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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. It was quickly on its way to doing just that when the NFL stepped in and brought it right back to center stage. LOL. Idiots!
  2. McVay's GF is Veronika Khomyn....she's Ukrainian.
  3. We already knew Steven Ross was a douche bag, but we didn't know this BIG of a douche bag. We're going to find out who has balls on the Miami Dolphins. I hope every guy on the team joins hands, takes 4 steps forward away from the sideline, and KNEELS just as the singer starts in with "oh say can you see". Let this asshat suspend his entire team. Around here, it's "mute" point, rookie. That is what I am praying for, and frankly, it is the only appropriate, acceptable thing for the players to do. All of them.
  4. Just be careful, these skinheads could be your neighbors.
  5. Just recently I was watching this show where they suck up gold dust from the bottom of the ocean in Alaska onto ships. Show is not that great but still interesting enough for a view or 2. I am also a huge fan of "Forged in Fire" about forging knife/sword blades, which is also on these sorts of TV channels. I've noticed National Geographic is suddenly airing a lot of new, not seen before, WWII content, some of which has been OK.
  6. Not to make light if your dog dying, but it seems to me we have the makings of a good country music song here. "My dog died, my kid **** on the slide at the restaurant, and my truck broke down...." How's your truck doing?
  7. I have a good friend from Birmingham, AL. He tells me the really smart kids in Alabama get the hell out and go to a real school elsewhere. The sort of smart kids stick around home and go to Auburn. The bottom feeders go to University of Alabama. LOL. Roll tide!
  8. How about the early phase of his career, which was equally horrible? He was criticized for not trying or caring. Then we heard about his "injured hand" blah blah bah. His stint was too up and down to be considered a great F/A signing in my opinion.
  9. Which one was that? Buf Sem? Sacred Heart? Holy Angels? I think they have all closed at one point or another.
  10. Don't make this more complicated than it needs to be. Our success or lack thereof this season (and beyond) will depend entirely on the development/success of Josh Allen. Everything else is a distraction.
  11. The quality of your QB and passing game is pretty much game, set, and match in the NFL these days. It's still too early to be adamant about our record for 2018 however, one way or the other.
  12. Lawson's development has been what I'd call slow and frustrating for a guy taken 19th overall. So far, not living up to expectations commensurate with that draft position.
  13. I tuned in for a bit while eating some food. This show is unwatchable.
  14. All kidding aside, her mug shot looks like one of the zombies from The Walking Dead.
  15. This is more or less what I was thinking. I.E., the percentage is not relevant. What is relevant is your knee either working correctly, or not. Whatever he had going on in there was obviously working.
  16. You must be another who digs the book expert from Pawn Stars. I think she was referenced earlier in this thread, or maybe one of the other ones.
  17. I'm not a big Tom Hanks fan. I have always wondered how he managed to end up in so many films given his talent level. I guess the answer is his movies tend to be financially successful, and that's how you get repeat work in Hollywood.
  18. Hmm. Don't know that one! I'll look it up.... So sour tasting gum balls? Sounds good!
  19. That's a pretty good sized nibble taken out of that nose! I've never bitten a piece of a nose off someone's face before, but knowing what I know about my own nose and biting food, I would think that would actually be pretty hard to do. That must have been a heck of a good chomp to get a big chunk like that out of there. What the hell is wrong with people?
  20. I've been hoping Tom Brady will fall off that same cliff for quite some time!
  21. I have always felt it was a perfect storm of many variables working out just right for the Giants to win and us to lose. Replay the game 4 more times, and we win 4 out of 5.
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