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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Not as bad as the warnings suggested. I enjoyed the fact that the woman in the fuchsia top didn't see a need to wear a bra. I bet all these chicks are fantastic in bed.
  2. Looks like someone is suffering from a severe bout of yellow fever! I have always been a fan of buffets featuring all types of Asian cuisine.
  3. So to review: He's terrible and horrible, but also fine and does a good job.
  4. I went through a Doors phase in like 8th grade, I believe. I listened to all their stuff over and over, to the exclusion of almost everything else. That lasted about a year, and then I got out of it. I don't dislike their music now, but I don't really listen to it anymore either.
  5. This is very tough. No way I could strip it down to absolute Top 5, but this grouping would be one permutation for sure. I couldn't imagine the world without the music from these 5 albums; I listen to it all, all the time, and this is some of my absolute favorite music. Led Zeppelin I Led Zeppelin II Led Zeppelin IV or "Zoso" Miles Davis Kind of Blue Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon
  6. I hear you. The show has chosen to focus more on character development and the interpersonal relationships of the various characters than developing the actual crime plot in a traditional manner. I wish it was just the other way around. It's really not a traditional "who done it" show, and it suffers for it.
  7. Picking up where Joesixpack left off, and excluding the stuff about actual food, show us your favorite dishes from any nationality around the world. I'll go first. One of my favorite Spanish dishes, Penelope Cruz: One of my very favorite French dishes from back in the day, former Chanel model and actress Carole Bouquet:
  8. This is probably my favorite Mexican dish.
  9. I have been critical of the show for the same reason. It definitely moves a bit too slowly IMO. There is still enough there for me to see it through to the end. What is it? 8 or 10 episodes?
  10. Is it possible Joe B. and his ilk don't have a clue as to what they are watching? Or that their observations may differ from those of the coaching staff?
  11. "Discluding" isn't a word, but I give you top marks for creativity.
  12. As Sam Monson from Pro Football Focus said yesterday, start Allen from Game 1 and let him learn on the job. Neither of the other 2 guys is going to play into the Bills future plans, so might as well get Allen in there and see if he can do it. Suggesting that this somehow "ruins" Allen is just dumb BS.
  13. Almost everyone who studies such things has the Bills as a major regression candidate for this upcoming season. Just yesterday on GR-55, Pro Football Focus' Sam Monson mentioned he predicts the Bills to regress this season. Went so far so as to suggest we made the playoffs sort of "by mistake" last year while the team was being torn down, but we won't have the same luck this year, in part because of the QB situation and in part b/c we are highly unlikely to enjoy the same turnover ratio that we had for the first half of last season.
  14. If Allen can't reliably hit short passes right from the get-go, why should we think he will be able to do it later on? The Bills should address the Allen question right away. Play him and if he has it, he'll slowly improve. If he doesn't have it, we'll all know it, and we can move on to the future. The irony, of course, is that the collective McBeane future is somewhat tied to Allen's success, so from a self-preservation perspective, the incentive is to delay Allen's progression, not accelerate it.
  15. I hate when I, as a Bills fan, am associated with the table smashing idiots.
  16. Thanks for posting. This is handy to have. Nice that half our games will be live on national TV!
  17. That hoverboard makes a thermite grenade look like a birthday candle. Jesus Christ.
  18. I think they will do just that, if they can. The question is whether or not Allen is capable of being ready or if he is just too far away right now. I hope he is brought along much more aggressively than what LaConfora outlines in his piece. Sounds like the first pre-season game is going to be a critical road marker for all the QBs and Allen in particular.
  19. Well, most people who follow the sport closely and are not Buffalo Bills fans think we will win about 4 games this year. So there's that. If Allen defies the odds and is a hit, we could be on the brink of something special. If he is a miss as anticipated by most, we're in no different position than usual. The organization, as a whole, is definitely more sound right now than it has been in a long time. I've been saying that since the beginning with McBeane on board. The franchise has been flushed clean, finally, and I do think the arrow, writ large, is pointing up.
  20. Who is standing out in the secondary? Typically two cornerbacks, and two safeties. Sometimes additional defensive backs are brought on the field on presumed passing plays. That's the nickel and dime back.
  21. Harrison Phillips has to be the heir apparent as fan favorite pending the retirement of Kyle Williams, especially now that Fred Jackson has been gone a while. The fact that they play the same position and are similar types of players is interesting too.
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