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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. The first episode airs on Tuesday, August 7th, at 10:00pm. Will definitely be following this one this year. Should be interesting.
  2. Where does this line of thinking come from? You know, that Allen is the Man, but he won't quite be ready for Week 1, so he'll start the season late. Where does that come from? If he can go in Week 5, he can go in Week 1. And he ain't gonna get any better holding a clipboard on the sideline and going to meetings. Unless he is a tire fire who simply can't be put on the field, he is your Week 1 starter.
  3. To the OP: get some professional help regarding your Buffalophobia. Not everyone on the planet is out to get all things Buffalo-related. Try and relax.
  4. Was this not the "Budweiser Sports Line With Paul Maguire" ??? Great show in its day. I always had the feeling Paul was nursing his 6th Bud around the time the show started. But then again, he came across as the kind of guy who needs to down a case of beer to get a slight buzz.
  5. Something to be considered in your line of work, with regard to the parents, is that most people in this country are f-ing idiots. I mean really dumb people. Consider that 1 in 4 Americans thinks the sun revolves around the Earth. Sounds like you are doing a good job in protecting the kids.
  6. Have you considered getting out of the combat chopper piloting game? Too much time in a combat zone will do that to you.
  7. I'm the square root of 2200.
  8. She's 10 years younger than me. I spent 5 years of my life living with a woman 10 years older than me. I totally agree with you. There were many benefits/nice aspects to being with an older woman. How old are you? Makes a difference regarding the validity of your 10 year plan. Anyway, dust off your pants, hop right back on that horse, and get in the game, cowboy!
  9. Make no mistake: the plan at OBD is to get Josh Allen on the field as quickly as possible. Any other QB thought is a footnote.
  10. I think it's common to get frustrated or have things not come out right if you are highly emotional or angry at the moment. Though I guess it was more than just that for you. Mead's advice to write things down and practice saying them out loud to the mirror is a good idea. Or maybe you can say them to another person you trust to make it seem more realistic (practicing). I have read about panic attacks but haven't experienced one myself. I would think that would be super frightening, at least until you are aware of them and learn to deal with them.
  11. When you say today was a little rough, what do you mean? What happened?
  12. This. We are likely to see two different Bills defenses this year. The first half D that is great, and the tired second half D that gives up points.
  13. In general, NFL places way too much emphasis on muscle building and power; should be much more concerned with flexibility, especially at a position like CB. Interior linemen? OK, power is important, but flexibility is key to staying on the field. These guys are so tight and muscle bound they sit down the wrong way at the lunch table and something pops.
  14. I don't have a single memory of seeing Jim Kelly chew tobacco back in the day. You can see that little round can in the ass pocket of most baseball players, or a random shot will show them "putting a pinch between their cheek and gum" in the dugout...but I have no memory of anything like that with Jimbo. I guess it makes sense if he never chewed.
  15. OH no, here comes 20 pages of "stadium" talk. Again.
  16. The age group around here is refreshingly older. For some reason, Sabres forums absolutely reek of 20-something millennial snarky pricks.
  17. Equally no interest in brewing, nor would anything I casually make at home be anywhere near as good as my favorite store bought brews.
  18. Just scanned down page 1 of TSW for the first time today. Nothing but pure garbage. Luckily camp starts tomorrow.
  19. ...in week 4. And then start to rationalize why the 5 INTs were a fluke and Peterman can actually be a great QB.
  20. Disagree with the bolded, but otherwise agree with most of what you are saying here. I also agree that at this point, Allen is the guy and now it's time to see what he can do. The entire story of this training camp is the progression of Allen and if he is going to start Game #1 for the team, or maybe a little bit later. I am totally opposed to the myths that he needs to "sit and watch" or "be developed behind a veteran QB" and all that sort of thing. He needs to play and play soon.
  21. A guy like Oliver is not a difference maker on an otherwise bad team, or team without a QB. You say we have our QB of the future. Do we? What's his name? You don't mean Allen do you? Jury is out on him, big time.
  22. He's definitely more intelligent and well spoken than your average pro football player.
  23. This is the sort of thing I have been saying since the moment we drafted him. He is a perfect test case for old school "I know what I see" football people vs. new age data driven analysis. The former loves his size, arm strength, and potential; the latter suggests he is highly unlikely to become even a serviceable NFL QB. There is tremendous optimism for his success at this forum, but it is not rooted in persuasive data. It is simply a function of many good Bills fans being beyond desperate to finally have a real QB. It's been a while.
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