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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Let's write a group story. You can only write 1 sentence in your post. Each successive post carries the story forward as that poster sees fit, but the new post should logically relate to the preceding post(s). I'll start: Bob woke up on Sunday morning and knew he needed a change in his life.
  2. Yes, the UFO has been transported to a hangar at Area 51 for further research. It appears to be made out of some material previously unknown, resembling tin foil, but much thinner, and virtually indestructible. There is a pictogram type of language written all over the controls in the cockpit area. People are working on translations.
  3. The new Johnny Football is about the same as the old Johnny Football, minus the drinking. He sucks.
  4. Ha. We are both Mini drivers. And Bills fans. What are the odds?
  5. Linda Fiorentino was/is definitely hot and is by no means average looking. Go stand on a sidewalk and watch regular people go by. You'll see a lot of average looking. I would say none of the celebrities in this thread are truly average looking. So I just googled "average looking woman" and looked at images. Here's a good baseline "average looking woman" to go by. She doesn't stand out as hideous and ugly, or hot and beautiful. She's just a normal looking female. How many women in this thread are on her level? None! They are all way higher.
  6. I like the Scorpions too. They stand out as a group of musicians capable of producing a body of work good enough to be listened to and sold around the world. Most German stuff is quirky and does not have appeal outside the domestic market. And it's the same with most European countries, except the UK. There are a few great American bands that have stamped their name on the international rock 'n roll scene, but almost all the really good stuff (according to me) comes from the UK. Best of the best American stuff for me is Van Halen and Boston. And let's not forget Rush from the Great White North. Couldn't imagine music without them.
  7. No, I would say 3rd degree assault is not enough in this instance. 30 feet is nothing to be sneezed at. That is high enough to be perceived as "really high up" by your average person...and the teenager was 18! This kid will be dead or in jail for a long time by the time he is 30.
  8. I don't think Google maps has nearly as much influence with place names as the article suggests.
  9. Not being satirical, Einstein. Don't you have some cow **** to shovel?
  10. Something I have often pondered is this: If you follow European pop music over the last few decades, you will see that almost all of the music from almost all European countries is absolutely HORRIBLE. It's amateurish, cheesy, and just not a globally salable/likable product, which is why no one has heard of most popular European acts but they are popular in their own countries. But then you have the UK, of course, which has produced some of the greatest pop music of all time and in large numbers, popular around the world. Why is that? What is in the water in the UK that creates such talent/gifted musicians? And why isn't any of that water available in Germany or Denmark!? I'm pretty tuned into the German music scene. They started super strong with Bach, transitioned nicely to Beethoven, and followed up quite well with the likes of Wagner and Mahler. Since the early 20th century and beyond, the music coming out of tha country is freaking horrible. A few exceptions apply. Scorpions, for example, were a global success, a very popular band, and they created some music that will last forever. There is some talent to be found in Rammstein and I do like a few of their songs quite a bit. They are definitely a popular, successful act. But overall it's a bleak music scene. Why so bad in Germany, but so good in England?
  11. Further proof that: 1) Autoboxes suck and a manual is the only way to go and 2) criminals are dumb. My car is safe! At least from these brain surgeons.
  12. Lots of anger in this thread. When you are angry, ask yourself what you are afraid of. Where there is anger, there is first fear. I guess we all fear a small boy dying in a painful manner, by mistake. But torturing and killing the father won't bring him back.
  13. REMINDER: This premiers this Tuesday night (8/7/18) at 10:00pm on HBO! It's getting close.
  14. Thurman was one of the most dangerous offensive weapons to ever play in the NFL. I'll be watching! (Reminder, Hard Knocks Cleveland starts Tuesday night in a couple of days!)
  15. Why? I realize it's important to make 1 guy "the guy" so he gets the work he needs to continue to develop, but you don't need to "declare" anyone "the guy" just yet. Seems like we have until at least the first preseason game for everyone to be a "No.1" at least in theory.
  16. Sometimes you just don't know which strap-on dildo is right for you unless you can see and touch the merchandise first. At least that is what Tom Brady mentioned in a recent interview.
  17. I doubt the rule would be enforced in that manner. This sounds like it is intended for a situation where the QB is giving himself up. Now he can do that sliding feet first or head first. No big deal. A QB sneak with Brady diving over the top for a first down or TD (his favorite play) is not giving yourself up and the ball would be marked at point of forward progress. At least that's how I assume this will be handled.
  18. Good post, but we have to see how the QBs look in the preseason games. Or at least the first one. I am drawing no definitive conclusions right now about anything. Like saying no way can Allen beat out AJ for Game 1 starter. Too early. Also, these guys are getting the reps/work that they are not necessarily b/c they are good or bad, but because that is the system that was drawn up weeks ago. I assume. Things are likely to change a bit once we see all 3 perform in PS Game 1 and 2. If Allen is still getting limited 3rd team reps after a couple games, my attitude would change.
  19. Totally agree on the Jamaican sprint team analogy. When I say "Zeppelin III is easily the weakest of their first four albums", it is also worth mentioning in the next breath that Zeppelin III is better than 98% of all rock albums ever recorded. Or something like that. Put it this way: I would (and have) recommended to people new to the classic rock genre to go out and, before anything else, buy and listen to Zeppelin I-IV. And that includes III. That would be the foundation upon which I would build any vinyl collection.
  20. Used to watch it all the time as a kid. It was on Sunday mornings, not Saturday mornings. It's Christian propaganda directed at kids. I was too little to realize it at the time.
  21. Ryan Van Pelt, Alex Fitzpatrick, Todd Johnson, Rob Collins, J.P. Edwards, Trent Losman.... It's all kind of modular isn't? Change the names around, same result.
  22. But Aikman also was playing on some bad teams, especially in his rookie year. What's important to also remember is that he showed plenty of signs that he could do it, right from the beginning...even with INTs and mistakes made along the way. We need to be able to distinguish the guy who has it but is learning and making mistakes from the guy who doesn't have it and never will. Those are 2 different things and they look different, even in preseason football games.
  23. Keep your mouth shut Kelvin, and try to catch the football. Dude is not nearly as good as this board thinks he is.
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