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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Absolutely. The actual tone/sound of his voice, too, definitely contributed to the comedic impact.
  2. You're welcome. The recordings are not broadcasts, per se, within the meaning of FCC law, so they need not be edited for swear words and the like. Actually, there really wasn't anything wrong with what Ken said. I just think Sal thought it was about to get worse, so he dumped the call.
  3. Everyone can listen to the call; WGR records everything they broadcast for later playback. Caller was "KEN". I agree the caller didn't realize or think he was saying anything untoward. Call starts around 18:30. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/07-13-sal-capaccio-hour-1
  4. The idea was $200 to be paid every year (for a period of years) that both teams fail to win a championship. Lifetime of bet means more than 1 year, though how long, exactly, wasn't really stipulated. The payout that would have only occurred once (and would presumably mark the end of the bet) was if the friend has to pay $10,000 b/c the Bills or Sabres won a championship. Yes for both.
  5. Yes, the term "Squatting" has been used throughout this thread, incorrectly. The term refers to occupying unoccupied (or abandoned) land, which is not relevant to the facts of this case. If I went through every incorrect assertion of law/legality in this thread, I'd be here for a week. So, just enjoy the discussion and keep going! Maybe we can get to 200!
  6. I believe "perfect" and "fast food" go together like "military" and "intelligence".
  7. As the investigation drags on without much new substantive news, the thread will trickle down to a slow death. But it will then be magically revived when the first big breaking news story comes along down the road.
  8. There are no reasonable arguments to suggest he was not guilty. I don't mean the glove, I mean the DNA evidence which was all over the place. If the jury had been made up of racially impartial doctors, lawyers, college professors, and engineers, OJ would have been found guilty and in about 10 seconds.
  9. I believe the difference is that some require tickets while the others don't.
  10. For purposes of the discussion, let's assume the friend has the $10,000 and would actually pay it if he lost the bet.
  11. What was particularly funny about it was that he was obviously, badly, "acting". His mannerisms were totally consistent with a man faking a struggle to put on a glove.
  12. Don't know. Wasn't really specified. I think he just meant that as long as they are continuing to do the bet. No word on expiration/automatic annual renewals or the like! I doubt the 2 guys would live long enough for the full 50 year term. Not sure how long they realistically would consider the bet lasting.
  13. If Daboll can get CJ the ball in space, let's do it.
  14. If he takes the bet, $2,000 buys him 10 years of chances that the Bills or Sabres can win a championship....and if they did, he gets $10,000, so that's a nice profit. Then again, both organizations have been around for a long time with no NFL or NHL championships to date. Therein lies the conundrum.
  15. That photo of the Croatian Parliament is great! Keep in mind the whole country is about the size of metro Detroit. Incredible that they have so many great players. Can you imagine the citizens of Detroit putting together their own soccer team and making it to the World Cup final game!?
  16. Yes, as I understood it, that was the term of the bet. I.E., both have to lose for Dane to pay $200. But if either wins, he receives $10,000.
  17. There are actually quite a few people referenced in this thread who really DO look like the person on the plaque. Unfortunately, none of them are Brandi Chastain.
  18. She seems a little amped up. That's not the most lavish piece of property I've ever seen. Interesting to note the biting. There are a lot of biters out there. Beware.
  19. Hour 3 of Schopp and Bulldog today. Caller "Dane" (I think he said) calls in and asks Mike if he should accept this bet being offered by a co-worker. The deal is that if the football and hockey seasons both end with neither the Bills or Sabres winning a championship, Dane has to pay his friend $200. However, if either team wins a championship during the life of the bet, the other guy has to pay Dane $10,000. If you are Dane, do you accept the bet?
  20. He never should have been traded for in the first place. RBs aren't important in this league but he demands a high salary. Also, McCoy's talent doesn't really translate to wins for the Bills. The game is too big for that with too many moving pieces for a RB to impact the outcome.
  21. I agree; just posted in the other thread. This McCoy Story should now be broken up into daily threads b/c it is mostly a cesspool of one on one fighting and sheer ignorance, with non-attorneys speaking about the law in a totally ignorant manner...which does nothing to help anyone.
  22. I think there is a growing concern that Shady may well end up on that indefinite suspension list, depending on how this plays out and how long we go without him being exonerated, assuming he is even going to be. This case may well not come to some type of resolution in any quick manner. This aspect of the story will become the most relevant part given enough time. Shady could easily be suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.
  23. Agreed. Defense did a hell of a good job totally nullifying Jacksonville's offense for quite a long time. That game was utterly winnable by a Bills team with a QB who could move the freaking ball and put points on the board. As it is, we had Tyrod, and the rest is history.
  24. I don't blame you. Threads of that type should be locked after the day with new threads continuing the conversation being created by date, not subject matter. That is all anyone around here is going to be talking about, anyway, for a while. The subject isn't the relevant thing anymore. Now it's more about time and what's new since "yesterday" with each new day.
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