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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. That throw out of bounds by Peterman was really fantastic (where Benjamin caught it well out of bounds). I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he wanted to put the ball right where he did.
  2. Who are you trying to stream? I can't get WGR 550 to stream, and haven't had any luck with some of the others too.
  3. Radio: WGR 550AM (Buffalo), WCMF 96.5 FM and WROC 950 AM (Rochester), Fan 590 AM (Toronto), WTKW 99.5 FM and WKTV 105.5 FM (Syracuse).
  4. Anyone know of another radio station that will stream the game live tonight? WGR 550 "Listen Live" via Radio.com seems to be broken at the moment.
  5. Does anyone know another radio station that will stream the game live tonight? WGR 550 "listen live" is not working right now. Probably being overloaded with listeners.
  6. I am very eager to see the QBs play, and Edmunds. I'll have to wait for the replay tomorrow though. I'll probably still listen to first quarter or so on radio.
  7. And that probably would have been about right except for our wild and highly unrepeatable giveaway/takeaway ratio for the first half of the season. We're one of the leading regression candidates this year in the entire league.
  8. Yes, I think that's right. Here is video of it being demolished in May 2000. I highly doubt satanic rituals were being practiced there, so in that regard, I agree. I do think some stuff was going down there, though. I seem to recall this being a thing in like the early '80s. We need some older posters to chime in. I'm 47 and still kind of too young to really remember it.
  9. Buffalo City Hall is one of the finest examples of art deco architecture you will find in the world. Architectural students study it from all over.
  10. Who remembers "Snakeland" at the Tonawanda grain elevators? This was popular in the local press for a while as a site where bad kids hung out and allegedly practiced satanism and what not. Was anyone there back in the day? Have any good stories? What do you remember?
  11. I deliberately avoided searching this online b/c I thought it would be more fun to exchange versions of the story and see what people thought about it. I thought lots of posters here would have heard something about the story. But that photograph is unbelievable. I didn't know that existed.
  12. Not a story, but a couple of observations. In my experience, stupid people don't know that they are stupid. If you watch for this you will see it. That creates problems. Further, the dumber one is, the more one sees the world or a given issue in simple, basic terms. So most things become "easy" to them. They have an inability to see complexity and therefore complication in a situation. Most answers are therefore arrived at quickly and are viewed as simple. Read up on the Dunning-Kruger Effect, which is related to all this.
  13. I rather dislike Tom Hanks! I didn't know there was the documentary that Chevy Van Miller mentioned. I'd be much more interested in watching that than a Hollywood semi-fictional account of his life. In fact, I'll make it a point to see the documentary based on CVM's recommendation. I love good documentaries.
  14. I learned more about Hue Jackson in that first episode than I knew before. I'll go on record right now: the team will continue to struggle until that idiot is replaced and a better HC is brought in. John Dorsey also does not impress. When you see systemic repetitive organizational failure, it almost always starts at the top.
  15. I have heard this story over the years from a few different people. I'm curious if anyone else has heard it and can elaborate on details or definitively confirm the story's authenticity. These are the details as I remember them and/or have heard them. Years ago (perhaps in the early 1970s but the exact dating is fuzzy) a person allegedly committed suicide by jumping off the roof or perhaps out of an upper window of Buffalo City Hall. This was on the central facade facing Niagara Square. According to the story, the person unintentionally landed on the flag pole that stands on the "roof" of the building over the front entrance foyer area, and became impaled. Apparently the body was there for some time as it was difficult to remove. Who has heard this? Know any further details? True or myth? You can faintly see the flag pole in question (US flag) toward the bottom of the building in this photo, above the columns, just to the left of the larger US flag which stands on ground level across Delaware Ave.
  16. Finally got to see the first episode. A few random thoughts/observations: 1) This show is so well done; I'm sure each episode will make much better TV viewing than some of the actual Browns football games this season. 2) Loved Jarvis Landry misspeaking when he said (of Tyrod Taylor) "He's the first one in and the last one out. That's not an understatement, that's the truth." He meant overstatement obviously. 3) Loved the part where Nassib is explaining the concept of financial interest to some players and one guy was looking on, seemingly intrigued; he genuinely appeared to be introduced to the concept for the first time in his life. 4) Gregg Williams is just a straight up douche bag. He wreaks of it. 5) One of the players at a team meeting asked Baker Mayfield what school he went to and wasn't joking. 6) Loved the bit where Willie McGinest is doing some lame TV interview segment with Myles Garrett. I'm sure whatever was said was trite and boring. But then it got interesting when the camera was switched off, with McGinest giving the kid some encouragement and giving him pass rush pointers. That stuff (which no one ever would have seen on TV) is much more interesting than the canned crap we actually get on football shows. 7) It looks like we'll see some behind the scenes stuff about the Coleman trade with Buffalo in the next episode. 8) Really enjoyed the show and can't wait for more!
  17. Of course it's Allen job, but as you say, we don't know when his first day on the job is going to be. I do think there's a legitimate competition for who starts Game 1 in Baltimore. For me, it's all about QB and that is all I want to focus on in the preseason. The rest is a footnote.
  18. The real Mr. Rogers was a pretty normal, decent guy, right? Like he wasn't a pedophile or drug addict or anything. So I will probably not see it. Not sure there's much of a movie there.
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