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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. If a tenant is legally living in the property and hasn't given consent to the intruder to enter, yes. Most likely. It depends regarding your 2nd point. The errand boy's actions could definitely accrue to Shady if the fact pattern is right. (Legally speaking that is).
  2. Lots of men will side with Shady in this particular instance, or anyone in Shady's role in a situation like this, simply b/c they are misogynists but don't know it.
  3. If Shady sent a guy to effectively commit a crime (like breaking and entering) and the guy committed further crimes in the process, Shady is screwed.
  4. The post says "this is her just yesterday" and the photo shows her in front of Tower Bridge in London. Is she in London? Is Shady in London? Did he pay someone to beat the woman? Is it possible to put the 2 people in the same city at the same time?
  5. I agree. I think the winner of this game beats either England or Croatia without too much trouble. My pick is France to win this semi-final, and the tournament. You must not watch much top level soccer. It is an extremely physical game and the best teams have players that are the size of power WRs in the NFL. Watch how much 1 on 1 contact there is around the ball. The best defenders are big, tall, strong guys because they have to be.
  6. That's great. That does indeed have just about every one of them. I liked the back and forth regarding trading down for more picks versus mortgaging the future "to get our guy"... Too bad the Bills F.O. didn't watch and consider this video prior to draft day.
  7. And immediately preceded some Polish guy named Rob Gronkowski who we obviously could have had instead.
  8. He doesn't know what you are talking about. Ignorance is bliss.
  9. Not the worst game, per se, I ever attended, but the one at which I was the coldest/most miserable and have always remembered for that reason. December 10, 1989, New Orleans at Buffalo, we lost 22-19. Box score has the weather as: 26 degrees, 68% humidity, 13 MPH wind, wind chill 15 degrees. It snowed throughout the game and carpet cleaning machines were brought on the field during TV timeouts to scrub snow off of the yard lines and hashmarks so you could see where the hell the field was. I got really cold in that game especially by about halftime and could not warm up.
  10. What happened to the multi-page thread dedicated to precisely this same assertion?
  11. Jason Peters...but it's not like he somehow slipped away! He was let go by a cheap, bad, ownership/management group. Vintage Bills move, actually.
  12. The litigation was based on trademark infringement, not copyright.
  13. Yeah, you (and I) and several others are in agreement on this. I have never heard an announcer, ever, say "They are going tempo."
  14. You've kind of responded to your own postulation. It's not the sun that is different in Miami, it's the site of the stadium and how it sits on the earth in relation to the sun at a given time of day.
  15. You state this as if to suggest Allen is a known commodity of high quality. He isn't, and may well prove to be worse than Tyrod.
  16. Gronk is a total meathead; a real dummy in a league full of dummies. He's also the best player of all time at his position. If he had been a Bill for his career, WNY would have loved him to death.
  17. CJ Spiller is not the worst Bills player of all time, but when you measure the amount of time he was able to stay in the lineup and short stay in Buffalo against the fairly high 1st round, 9th overall pick it took to get him...his career would have to be considered one of the bigger busts in team history.
  18. This is possible and why cheating with drugs kind of ruins sport. We'll never know who was really the best or who just had the best witch's brew for doping. I am a big fan of Greg LeMond; everyone in the sport seems to agree that Greg never cheated. LeMond points out that all the great cyclists in history, himself included, had "the big motor" meaning a freakish VO2 max number, or an ability to process oxygen. LeMond's position has always been that you can't win the TDF without the huge motor. Of note, as LeMond has pointed out, Lance Armstrong never had the big motor! Apparently none of his VO2 numbers that are on record were ever considered particularly impressive when measured against the normal professional cyclist in the Tour. However, using drugs to get an advantage and cycling go hand in hand. Fausto Coppi and his contemporaries were doing it too, usually in the form of alcohol and amphetamines. It wasn't illegal then!
  19. Speaking of broadcasters... One reason to watch the TDF (record the live morning shows to watch later) is the broadcasting team of Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. This duo is the best sports broadcasting team I know of in any sport. Witty intelligence with a sense of humor, total technical understanding of the sport, and vast reserves of historical knowledge. Once you get to know them, you'll be tuning in just to hear their calls.
  20. The weird part is that Western Civilization took a 1,000 year nap, roughly, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the beginning of the Renaissance. Everything man has developed is roughly 1,000 years late. The industrial revolution could have occurred in the 8th century, not the 18th. The first powered flight could have been in the early 10th century, not 20th, and so on. If things had progressed along this alternative timeline, we would now be 1,000 years beyond where we are in technology. Or to put it another way, whatever man will be doing in 1,000 years, we would be doing NOW. Humans will be doing some pretty impressively cool stuff in 1,000 years, for sure. Genetically grown spare body parts will be just one enormous difference; everything will be nano engineered to be perfectly efficient at a microscopic level, and there will be some pretty impressive AI in existence, for sure.
  21. Keep 'em! They will become cooler with age. Yes, the team itself was so poorly constructed and so disinterested in playing hockey last season, you can't even really judge Phil Housley's performance. For all we know he is one of the best young coaches in the NHL. How would you know otherwise? Hard to overstate how dysfunctional this squad was last season. It all falls on the players, not the coach, IMO.
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