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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. In all honesty, Incognito impressed me as being intelligent and well spoken during his second stint with the Bills. Take that foundation and add a few splashes of insanity mixed with a healthy dash of conspiracy theorist and he could have one of the more entertaining Youtube channels or podcasts out there. Call it "Time to Get Real With Richie Incognito". "In today's podcast, Richie discusses how the deep undercover state is secretly using your grocery store purchase data to better formulate chemtrail spray material to undermine democracy in the USA." I'd tune in!
  2. This photo is like a kick in the balls and a punch in the gut at the same time.
  3. May I suggest forgetting about RBs, moving into the 21st century, and focusing on acquiring a good QB? With a good QB, any RB will do.
  4. Yes, she's totally hot. She appears hotter in some movies compared to others. One thing is for sure: she can't act to save her life!
  5. Ritchie seems to be suggesting McCoy didn't do the beating himself. But no one is suggesting that. Incognito needs to be introduced to the concept of complicity.
  6. Well, this was fun for a while. Enough immersion into lowlife culture for the time being. I need a bath. I'll tune back in when McCoy is off the team or charged with a crime or crimes.
  7. The score on this was 200 crazy fans in agreement we win the division, the rest of the world: zero. The 200 just dropped to 74 with the McCoy news.
  8. We all love Fred, but I think we can do better. He's not 24 years old, you know.
  9. RBs aren't that important in the league anymore. A good one will probably filter out of someone's roster plans after pre-season and maybe we can get a good one then.
  10. Don't get caught up in this. We all known McCoy is street scum. Some will defend him forever b/c they, basically, hate women. Even if they don't know it. This is the same guy involved in a gang attack on a couple of guys in a bar. If he wasn't blessed with a lot of athletic talent, McCoy, apparently, would be either dead or in jail at his age. Just b/c a lowlife has millions of dollars doesn't mean he isn't a lowlife. See: OJ Simpson.
  11. Guess you didn't listen yesterday; Schopp spent quite a while attacking the character of McCoy, citing his past history of scumbag activity, and then pointed out (correctly) that his absence from the team won't really matter.
  12. If you're suggesting there isn't a track record of scumbag behavior from McCoy a mile long, you just aren't paying attention.
  13. And Big Ben and his history of crime is relevant to the facts in this case how again?
  14. Just when you have the culture where you want it and everyone has bought in, and the trouble makers have been shipped out, your star RB engages in a little felonious activity. Damnit!
  15. McCoy on this team or not on this team has little impact on the bottom line. He's a great talent and good for your fantasy team, but he is utterly replaceable, and his presence on the field doesn't translate to wins or losses. When he is gone, he will be replaced with another RB and the show will continue down the road. Not sure why people don't get this.
  16. Ugh, he is doing everything he can to salvage his NFL career and the big pay checks, if not stay out of jail. He knows his goose is cooked. Just a question of how well done.
  17. You got that right. That thread about finding McCoy's replacement seems more relevant now.
  18. If McCoy is off the team, we'll get another RB who slots into the same role and....the team will do about the same.
  19. Thurman Thomas in a Dolphins jersey has to be #1 !!!! I sometimes forget he even played for the Dolphins! It's like my mind blocked that out at the time for self preservation.
  20. Somewhat disappointed in the France vs. Belgium game. OK, not great, and not as good as I thought it was going to be. I'm hoping ENG vs. CRO is better. A France vs. England final would be epic. Not like there is any history of bad blood there or anything like that.
  21. Hmmm. Maybe the post important position is now RB. See McCoy girlfriend thread.
  22. You're forgetting that McCoy is a complete idiot, and so are all the other guys just like him who would benefit from your class. You can't teach an idiot how to not be an idiot.
  23. He hates women. That's how he does it. Probably divorced as well.
  24. What was unusual was that the party was for females only. I'm sure most of them on the invite list were hot, but it wasn't for "hot females" per se. It was for females.
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