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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Just finished watching episode 1. Great episode, even if it moved kind of slowly. Loved the "Gene in Omaha" black and white stuff at the beginning. Absolutely riveting stuff... And the last scene...Jimmy realizes his performance at the insurance agency played a major role in his brother's death, and he liked it. Check out that look on Kim's face! She seemed shocked at Jimmy's reaction; I am wondering if that relationship is about to end. The Gus/Nacho stuff was a little slow, but it's all foundation work for stuff upcoming this season. The Mike sequence at the warehouse was all really well done; he's my favorite character in the show. Loved the Bruce Lee/Ali debate going on in the lunch room! Can't wait to see more.
  2. The culture of the NFL never ceases to amaze me. These organizations are happy to kick the same tired coaching names around the league FOREVER. It's staggering!
  3. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu
  4. All of these guys in the NFL have been given a winning lottery ticket. I am forever amazed at the number of them who are willing to throw that ticket in the garbage.
  5. There are only a few episodes left. It isn't an ongoing series, but just a miniseries. It has 8 episodes in total. I thought the last episode was lame too.
  6. Best line from the entire article: "She told officers she was disturbed by her behavior." She wasn't just freaking out other people in the park, she was freaking herself out!
  7. Borgo Panigale? Good God, that's where the Ducati factory is. Hopefully no bikes were lost in this tragedy.
  8. As Tom rolled around on the floor, desperately clutching his groin, Bob repeated with yet another smack, this time to the left knee cap, which was a perfect strike, similar to a TD bomb thrown by Jim Kelly in days gone by.
  9. But after the duo finished the last details on the Hagia Sophia and Hippodrome, the Constantinople scale modeling project became boring, and so Bob returned to his initial plan with the ball peen hammer, hitting tom in the groin with his mightiest swing.
  10. Used to wrestle reef sharks as a kid. He would jump in the water, wrestle a bit, and kill them with a knife. One got a pretty good bite in on his head.
  11. Of course it's embarrassing. The good news is that an NFL stadium on a Sunday afternoon is largely a drunken zoo, no matter where you are in the league. So the low lifes in WNY doing this crap kind of blend in. The scene at Redskins games has a bad reputation on a national level too, and so do many other teams/cities.
  12. A career in crime would also seem to be a viable option for many NFL players. Always best to keep all options open.
  13. 2 factors at work here. 1) A salary cap. That wasn't around back in the day, and 2) A dearth of talent at the QB position, at least relative to today's defensive schemes/talent. There were many more good QBs around 25 years ago, or at least let's say it was much easier for a QB to perform on a high level relative to the defenses he was seeing back then.
  14. So God has been thinking about the Jets' problems and decided to send this asshat to the team in order to fix the problem. Who knew?
  15. Meh. He doesn't play for the Bills anymore so he is officially back where he started a few years ago....in the "I don't know he exists" file!
  16. First, Bob stuffed a sock in Tom's mouth so he couldn't speak; with that peace of mind, Bob reached for an assortment of tools; would it be the power drill or the sawzall he briefly wondered, before deciding to grab the pliers.
  17. One must remember that riding a bike is not about taking preventative measures to live the safest life possible. Most things in life really worth doing are rather risky.
  18. Realizing it was just himself and DC Tom in the basement, Bob returned to the task at hand, the torture of DC Tom.
  19. Let's hope he's a good bit better than Goodwin. Goodwin didn't do jack his entire time in Buffalo. Other than get injured.
  20. https://wjla.com/news/local/woman-arrested-murdering-1-child-shooting-another-tysons-corner
  21. Watching NFL Total Access just now. Female reporter is at Bills camp and did a little piece on Edmunds, saying he has earned the respect of his fellow teammates despite being young and a rookie. Of note: Apparently Edmunds has been sitting alone in the dining hall on campus going through "flash cards" to further his education and McD loves the work ethic.
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