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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Joe: "Hey Bob, come here. I have a new beer I want you to try." Bob: "Oh yeah, what is it?" Joe: "It's a new brand, recently on the market. Give it a taste and see what you think." Bob: (Takes a good sip) "Hmm. That's interesting. It has a certain flavor running through it. Kind of....I don't know...it's kind of a little skunky." Joe: "Yeah, it's fermented with vaginal yeast." (Bob punches Joe in mouth). End scene.
  2. Watch the dog! Just as the guy pulls the plug from the wall, it starts to really smoke. The dog immediately reacts by throwing it in reverse and hops back a couple of steps, then turns around takes off for the exit, as if to say "I've seen enough, I'm outta here!" Smart little guy!
  3. I saw the commercials for Succession and was hoping it would be good. I then watched the first 10 minutes of episode 1 and pulled the plug. Didn't do it for me. Have been watching Season 1 of "Bored to Death" on HBO this week. 1/2 hour episodes but a pretty fun, well written, light TV show. Ten Danson is good in it.
  4. By the time Eichel, Mittelstadt, Dahlin, etc. are firing on all cylinders, Skinner will be at a different place in his career. He may still be as productive as now, but he may not be as well. This team is still a way's away.
  5. As long as you aren't working, buy yourself a nice bottle of scotch (Highland Park 12 Year in the $55 range or better would be perfect) and have a couple of drams. You will feel great in general, and you will not notice the throat pain, or any other pain for that matter. Seriously, if it's bothering you that much, get a little tipsy. Kills pain. In the US Civil War, shots of whisky were used as pain killer prior to amputations if you can believe it. One shot for enlisted men, 2 shots for officers.
  6. There was a thread on this a few weeks ago, wasn't there? Vaginal yeast used to make beer? Yeah, gross.
  7. The gap between big markets and small markets in modern sports is huge, and interesting to follow. Gradually, over time, it feels like the natural progression will be to eliminate the small markets and then this battle will be over. I hope that takes a long time, though, and somehow Buffalo manages to slip through the cracks. And Green Bay.
  8. Lamar Jackson is, was, and always has been the epitome of a "bust" waiting to happen. That's not based on last night or a 1 game judgment. Just wait a while if you don't believe me. Had the game on tape-delay in the background. Once they started the procession of sappy interviews with the HOF inductees during gameplay, had to turn it off. They weren't even really covering the game at that point.
  9. I highly doubt a weight room translates to wins, but it's still nice to see ownership's commitment to improving both organizations and a willingness to spend cash. The Pegulas have done a LOT of this sort of thing with both teams. It demonstrates how Pegula's wealth and his desire to spend it can help both teams, at least on paper, beyond the confines of a salary cap.
  10. The billionaires who own the league aren't concerned with what you like. They are concerned with maximizing profits, and a dinosaur of a stadium like we have doesn't do that in 2018. That's the answer.
  11. AJ is a middling talent by NFL standards and exists on this roster solely to pass time until Josh Allen is the man. If/when Josh Allen proves he isn't the man, we'll be looking for another QB to be the man, and it won't be AJ.
  12. I agree Darnold is going nowhere, but what about Aaron Donald?
  13. Watch the interception Peterman threw in the playoff game last year. The ball was thrown way late, but it was thrown so weakly. He just doesn't seem to have an NFL arm.
  14. Not sure Skinner's career sweet spot (which is right now) jibes with our window (still several years away) but he will probably bring a 1st round draft pick if we move him at the deadline. That would give us FOUR 1st rounders next year. If we re-sign him, we get a legit even strength scorer. He loves to dive and I am not a big Skinner fan, but value for value, we easily win this trade.
  15. I don't understand this rationale. What is he going to be able to do next season, for example, that he can't do this season? He will learn by doing, and he will either have it or not have it. You don't need a 5 year plan and constant tutoring to see if a QB is going to work or not work. I don't recall lots of hesitation and reluctance to play Jim Kelly when he became a Bill. He was leaving the Mickey Mouse USFL and in theory, there could have been question marks regarding his transition to the NFL. No one was suggesting adjusting him slowly, etc. Why? Because he could play. And everyone knew it.
  16. Zeppelin I-IV are their finest work. Houses of the Holy is OK, and it was all downhill after that. Of the first four albums that form the backbone of their work, III is easily the weakest. I guess that's why it tends to get passed over.
  17. A fight over free cheese samples at Costco. By two septuagenarians, no less. Further evidence of civilization in decline.
  18. Agree with most of this except the part about AJ starting most games this season. No way. Allen will be the man and very possibly from Game 1. Just a question of whether or not he is truly unable to start Game 1 b/c he is too much of a tire fire at that point in time. If he can go, he'll go, and when the other QB options fail early, Allen will go then. Yeah but "sitting and learning" is a myth. No QB develops while "sitting and learning". He will learn by doing.
  19. That's because they are all mediocre talents, which at this level means inconsistency. Hell, EJ threw some nice balls on occasion. So did Tyrod. They can't do it often enough though.
  20. There is no reason whatsoever to watch this game, except b/c it's the first dose of football in a long time and we are all in need of a fix. That will wear off by the end of the first quarter, if it lasts that long. I'll be watching.
  21. I think you guys are selling Nina short, at least back in the day. She wasn't gorgeous, but she was hot enough and her voice was to die for.
  22. Please distinguish between a Harley type sound and a Ducati type sound. One sounds like an annoying lawn mower, the other is a symphony to be enjoyed. Listen to this at the 30 second mark and beyond. If you think that is "noise" you just don't have a clue.
  23. Absolute "Yes" back in the day and absolute "Yes" now. She's aged extremely well. I always found Nina Blackwood hot back in the day too, and she had the sexiest voice of all time. But the years haven't been as kind to her. PS: Didn't realize Triple J passed away in 2004.
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