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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. She is a strong "Maybe" as this photo obviously doesn't capture her finest moment and I bet she cleans up better than what we see here. I enjoyed that the article mentions she drives a white Honda.
  2. I see she is a big hockey fan, as she has made it clear in the story this was first ever encounter with a hockey puck. Assuming her implant was ripped open and crap was floating around inside her chest, that is a fairly serious situation...I think. That happened to a woman on "Naked and Afraid" who had breast implants and she has to leave the show immediately and have surgery.
  3. Buffalo summers are indeed lovely. But consider that Florida winters are twice as long and feature identical weather! Then you get to the "bad" time of year (like right now) and have to endure sunshine, green grass, flowers, warmth, and many trips to the beach. You'll never have to shovel or snow blow heat out of your driveway at 6:00am so you can drive to work and every aspect of society down here is air conditioned, unlike much of Europe for example. I do miss nice, warm autumn days in WNY. But not that badly! If I did, I could fly up there and visit friends and family, and honestly, I don't do that as much as I should anymore.
  4. Nice bike you have there! Ever dump the bike or have an incident you'd care to discuss? They're both fun to ride until a friend sees you on one! That's an old one. What topic? What happened? Where am I?
  5. Couldn't disagree more. The league is attempting to eliminate the classic "using the helmet as a weapon" type of hit which has become in fashion in more recent years. It is not basic human extinct to launch your head at an opponent. Whatever happened to proper tackling form being taught as "keep your head up and see the guy you are tackling" ??? As long as this rule is sensibly enforced, I don't see a problem with it. Absolutely! As equipment technology has progressed in the modern era, players have developed a feeling of invincibility, which has led directly to the type of hitting they are now trying to eliminate from the game. The NHL has gone through a similar transformation in the last 20 or 30 years. What used to be simple, basic padding has been transformed (in hockey) into body armor. If NFL football was played wearing cleats, shorts, and a t-shirt, this type of hitting would not exist, and Ryan Shazier would still be walking properly and playing in the league.
  6. Here is a shot I got of Edmunds at the end of practice as it was starting to get dark.
  7. I'm guessing she was wearing a wig which was required to be removed prior to taking the mug shot.
  8. I lived in WNY for 29 years, then moved out nearly 20 years ago. Having lived in much warmer climates and now in south Florida, I can tell you I would be physically incapable of dealing with a Buffalo winter again. It's 6 months (more or less) of crap, gray sky, cold, snow, ice, and waiting for life to return again. That is way, way too much "waiting to live" as our life spans just aren't very long. Honestly, the more I am away from a WNY climate, the more I wonder how people are capable of dealing with it.
  9. I believe a number of bikes over the years have had "reverse" pedals. I.E., brake on left, shift on right.
  10. I was at that game with some friends, sitting way down low in like the first or second row in the front corner of the end zone, opposite the tunnel end. When the ball came down to our red zone, it was pretty dramatic being so close to the action and the crowd noise was incredible. When the ball went over the 50 yard line toward the other end of the field, you had no depth perception and it was difficult to tell what the hell was happening.
  11. He was actually the first vehicle in line and she was the second. But point well taken. I am a gear head way into cars and racing, driving my car at the track, etc. I love everything about bikes and would greatly enjoy simple things like cleaning one, maintaining it, changing the motor oil or brake pads...the sound of the engine...I certainly don't need it as transportation or a practical vehicle in any way. I am debating if it is possible to enjoy bike ownership in this manner. I.E., only ride it around my neighborhood and less congested areas; never ride in the rain; never ride on the highway; maybe even go so far as to only ride when it is really, really safe, like 6:00am on Sunday mornings where you might pass a handful of vehicles in a spirited 1/2 hour ride. I would never take a bike up on the highway! Anything goes wrong and you are either dead, crippled for life, or missing a lot of your skin. I live in Florida where we do not have any helmet laws for motorcycles. I would suggest *most* riders down here do not wear a helmet. It is always hot, too, and so it is very common to see them riding a bike with a t-shirt on and no helmet, or something like that. And there they are zipping around in traffic. I honestly can't believe people would do that. Even a little "fender bender" of an incident and they are going to go off that bike. Even if they are only going 20 mph if that bare head hits the pavement, it's game over! Little incidents can happen very quickly, without warning, and even if the rider is highly attentive/cautious in his riding style. So to not wear a helmet is kind of like having a death wish IMO.
  12. I am watching a youtube channel right now with a guy who owns a motorcycle and he is riding it around the San Fran area, videotaping and talking into a mike in his helmet as he goes. On one of his videos, he is stopped at a red light. A woman is stopped behind him in some sort of mid-size car. As the light turns green, the woman basically forgets there is a vehicle in front of her and just drives into the back of the bike, such that the car went up and over a piece of the bike. The rider just kind of fell off to the side and was basically OK. The bike was totaled. Woman is like "Gee, sorry about that, no idea what happened" as if to basically say "I'm a f-ing idiot. Sorry." It is precisely this person (and millions like her) that scare the crap out of me.
  13. Play the game four more times for a total of five, and we win four of them! We were the better team. The Redskins were absolutely the better team in the second SB. The 2 Cowboys? Hard to say; we so badly underperformed/choked in both of them (at different times in different ways) that it is hard to get a good gauge. The Dallas team at that time was very good, no doubt. I think most fans agree we were the better team in 1, definitely NOT the better team in 2, and then the two cowboy games are more of a toss-up with varying opinion. I still think the 2 teams in those last two superbowls were pretty even and we could have won both of them if we had not choked and cracked, or if we did not have it in our collective team head that we could not win the big one. We definitely lost as a team; the FG miss at the end is just the most obvious thing to put your finger on so it stands out. I think most Bills fans understand this and ironically, hold no grudges against Norwood. "Ironically" because the game has been come to be known as "wide right" or the game of the missed FG but no one, at least in Buffalo, really views it in that way. That's probably because we have a better understanding of the team/game and view it with more nuance and complexity than your average national media pundit.
  14. I guess hindsight is 20/20, but the Giants were putting as few as TWO defensive lineman on the LOS and doing everything they could to take away our fast passing attack. They were daring us to run, and we were a hell of a good running team with a dominant O line and Thurman and my man Kenneth Davis. Right away we should have said "Oh you want to play it that way, huh?" And rammed the ball down their throats. When they compensated to stop that, THEN you hit them with the passing attack but without 6 or 7 DBs flying all around the field. Our coaching staff including Marv Levy, simply put, was not good enough to operate on that kind of level. Totally alter what we had been doing and go with the flow as needed to win on the spur of the moment. F-ing BB and Parcells were.
  15. Sal C. is an idiot, full stop. And of course Allen is going to get first team reps! He's going to be the week 1 starter. I'm sure McD and crew have a road map planned for the QB rotations and how they want to get it done, but it should be no surprise that Allen is the priority in training camp Well, for Sal C., maybe that is a surprise.
  16. Preseason football sucks, and 4 games of it is outrageous. I can see 1 or maybe 2, absolute tops, to help coaching staffs evaluate their own talent and figure out who they want to keep. Anything more than that is absurd. The goods news is that every year, those pre-season games come....and then they go away again, and then real football starts.
  17. The O line Dallas had at that time was indeed dominant and fantastic. Erik Williams, Stepnoski, Nate Newton...a hell of a unit and those guys were HUGE, particularly by the standard of that era.
  18. He will start Game 1. It is, and has always been, entirely about him. Any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous.
  19. I never had that feeling of not wanting them to get back to the Superbowl! I will admit to having become pretty jaded by the time #4 came up. I had given up hope at that point and assumed it would be a loss. Of course once the game started, I was right back into it again believing we'd finally get the job done. Tampa, not Miami.
  20. Had to look her up, and now I see she is the star of this HBO miniseries I'm watching now called "Sharp Objects." She is a good candidate for this. She's remarkably average/not super hot looking for a young female actress these days.
  21. I'm trying to picture the brainstorming session at the ad agency for this commercial. Someone says we need a concept for a 30 second TV ad for an ophthalmic solution for relieving eye soreness/redness. Guy in back shouts out: "I've got it! 5 hot chicks; early 20s; all wearing short skirts...dancing." "Perfect!" "Let's do it!"
  22. Have you ever read a news article discussing the phenomenon of female teachers having sex with underaged male students? Ever been in a Turkish prison? Do you like movies about gladiators?
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