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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Oh yes. A huge portion of Tamiya's business is all the R/C stuff. If you go to the Tamiya.com main website (not the USA version) you can click on "Browse online catalog" or some such and you can go through all the different scale R/C categories to see what is out there. I have had my eye on one of their 1:16 scale R/C tanks for a while now. They also have "glow plug" cars that actually use a small internal combustion engine for a power source instead of an electric motor! My sister had this thing. The heat source for baking the cake was a freaking light bulb! LOL http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/58354frog/index.htm
  2. Yes. They don't want any team to benefit from the knowledge of what happened in a game prior to theirs. It increases competitiveness in that manner. Let's say I am playing at 2pm, but the outcome of your game at 10:00am dictates what happens to me. I.E., if you win, I automatically go through; if you lose to your opponent, I have to win by 2 goals. If I actually play later than you, and you win, I can rest my starters and the game doesn't really matter for me. If we both play at the same time, I don't have the benefit of foreknowledge and have to give it my best shot. It's quite smart that they do it the way they do. With Italy, Germany, and USA all gone now, I will be cheering for England as greatly as anyone. Would love to see them have a strong Cup.
  3. Nah, this looks like something being filmed for a TV show or movie. Look at all the filming equipment and sound boom, etc. That's not a broadcast TV crew. Also notice how the melee breaks up cleanly and suddenly once the shot is over. All the guys trying to control the ref and the ref himself just stop. We just didn't hear "cut" or whatever. Notice applause coming from somewhere at the end of this performance, but it's quiet; no live audience of any kind making crowd noise, etc.
  4. I was just thinking..the authorities should talk to Janoris' brother before launching an investigation of greater scope. This is where the Atlanta Braves play baseball. I don't know these corporate sponsor named facilities at all. And yet he had to go out and buy that brand new big Caddy! But that wouldn't explain the bullet hole in the back of his head.
  5. I'm sure it will, so that we lose many close games by only a few points. That's pretty much how most NFL games go these days.
  6. Journalism is not an "archaic industry". The form of technology used to disseminate journalistic content is now archaic, but it is important to a democracy to have many strong, independent voices in the media. I think the industry will evolve so that there are 5 or 10 super regional papers in the country, and no others. The others will morph into online services of one type or another. LA Times, Chicago Tribune, NY Times, WSJ, Boston Globe, Washington Post...the heavyweights will survive the transition. The lesser stuff if probably going to die.
  7. A Martin guitar is one heck of a nice present! Did it look something like this? Cool bike! Great gift! I think the next big thing we will all be marveling at is spare body parts for people, which is kind of the secret to old age if you think about it. With some exceptions, most people die b/c they needed a spare body part or parts but humans don't have any to speak of. Bad eyesight? You don't wear glasses, you grow fresh clone eyeballs and install them in your head. This is all coming; just a question of how long. Oh now this is something special! These Tamiya R/C kits are fantastic and the gold standard of that industry. Like a mini little car with working suspension, motor, gearbox, etc. Nice!
  8. Never knew they left. Stuff like this is kind of gross, no? I mean what is in these things? Is it food? Or chemicals used in the modern food industry?
  9. You're focusing on the wrong side of the ball. Our D doesn't have to do anything if we don't have a QB.
  10. The World Cup has never been more up for grabs than this year. Italy and Holland don't even qualify. Germany leaves at the group stage. Brazil is still quite average and looks like the team that was destroyed by Germany 7-1 four years ago. Argentina is completely lost right now. Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Croatia...good teams, but none are great. It's wide open. Would love to see a first time winner pull it off.
  11. Looks fake; is he actually making contact? If he is and this is not fake, that's kind of strange.
  12. What qualifies McDermott as being better than Garrett, other than the fact that he coaches the team you root for?
  13. I thought our D gave up lots of yards last year going for strips instead of tackles. Hopefully we can get the turnovers without giving up the yards.
  14. To ExiledinIllinois and others: Who remembers "The Green Machine" ??? I never had one nor do I remember any kid on my street having one, but I remember the commercials. Had a weird propulsion system based on cranking the 2 hand levers back and forth.
  15. Yes, "parenting" has become highly structured, often not to the benefit of anyone. I have a good friend who is a high school teacher in WNY; he tells me it is a constant problem dealing with kids who think the world should revolve around them, b/c that is how they were raised by their parents.
  16. Legal pot everywhere in the USA is coming, and coming soon. Just a question of how long exactly.
  17. Here is another grand slam gift from my youth: the Lego "Yellow Castle". Got this some time in the mid '70s; one of my all time favorites. My buddy across the street and I had these and tortured our neighbors with that noise these things made. We used the "spinout bar" so often we burned holes in the plastic skin of the right rear tire, and our moms somehow got spare wheel parts to fix the problem, as I remember it.
  18. Absolutely one of the standout, smash-hit presents of my childhood:
  19. You know, there are a lot of people out there in the world who can't get sex. It's much easier for most women to get it than most men, but I guess this story shows even a lot of women have trouble getting laid. Whoever creates an online matchup/sex site that *safely* somehow brings together those who otherwise would have a lot of trouble getting sex is going to be the next Bill Gates in terms of net worth.
  20. As an out of town fan, this does nothing to help me, which is too bad.
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