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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Perhaps this should be considered as the marketing tagline for the upcoming season. 2018 Buffalo Bills Football EXPECT NOTHING
  2. The quality of the 2018 and 2019 campaigns depends entirely on whether or not Josh Allen is going to be a franchise QB. If he is, we'll know it this year, and this year will not be a bust. If he is not, it's going to be a horrible year and next year won't be any better.
  3. I selected the first three, Freddy, Kyle, and Brian Morman! Mormon was, by far, the best player on the team for a while!
  4. She's certainly not the least attractive female we've ever seen, nor the prettiest. But then you have the issue of her willfully biting off a piece of a woman's nose...and swallowing it. Firm no.
  5. Ice bowl! I'd trade all of these bragging rights in a heartbeat for what is currently left of Aaron Rodgers' career...as a Buffalo Bill!
  6. This thread has slowed to a slow trickle! Does anyone have more appetizer recipe advice for Yolo?
  7. Nice eyes. [Edit] Had to look her up; pro surfer; 5'6"; 24 years old.
  8. Did Ray Rice strike you as the sort of cat who would cold-rooster his fiancee in an elevator, then drag her out of it like a piece of meat?
  9. What are those? Jawbreakers? Gobstoppers? Who remembers this line of candy? Used to love the stuff.
  10. Feel free to re-write history now if you must, but EJ is and was a horrible QB who is lucky to have a job as a backup. Hold onto that clipboard, EJ, and collect those pay checks while you can.
  11. I believe if you look up "meth addict" in any good dictionary, you'll see a photograph of Ms. Tucker. There is quite a bit of mileage on that chassis.
  12. And here is another question that has been bothering me for some time: whatever happened to the slide? What was its condition after this event unfolded?
  13. Kate Beckinsale reminds me of a slightly less pretty version of "Kate" from the TV show "LOST". Anyway, they both have a similar overall appearance IMO. She was smoking hot at one point in time, but that was a long time ago. I kind of forgot about her.
  14. Well yeah but watch again! She almost DID fall weaving through the gates. It's either a case of zero coordination/athletic ability (some people struggle to ride a bike), or 2) alcohol, or 3) perhaps being special as you put it. Actually, now that I re-think this, alcohol is probably the bet explanation here. It usually is.
  15. I have yet to see any data suggesting the kneeling turned off a single viewer. It definitely annoyed some football fans, and they definitely wished it would impact the bottom line, but there is no evidence to suggest that it did. As long as NFL ratings are super strong, people will pay $$$ to advertise during games. It's true. Baseball used to reign supreme in this country for many decades, but that era has now passed. We see random, bad, Thursday night NFL games get better viewing numbers than World Series games!
  16. None of us knows the details of what's going on, so I agree. Hope for the best and send him some positive waves/vibes/prayers however you choose to do that.
  17. Last I heard, he had joined a monastery in western Canada.
  18. The problem is that the NFL is filled with really low quality individuals with poor character. You then throw millions of dollars at them and really bad things result. It's a shame, too, because there are a lot of guys in the NFL with bad backgrounds but who do not behave like animals and show a lot of personal growth as they go through their careers making big bucks. Every time a Dareus type does something stupid, he makes everyone around him look bad. I do think teams are finally waking up to this stuff, though. They are paying more attention to the thug vs. athlete analysis and we have seen some guys slip down the drafting order beyond their natural talent level simply b/c of fears about character.
  19. I don't know he will bust with any certainty. It's about odds. Every metric that reliably predicts QB performance at the NFL level based on college data says Allen is unlikely to succeed. Or to put it another way, if he does, he will defy the odds and re-draw predictive performance metrics.
  20. I was ready to declare Reinhart a total bust last year, which would have been a big blow to our rebuild. Then came January 1st and he morphed into a different player. I still think we don't really know what we have with him long term. One thing is for sure: the flaws in his 5 on 5 game are not relevant in a PP situation. His value, long term, could be as a PP producer despite poor 5 on 5 play, and that could be enough of a reason to retain him long term.
  21. OK. I've watched the video a couple of times. I'm trying to figure out what the woman was doing exactly or how you might explain her accident. Something I have noticed among my own friends/acquaintances is that there are people out there with zero--I mean no---athletic ability or coordination trying to engage in sporting pastimes. Like I have friends who try to roller blade but are a nano-second away from crashing the entire time time they skate along. I also have friends who simply lack the coordination to ride a bicycle. I think that is what's going on here. I honestly don't think this woman's depth perception was good enough to judge that the bridge was up or that there was a drop off that she was about to fall over, until she did it. Look at how she misses the gap she rides through. She clips one of the arms with her backpack and it almost causes her to crash as she is so off balance. I just think this is a case of her daydreaming and not paying attention combined with being so athletically inept that she struggles to ride a bicycle. I'm not sure how else you could explain the video. The unfortunate part is that she doesn't really get up after she dumps the bike, b/c I guess she was knocked out. She's lucky the bridge was designed the way it was. It probably could have been designed to open a gap where she fell as it opened, in which case she would have ended up in the drink.
  22. So they've provided 5 reasons why every team in the league will make the playoffs. I suppose this is the long way of saying "No one knows what will happen but anything is possible at this time of year." 1) Sean McDermott: consistently made critical/tactical mistakes in calling games last year; don't look to him to make a winning difference in a close game. 2) Power up front on D: D Line personnel a lot different and not what it used to be; Kyle Williams now too old 3) Talent in the secondary: agreed; it's the strong point of the team 4) Winnable games inside AFC East: not likely; we may be the 4th strongest team in the division; also suffer from 2 automatic losses to NE. 5) Mysterious Golden Nugget: Didn't click the article to find out what that is.
  23. I would suggest it's possible but rather far fetched.
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