsurprisingly, is far behind.
  19. He uses numbers to point out what us Tyrod detractors have been saying for a long time: Tyrod is right on the cusp of being a backup QB in the NFL. You can almost come up with a QB for every team in the league better than Tyrod, but not quite. He's right on the cusp.
  20. Anyone else notice that no adult involved in this melee is at their ideal, healthy body weight? Everyone is some degree of "fat". I submit this video as piece of evidence number 187,374,249 as to why you wouldn't want to live in Tennessee.
  21. And Kudos to the Bills for trading way up to get him in the first place, right? I mean most around here loved it when it happened and hated it when he was traded off the team.
  22. No one who is not a Bills fan agrees with you.
  23. "Weaponry" in the passing game? We don't have a QB or WRs, and the OL is changed and downgraded relative to last year. Other than that, our passing weaponry should be lethal!
  24. Gabriels' view of Allen is nothing unusual or unique; I agree with what he is saying, as the OP reports it. Allen has major footwork issues, accuracy issues, and his collegiate completion % is bad. He is a huge risk and the fate of McBeane may well be tied to how well he does. It is also not unusual to suggest all the big name QBs from this year's draft may not be successful in the NFL. Every draft/scouting expert leading up to the draft pretty much indicated that each QB is flawed, just in different ways. The question is to what degree and if the flaws can be overcome to be a productive franchise QB.
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