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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Don't get too caught up in these micro reports on what's happening at camp with the QBs. They are all going to do good things and bad, look great and look horrible. What's important is someone offering a little judgment over the trend of all the reps and practices as a whole. We haven't really seen that yet. Who is improving steadily, if anyone? Who is regressing? Who is constantly performing well, if anyone? That's the important thing to try and find out. I guess we need more time. Camp is still pretty new.
  2. Leno has never been a politically oriented comedian, and he'd be the first to mention that. Also, The Tonight Show on NBC is a certain kind of show attracting a certain kind of audience and that is not the place for a comedian host to be edgy. It just wouldn't work. I'm thinking back to the short ives "Dana Carvey Show" on NBC. I think it survived 4 weeks or so, and that was a miracle. Dana was on and over the cutting edge with some brilliant stuff on that show. The bean counters in upper management panicked, and the show was cancelled.
  3. And to add: * can you recommend any good TV series? * what are your memories of being required to swim naked while at school? * what average looking woman are you attracted to?
  4. Most "sports" stories in the media, at any point in time, don't really have much to do with sports.
  5. You forgot about the part where he was the active General Manager of the team. His sympathizers at this forum have been telling me for a while that he was tutored by John Butler and was an astute "football guy" after so many years in the football game. I fully understand that he is a talented marketer/business guy. That is precisely my point. He is not and never was a football guy, yet this organization pretended he was for a very long time. Football guys lose jobs and get new jobs at....other football teams. Not baseball cap companies.
  6. I think the stepdad is a strong contender to be the murderer as well. There was a scene in one of the episodes where someone said the crimes are akin to rape, i.e., the perp is in need of exerting control over the victim. So the cops should look for someone who has no control in his/her regular life. The stepfather fits that description perfectly. I started out enjoying the whole thing with written words appearing in the episodes at various times, and was pausing/rewinding to read what they were showing us...but ultimately I think it's just there as candy for those who enjoy following such things. I don't think it will have any impact on the plot, nor do I think they are trying to reveal something important to us by the words they show. As an aside, I'm glad I don't have the compulsion to slice my skin open with a razor blade! That is nasty.
  7. The writing and acting is really good, across the board. But I don't disagree with most of your negative review. It is pretty bleak. Any theories on who the murderer is? I have been saying from the word "go" that it is either the controlling mom who runs the town, or she is at least in on it and knows who the murderer is, but protects him/her for some reason. I also think the murderer will prove to be a woman, largely b/c the show has gone out of its way to make it clear the killer will be a man.
  8. Parity in the league means the margin of victory one way or the other, in most games, is very minimal. Makes picking a winner quite hard. It wasn't always this bad. Back in the Superbowl years, my father and I would anxiously study the schedule for the upcoming season the moment it was released, and calculate our anticipated record for the entire season. We were never off by more than a few games. That's because there was a lot less parity in the league back then and we had a fantastic team. The trick was picking the handful of losses we'd suffer and to whom.
  9. Chad Kelly has always seemed like he does not have enough of "it" to be a successful QB in the NFL.
  10. Thanks for your input. So tell me about the time you put the bike down. Or have you been lucky?
  11. Who's watching? What do you think? We are now through 4 episodes and it is slowly getting better. The pace of the show is too slow; it focuses on the various character relationships more than the actual murder mystery (would prefer it the other way around), and it relies way too heavily on gimmicky flashbacks or flash forwards or fantasy sequences such that it is sometimes hard to know what the hell is going on. Still pretty good TV though, as is the norm for HBO.
  12. I watched this video earlier tonight. This is a 2016 959. Rider was laughing uncontrollably and giddy with the power. At one point he actually says something like "You might want to have some riding experience before you ride this bike or you might find yourself sliding along the ground." Great bike and I love that twin sound it produces.
  13. People love to B word about taxes in WNY, but you can buy a house there at a massive discount relative to most of the rest of the country. That's a huge factor in considering cost of living. Also, life isn't about how many nickels and dimes you saved this month, especially if you are retired and closer to the end of the ride. Go where there is stuff to do or a place that meets your interests/lifestyle and keeps life fun and interesting. I'd go out of my mind living in the Dakotas, regardless of how great it is for retirees according to some study.
  14. Going from an NFL team to a baseball cap company only makes his involvement at a high level with the Buffalo Bills, for so many years, that much more embarrassing.
  15. And if they have fundamental deficiencies, they are almost never coached out of them. This is why "waiting to play Allen until he is ready" is a myth. Get him in there and get him in there right away. He is either going to have it, or not have it. No need to waste any time figuring out which it is.
  16. Land of the Lost was one of my absolute favorite Saturday morning shows as a kid. The sleestaks scared the hell out of me! And for God's sake, how is it possible that I don't remember this blonde!? Holy sh......
  17. I've read some good reviews of the bike. There will always be resistance, though, from the faithful who think a Ducati has to be a V Twin and anything other than that is wrong. It's like the resistance Porsche went through when they moved to the first water cooled 911s in the late '90s. Your advice to avoid a liter bike as a first bike is probably very sound. (LOL). Many driving instructors have told me the wisdom of tracking my Mini Cooper as opposed to some super car, b/c you have to ask how fast you want to be going when you get into trouble on a track. My Mini's limits are low enough that I can get out of trouble...in a 911 Turbo forget it. You're going to hit something, hard. Every track event I go to, one or more cars are flat bedded off, and it's usually the high powered stuff. Maybe I should take a look at the 959 Corse. Only 150 bhp
  18. I'd be eager to hear a report as well. But having read some of the details of train travel, I'm thinking flying on a plane isn't such a bad idea, and I hate flying on planes.
  19. If he's a deer in the headlights, you drafted the wrong guy. Play someone else and ramp up the college QB scouting program.
  20. Jesus what a horror story. I'm down here in Palm Beach County. The amount of really old guys driving around in obscenely expensive/powerful cars is just insane. They'll be in a 500+ bhp Bentley clogging up the passing lane going 50mph and looking like they are at death's door...harnessing about 10% of the car's performance that they paid $220K for. Apparently they thought the car would make them feel young, or something like that.
  21. Ducati Panigale V4. I follow Ducati like a religion; cheer for them in Moto GP, have toured the factory in Bologna....the whole nine yards. These are the stories that are all too common among bike riders. On a fast bike, you have 3 potential enemies: other vehicles on the road around you, the bike itself and/or your ability to control it particularly at speed, and the environment, like an ice patch or wet leaves or a huge pot hole. I think I have enough faith in the bike, me, and the environment for those factors not to scare me away. Other people/vehicles on the road? I wouldn't trust them to be able to spell their own name correctly, let alone put my life in their hands. It's for that reason that I honestly would probably limit the riding to unusual times for simple joy rides. Pick roads/routes carefully and drive them at times when it is not raining, there is ample day light, and few vehicles. A bike like a Ducati (what I want) is a toy meant for limited use anyway. It's not like I'll be commuting to work on one every day in a crowded metro area. But still...I'm scared to death of the whole thing!
  22. Good post, thank for the input! What scares me is that you can do everything right going by the book, be super cautious, be ultra vigilant...and *still* if your number is up, it's up. Some accidents absolutely can be avoided. It's the ones that can't that scare the hell out of me. Without question I would take the safety courses and learn proper vehicle operation, etc. I'm a gear head and do several track days a year in a car. So much of what you experienced cyclists are saying about awareness, etc., is nothing new to me. It doesn't help that the bike that calls my name weighs about 400 lbs. and has 200 bhp! Each horse pulling a whopping 2 pounds. Power to weight ratio to die for. Wait, bad choice of words.
  23. Maybe not the oldest or first thing I remember watching on TV, but... Who remembers "Mr. Dressup" on Canadian TV? Back in the day, we Buffalonians were lucky to not only have the standard 3 big network channels, PBS, and Channel 29 (making a whopping 5 in total) but also, as I remember it, CHCH Chanel 11 from Hamilton, CFTO Chanel 9 from Toronto, and CBLT Channel 5, the Toronto arm of the CBC. I have very clear memories of watching kids' stuff on Canadian TV as a kid in the '70s, but not really grasping that I was watching stuff from a foreign country. I remember watching news and seeing weather with celsius references and what not...I knew something odd was afoot, but I was not quite sure what. Good times.
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