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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. "Aha!" thought Bob; "I'll call Gugny;" no one knows more about butt plugs than him!
  2. I wouldn't make the cover of Men's Fitness by any means, but not because I'm fat or overweight or have a beer gut. I don't. I'm Not muscular enough though.
  3. I am not sure of this thoroughbred's blood line, but I would definitely ride her bareback all day long.
  4. Jeff Beck is a god. Saw him some years ago at Wolf Trap in the DC area. His show is perfect. It's like "here's the music, hope you enjoy it" they play it, and then everyone goes home. No lighting bull **** or emphasis on "show" whatsoever. A few years ago I caught "Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scott's" on TV; I recorded it, kept it on my DVR for a few years, and watched/listened to it about 1,000 times... Is Tal Wilkenfeld still playing bass with Jeff? She's freaking incredible.
  5. This is a good time for me to point out, for the hundredth time, that the quality of NFL broadcasting is just atrocious.
  6. One with a QB way better than anything the Bills have had since Jim Kelly, and the other with one of the greatest QBs of all time and headed straight to the HOF...admittedly at a time when his arm was completely shot. But neither of those examples, IMO, demonstrate that an all-defense approach can work. Look at the Superbowl last year! Something like 1150 total yards of combined offense; 54 combined points; 874 combined passing yards.... This league isn't about defense.
  7. But this time it would be Bob who would be the assailant.
  8. She's certainly not unattractive but is a bit on the plump side. If I was a little extra horny and she was available, sure, why not!
  9. Interesting theory; could easily pan out! Remember that reference to the "lady in white" or something like that? Like part of the local folklore about sightings of someone in the woods or whatever? We initially saw lots of characters saying "no way this was a woman" but since we have since some things to make me wonder. Maybe the crazy assed girlfriend is the lady in white. It was absolutely lame, and to top it off, Amy Adams is a "cutter" whose body has zillions of words scarred all over it. It's kind of gross when they show her with a shirt off (wearing a bra). She's deliberately engaged in sex acts twice now with this detective dude with her clothes on, because she doesn't want him to see all the word scars and get the creeps. PS: If you want to see lots of good sex/nudity scenes in an HBO TV show, watch the early seasons of Game of Thrones, if you haven't already. Great stuff; there are many female characters almost all of whom are hot in various ways.
  10. Can't answer your question in terms of which we prefer until we know more, much more, about the QBs on the roster. There is an excellent chance our QB play is worse, and maybe even substantially worse, than Tyrod's last year. Then again, Allen could possibly impress and be an improvement. I think Peterman is likely, on average, worse than Tyrod and AJ, on his best day, is about a wash. So it really comes down to what we have in Allen. If he is a hit, we'll all prefer the '18 offense; if he busts or is very slow to develop or doesn't even see the field, we'll probably wish we had last year's offense.
  11. OK, after wandering around google, I have found a good photo that is very representative of the short length I see down here all the time. At the right moment relative to her stride while the woman is walking, you get that inner thigh/butt cheek curved area showing.
  12. The story has really chosen to focus on character development and relationships rather than a riveting crime solving plot. It suffers for it! In that last episode, you were supposed to have been wowed by investigator Richard Willis and Camille having hardcore sex and further developing their relationship in that manner; also the little half sister Amma sees and learns of Camille's cutting/scars for the first time. The father of the killed kid goes after John (I think it is) at the festival accusing him of being the murderer, showing us he is having trouble dealing with his grief and probably is not the murderer himself, despite some initial suspicion. So stuff is happening, but the problem is none of it is very compelling. A lot of the characters are not sympathetic or interesting and so we don't really care what happens to them. The melancholy flavor to the whole show, all the time, can also be tough to swallow...and the entire relationship between Camille and her mother is not believable. Camille is supposed to be this tough, hardened chick--a survivor--who had the gumption to get out of her small home town and interact with the world at large. No way would she stay at her mom's house and let her mom dick her around as she does, time and time again. No way! Camille would have told her mom off on Day 1 and gone to a hotel. On top of this, Adora, the mom, is just not a likable character but she gets tons of dialogue and on-screen time. The story is based on a novel by Gillian Flynn; I haven't read that but I hope it was better than the series so far. I don't know if the book itself was this boring or if it was just very poorly adapted for the screen. As it is, I will stick it out for a few more episodes and see what happens...if anything actually does happen!
  13. It's always best to hold off judgment until all the facts are in. Besides, I think we all know what it's like to get a hold of a bad batch of meth and fantasize that giant spiders are on us. That ****'s not fun.
  14. As he slurped down the last few melted drops of rocky road and crunched the very tip of the cone, Bob got in his Camry and headed straight for his mother's house.
  15. It is funny, but girls tend to dress like sluts down here and they seem to learn at an early age. I really enjoy it. I was in the grocery store a year or so ago, and I'm not kidding...there were 2 girls who looked college age to me so slutted out they looked like hookers, but I don't think they were. Their skimpy attire was just absurd and they really stood out. People in line and the cashier were exchanging odd looks and smirks as if to say "just what is exactly going on here?" It was at like 8:00pm on a Friday night I think and they were buying alcohol. LOL. The mom's usually dress pretty sexy as well; it's so hot down here all the time people don't wear much clothes, and that in turn makes people body conscious, and that in turn produces lots of hot women of all ages. Sometimes I see women at the beach in their 60s who have unbelievable bodies. They could be on the cover of "Elderly Fitness" magazine if there was one. It's fantastic. I will work on getting photos next time I see this. I'll be at the mall tomorrow actually! This is what I was talking about. Here in the Palm Beach area the butt cheek exposure is absolutely common. Clothes aren't really that important around here, insofar as most people, most of the time, aren't wearing much of them. I was once in the Publix grocery store and 2 really hot girls in their 20s were wandering around wearing bikinis, flip flops, and had wet hair. That's a little strange, but not that strange in this area. It's wonderful.
  16. Down here in S. FL., it is rather common for hot chicks and even girls, say aged 14 and up, to wear shorts at the mall so short you can see the lower portion of their ass cheeks. Often with the girl's mom standing right next to them. Haven't seen anyone thrown out yet, and thank goodness too!
  17. A thread was created with this information a while ago; I found it last night on page 4 of TSW.
  18. Meh. Legal pot everywhere in the USA is coming soon. The country woke up pretty quickly with gay marriage and pot is next.
  19. I hear there's a position battle going on at QB too that is vaguely important to the team's success.
  20. Perhaps you can confirm that in Tallahassee, they don't take the brain out via surgical incision. They bring it out through the nose.
  21. I don't know who came up with the "Mafia" thing but I hate that. That term as applied to Bills fans feels like it was coined by someone outside of WNY who is not a Bills fan, which makes using the term that much more egregious to me.
  22. Big Ben is probably going to the HOF. When Baltimore did it, Flacco was playing on a level way higher than Tyrod is capable of playing at. I'll give you Trent Dilfer, but the odds of winning a Superbowl via the "great defense" route are slim. Mack doesn't change this team's win/loss column enough to justify the cost.
  23. For me, Mack is the sort of player who comes at a high price but who doesn't impact the bottom line of wins and losses on a team like the Bills. Without an established, proven QB, Mack isn't the right fit here.
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