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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Weapons and drug offenses, huh? Too bad this didn't involve prostitution too; he could have had the trifecta.
  2. Japan vs. Belgium was one heck of a fun soccer game. I was pulling for Japan, but I hate Brazil and Belgium will give Brazil a much harder time than Japan would have. Brazil v. Belgium should be a good game; both teams pretty evenly matched. Tomorrow's games are bit weak; hope we see more good soccer. It's called parking the bus and they did it to perfection. Hate to see teams who play that way rewarded with a win. Don't worry, it won't last long. Russia is horrible.
  3. For me, the winning numbers are 4, 12, and 35. #4 Pamela Rogers Turner is pretty special. She was 27 in a relationship with a 13 year old. That's one lucky kid right there. Amy Mcelhenney # 12 is hot as well #35 Lindsay Massaro---fantastic!
  4. These are 2 good examples of what this thread is about, IMO. One major thing working in favor of Nancy Kerrigan---that figure skater's ass. Oh my.
  5. So to review: In this thread, Bills fans have applauded the GM for his QB selection, decided it may not be the right choice, but determined he should remain the GM even if it was not.
  6. Be warned! Once you start smoking it is awfully hard to quit!
  7. Bogo is a bust and he is on the way out the door. Just a question of when he goes. I was all in favor of moving ROR but I'm not sure we got enough in return. We got a lot of parts, but not sure any of them add up to what we should have gotten. ROR is the best face-off man in the league and a really strong defensive center man. He is worth his weight in gold to the right team. Unfortunately, the Sabres are not the right team at this point in his career. His age is too out of whack with our developing core of players anyway. He didn't fit plus he was actively engaged in a "Trade me" campaign all last year... He needed to move on, just hope one of the pieces coming back matures into something special.
  8. Despite being somewhat heavy set and having more average looks, I think Amy Shumer is hot as hell, if you watch her in interviews and what not. She has a lot of charisma and natural sexiness that transcends her appearance.
  9. She's a better example of what this thread should be all about! She is really not pretty at all, but has a sexy factor going for her when you consider the whole package or view her form a certain angle, etc.
  10. She is also really pretty despite having kind of a fat ass and I would not consider her "average looking" at all. The idea here is to find chicks who are truly average looking but somehow overcome that. The real world is filled with such women...I am trying to come up with a few more famous types.
  11. You can find flaws in Sarah Silverman's appearance, such as her eyes are a touch too close together, etc... But I don't think you can call her average looking and including her in this list is not in keeping with the spirit of the original post!
  12. A phenomenon common among German women... Katarina Witt and Steffi Graf are both good examples of women who, in their day, had a relatively high level of hot/sexiness despite actually not being pretty at all once you get a good look!
  13. Sarah Silverman is hot and I would not put her in the "average looking" category with someone like Suzie Kolber...who is average looking indeed (but still cute). Especially when you combine Silverman's witty/offbeat/off colored sense of humor and the iron balls that she has (if you watch her standup show)....she is hot as hell!
  14. Stopped reading with the reference to Rosen not being a "leader of men." That is just made up BS that football fans talk about. News flash: he doesn't need to be a leader of men, not that anyone knows if he is or isn't. He needs to intelligently read defenses and throw a football accurately. That's it. True story!
  15. Were the batteries brought into the stadium for purposes of throwing if needed? If not, where did they come from? How do you know they were batteries? Did you see one hit the ground near you and pick it up or what? Seems like a BS story. The batteries, that is, not that someone might throw something at you at a football game.
  16. The only true "throwback uniforms" of the bunch are Green Bay and Pittsburgh. They are from a totally different world and I love both of them. Among the other "throwback logo" options, I love old Patriots, Dolphins, and Buccaneers. Here is perhaps a better poll idea: can you name a single uniform or logo that was improved with its more modern iteration? I can't think of any off-hand. Yeah, he's not the only one doing it but the concept is kind of half-witted in IMO. The name of the team isn't in question, so why the asterisk? He is trying to suggest their Superbowl championships are in question (some or all of them?) but the asterisk next to the name of the team doesn't make sense for that. Would make a lot more sense if used in the context of a reference to them being Superbowl champions in a given year.
  17. I was just thinking the league needs a more complex system of regulations regarding team uniforms. And then this info. comes out! Thank God!
  18. I think this is code for "With the prognosis on the upcoming season being what it is, ticket holders may find a greater level of pleasure in masturbation as opposed to any team related activity, such as the purchase of game tickets." "One heart beat louder" is more catchy, however.
  19. http://www.zimbio.com/The+50+Most+Infamous+Female+Teacher+Sex+Scandals Go down the list and tell us, by number, which is the hottest or the one you'd do first! (No GoBillsinDallas, I am not cutting in on your action).
  20. If you watch the video over a few times, you can clearly see the crew capsule at the front of the orbiter cleanly break away and go flying off on its own trajectory. They also found indications in the wreckage and on the in-flight telemetry that certain astronaut actions were taken post explosion. I.E., the crew almost certainly survived the explosion event and then would have been fully conscious for the trip down, ultimately dying when they hit the water. That's the longest 2:45 anyone has ever experienced. Former astronaut and shuttle crew member Story Musgrave has commented on this at length; he is 110% convinced the crew would have easily survived the explosion. I remember hearing years ago that the crew would have pulled too many Gs when the orbiter came apart, and so even if alive, they would have all blacked out and not really known what was happening. That has since been pretty well debunked. I don't think they would have pulled more than a 3 or 4 lateral Gs when the shuttle came apart. It all just adds to the tragedy of the event.
  21. McDermott made too many in-game decision making mistakes last year to be regarded as a top HC. He is still a DC masquerading as a HC until he proves otherwise. I'm sure he invokes the power of Jesus as well as any of them, however.
  22. This odd habit of the NFL playing the role of a quasi-judicial body has to stop. Did Winston commit a crime? Then let the authorities put him in jail. If he did not, let him play. Who the F is the NFL to be handing out determinations on people's conduct one way or the other? What is this, some S. American banana republic? I get that a certain percentage of NFL players, at all times, are thugs, and this creates image problems that impedes the NFL's cash flow...but let the court system function on its own!
  23. I agree the sex is used early to help build the fan base, then it tends to go away. I am a fan of both of these women below. How do others feel about the woman on the right? She has an interesting look. She's from Armenia.
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