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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. A good old Charms Blow Pop is one hell of a good piece of candy. Introduced in 1969 and just as good now as the day they were new.
  2. Evan Rachel Wood from HBO's "Westworld" is quite pretty IMO.
  3. I used to love this stuff as a kid. I commend the company who makes it; they don't even try to play any games about nutrition or whatever. It's a pouch of artificially colored sugar and a sugar stick used to dip into it. Straight to the point. Honest. Pure tooth rot in a pouch.
  4. I think this thread should be placed up on a shelf for later retrieval, along with the "poop knife" thread. Both will make good "thread of the year" candidates when the time comes.
  5. I have faint memories of him and his show as a little kid in the '70s. He's a piece of Buffalo TV history, kind of like Irv or Tom Jolls and many others.
  6. Peter Gabriel is a good example of a very talented and naturally artistic guy whose music I rather dislike. Also on the list, for me, are The Beatles, Elton John, Billy Joel, and many other talented, famous people. Paul McCartney has to be one of the most naturally talented musicians of the modern era, on top of being massively important to the history of music. The man wrote "smash #1 hits" for breakfast. And yet I don't believe there is a single song of his that I would choose to listen to. It's interesting from the perspective of asking why we perceive certain music to be "good" and why one person likes a certain song over another. It's all about aesthetics and it's incredibly hard to define or understand how that works.
  7. This story is such a metaphor for life. One moment you are gleefully celebrating a triumphant victory, the next you are plummeting downward in a mess of shite.
  8. How about any of the Lincoln car commercials with Matthew Mcconaughey? Artificially artistic, obtuse, irrelevant to the cars they are trying to sell.
  9. The Paulaner All Fruit commercial isn't terrible! It's pretty great. I need to think of a good one and will post later.
  10. LMAO. "Shaddy" McCoy...sounds like a cartoon fish character who is friends with Charlie the Tuna. Charlie the Tuna: Shaddy McCoy:
  11. If Brandon Oliver falls though, I propose we work out cousin Oliver.
  12. If you are eating chain anything you are doing it wrong and need to be slapped silly until you start thinking clearly again.
  13. Another Morena Baccarin. She's slightly "gummy" but overall, delightful.
  14. I wonder how he celebrated... Killing a dog? Beating up current girlfriend? Juicing some gym candy?
  15. That's interesting. Just the other day, I heard that Ray Rice was named humanitarian of the year by a popular women's domestic violence shelter in Baltimore.
  16. Unfortunately, we now have a 24 hours news cycle with 10 million media outlets. They are all constantly in desperate need of content. Newsflash: most of the time, there is absolutely nothing of import to say about NFL football, especially in the off-season. Gives rise to the crap floating around these days.
  17. That is one hell of a good, fictional word you invented there!
  18. Actually, he is not a convicted rapist. Still not going to enter the HOF though.
  19. Sure you can find a handful of gorgeous women anywhere. I'm talking on a per capita basis. The average woman walking around WNY is nowhere near as attractive as a woman in Washington, DC, for example, or where I live now, in Palm Beach County, FL. I often joke with my girlfriend that I see more hot chicks in a 10 minute walk through our mall down here than you would see in a year in Buffalo. It's true. Cold climates don't support fit women. The economics of WNY are also abysmal compared to wealthier areas of the country, and money and good looks go together.
  20. Allen and Jackson 1 and 2? Both are going to be busts. Dude is a moron.
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