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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. There are probably 100 names you could list here that no one would even recognize...guys who were late draft picks, especially when the draft was longer/deeper, and were the first to get cut. Those are probably the worst Bills of all time. A better topic would be "Worst Bills to start the season on the active roster" or some such.
  2. So true. Well aren't you a Sulking Sally! And who said this was a point of pride, other than you, anyway?
  3. Agree. I enjoy watching it b/c it's like 5 hours of live TV wandering around the French countryside for a few weeks. Hard not to like that. I also love how the camera crew, especially up in the helicopter, will always wander away from the peloton when something interesting presents itself. They are not afraid to forget about the bike race and zoom in on the nearest castle, chateau, church, or cathedral, and actually stick with the shot for a while. You have to assume that all the big names are cheating one way or the other anyway, so the guy who wins probably is the best. I am sure all of Lance Armstrong's main competitors (Jan Ullrich and the like) were cheating just as much as he was, and yet Lance still kicked their asses, particularly on the climbs. I think he had a drive/determination to be the best and would have been successful doing whatever he wanted in life. He also skipped the annual bike racing tour to focus on the TDF solely, which undoubtedly helped him a lot. I dislike Lance b/c he was a hypocrite, a psycho, and in total denial of his own illegal actions. Dude is a scary individual, and not in a good way. But he probably was the best cyclist of his era, cheating or not.
  4. My S.O. has a very stressful, demanding corporate job with tons of responsibility and BS to deal with on a daily basis. She tries to get to a yoga class almost every single day. She finds it very calming and it helps her remain sane. IMO, the "right" form of "spiritual practice" is whatever works for the individual. If anyone has found a ritual that works for them, stick with it. Copying what works for someone else might work, but might not work as well.
  5. Sounds f-ing horrible. This odd movement that is afoot now with every jackass and his brother making a brew in the garage and throwing whatever is at hand in the beer has to stop. The Reinheitsgebot limits the ingredient list to 4 components for a reason!
  6. The funny part is the "professionals" are about as wrong as the "non-professionals" when viewed over time with a large enough sample size. Which is why you don't trade up, you trade down. # of picks is always better than perceived value of pick on draft day. Why? Because no one really knows who will pan out, be incredible, or be terrible.
  7. Philly vs. New England rematch. NE has a pretty clear path to the big dance and Philly will be better next year with a healthy Wentz.
  8. You have a good eye. That style of design is more appropriate for corporate letterhead logo work and that type of thing. It seems out of place and wrong for a sports team logo. The current Patriots helmet logo is among the absolute worst in the NFL.
  9. If Jarvis loves Tyrod now, wait until Tyrod does his frozen deer caught in the headlights routine during a real game! He'll absolutely adore him then.
  10. Reading a few of those tweets, they both seem like really high quality individuals.
  11. Yeah, like not kicking the ball under any circumstance, unless you have to on a kick off. More idiotic BS from the NFL...what a surprise.
  12. Putting a guy like Otto freaking Graham at No. 4 overall is crazy. Was he dominating in his era? Absolutely! Is that era ridiculously primitive and outdated by modern standards? Absolutely! You can't compare players in any sport from different eras. I would not put any QB from that long ago in the top 10, I don't think.
  13. No, the most significant positional battle going into training camp is QB, and the rest don't matter in comparison.
  14. Why does everyone think Bourdain should have been rich? I doubt he ever made much working as a chef owning his own restaurant in NYC. I guess he did a book deal, that should have helped, and lately he became a TV personality, but for how long, and how much does that gig on CNN pay? I do agree that 1.3 million or whatever seems low though..but how much more should he have had?
  15. Cartrinel Menghia. The model from the Fiat 500 Abarth TV commercials.
  16. Those who agree with the OP: a couple hundred crazy Bills fans. Those who disagree with the OP: the rest of the world.
  17. The original was a cool show back in the day. I'm afraid the new one will be dumbed down, and they'll have to stretch out the content by repeating snippets before and after breaks, etc.
  18. One of my favorite footnotes from Pickett's Charge... Towards the end of the charge, when small numbers of Confederates had actually made it to the angle or even a bit into the Northern lines, the Union soldiers formed pockets of sorts such that some confederate troops were facing three walls of gunfire from 3 sides. On top of this, some union gun crews in those walls of fire were using canister shot. Like a small keg of musket balls loaded into the cannon, effectively turning it into a giant shotgun. What's more, some gun crews were double and triple loading the barrels with 2 or 3 canisters for a single shot. One report claimed that when such a gun was fired at a horse, it was effectively cut in half with the ass end effectively being vaporized. That is part of what those Confederate soldiers were marching into. Sheer craziness.
  19. I guess this is the bi-monthly TSW B word fest thread regarding ESPN. It has a slot in the rotation with: newspapers in general and The Buffalo News specifically, WGR in general and Schopp & The Bulldog specifically, Colin Kaepernick/anthem protesting (that's in another current thread), past failed Bills QBs long gone from the organization, and last but not least, Doug Marrone.
  20. If Kaepernick was an exceptional talent, teams would be fighting to get him, complete with his "distractions" and everything else. The simple fact is that Kaep's talent level + his PITA factor = blackballed by the NFL.
  21. The SNL chicks mentioned above are too attractive for this thread IMO. Neither is average looking. Princess Diana had an attractiveness that overcame her raw appearance. She was really not what you'd call pretty. Too much noble inbreeding in those genes!
  22. Yeah, the trick involves an 8 year old with a calendar and a calculator.
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