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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You know, now that you mention it, there has definitely been less nudity/sex in S2 compared to the first season. I also enjoyed the many scenes back at the lab last year where the various "Robots" were sitting around nude! The women who worked at the brothel were pretty hot. Hasn't been nearly as much of that sort of thing this year. This reminds me: for some who have not seen Game of Thrones, some of the episodes/seasons were so heavily filled with strong sexual content...it was just fantastic. Worth watching on that basis alone.
  2. Right...that's why it's a good idea to buy them green so you have a rotation of them becoming yellow/ripe when they are home over a period of time! If I buy them yellow they are going to turn gross before I finish them. Leave them around too long and they start fermenting and the "meat" starts going translucent. I won't eat a translucent banana!
  3. The new technology and social media hasn't created anything new in human behavior. Rather, it has simply revealed something that must have always been there. I.E., give your average person a technology to create a platform promoting themselves and which is able to be disseminated to others, and a certain breed of cat is going to latch onto that and become obsessed with it. One (of many) reasons why I can't stand Facebook is most people's pages tend to be odd homages to themselves in a very narcissistic manner, usually meant to suggest an interesting, exciting life, with an interjection of sophistication. So a woman might post a selfie capturing the nice view of the vineyards in the background and her wine glass on the table at some winery, and add the caption: "Kicking back with a glass of malbec and enjoying the views in Sonoma." Meanwhile, actually knowing the person, I can connect the dots and tell you she has been looking for a man but not finding him for as long as I've known her (20 years plus) and is fundamentally a shallow, unhappy person. But that is not expressed on the Facebook post! Facebook is at least 50% this sort of thing. Meanwhile, the people that I know are leading super happy, fulfilling lives are, for the most part, not posting on social media platforms at all! They are too busy living cool lives. The social media has demonstrated what we already knew: people love to talk about themselves and usually falsely inflate their importance in the world.
  4. The cooler he died in did not go below 40 degrees F. The plot thickens
  5. Yes. People knew it was wrong to launch on such a cold day, and yet it happened. The disaster was not the result of a failed component or a mistake of engineering, it was the result of failed leadership and poor decision making.
  6. Not sure anyone listed him yet: Andre "Bad Moon" Rison
  7. I would suggest that a thick layer of CA glue (super glue) would pretty well obscure your fingerprints. There are probably other better ways to do it too. As always, these shootings involve a complex set of circumstances; it's not black and white. A few critical components tend to be: 1) crazy person 2) history of psychiatric drug prescription 3) gun 4) triggering event that puts person over the edge. If we lived in a land without guns, we would probably see much less of this. By the same token, if we had a society that got mental help more efficiently and cheaply to those who need it, we would probably see less of this as well. Making the 400 million guns in this country go away is not easy. In fact, it might be impossible. So maybe we could work on better health care? What a thought.
  8. At our Publix grocery stores down here in FL, the bananas are always displayed on a big table with normal to the left, organic to the right. The organic are more expensive and have a blue piece of tape wrapped around the bunch. It is almost impossible to get a good green normal banana, but the organic bananas are always almost all green. I suspect that has something to do with food distribution schedules to the store as much as anything, but the organic bananas are definitely always green and the normal are almost always mostly yellow. I have also noticed that organic bananas from other places, such as Trader Joe's sometimes don't ripen to a fault! Like they kind of stay green forever, it is hard to tell when it is ripe for eating, and when you finally eat it, it's not that great. I would put forth that a banana is better as a genetically modified organism!
  9. Enjoy this one b/c next year when you turn 40 ain't gonna be a lot of fun! Ask me how I know!
  10. I'm into cooking and eating good food. I have always found Whole Foods to be kind of a hit or miss, ****ty organization. Their meat counter is probably the best thing about the store. Much of their produce is nothing special but it is all way overpriced. It's not uncommon to have someone working the fish counter not really know what the hell he is doing, which at a place like W.F. is outrageous. Unfortunately, eating healthy and well in the USA is a very expensive activity.
  11. I agree; it seems about right, but a bit high. Passing game, OL, Pass rush, CBs not named White..are all concerns.
  12. You should go, based on the enthusiasm I am seeing in your posts for this event.
  13. I don't know what to make of All Holes Filled Landscaping either! Area code 515 is north central Iowa. Seems to be a joke; i.e., there is no actual landscaping company. Someone call the number and see what happens.
  14. You mean most of the female poo flingers are heavyset gals who need to get to the gym more? Or that it usually happens at McDonald's and not Tim Horton's?
  15. Being trapped in an office environment that is freezing cold like that is kind of my idea of being stuck in hell. It's so common, too! Would be nice if people could figure out how to evenly heat/cool an office space.
  16. No, that was just in my imagination. We don't know all the details; could be death by natural causes or accident; not necessarily foul play.
  17. Are you in southern Ontario? Just order online and save a lot of bother. https://www.shopthebills.com/kyle-williams-jersey-nike-home-game-buffalo-bills-jersey.aspx $100 at Bills store online. Not sure if that is a good price or what, but others here could confirm.
  18. 24 wives and 149 children. Married some of the women when they were as young as 15. Surprised this guy's private parts are still intact.
  19. Makes sense. Lots of room in Canada to spread out and get away from the zombies, not that many people to turn into zombies in the first place, and easy access to tons of guns. Canadians have lots of guns like in America. It's just that they don't kill each other with them as much as we Americans. I love how there is a real thing called the "Zombie Research Society". LMAO
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