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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. The music in this scene is fantastic. Now I want to go watch a Star Trek marathon. The old show of course.
  2. Fantastic! What's it like landing on a carrier deck at night in choppy water? The thing has like a 30 foot up/down discrepancy depending on where you are in the wave cycle, doesn't it!? I don't know how you guys do that. Did you like flying that corsair?
  3. Grip on the ball, for those throwing and catching, and just trying to hold onto it/manipulate it.
  4. The best way to make Tyrod threads go away isn't to start a new one of your own.
  5. The best thing would have been for them both to go at it on the field yesterday! Just looked them up; both 6'5" and only 2 pounds separating their listed weights. Both around 245. That's a heavyweight scrap. Neither look like they know how to throw a punch though. I would put my money on Newton; he is the naturally more powerfully built guy.
  6. Thanks for posting this! Didn't realize video of the altercation existed. I have to say, the play by play Schopp and Bulldog and Co. were giving on the air yesterday matches the video quite well. Definitely not a positive encounter or an example of the 2 guys kissing and making up. LOL.
  7. Yesterday during the WGR-550 "round table" discussion before the game, Mike Schopp was looking out the window at the stadium and noticed that Benjamin and Newton were talking to one another on the field. He then proceeded to give sort of a play by play description of what could be seen, and it didn't look pleasant. LOL. Here is the audio if you want to listen: https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/08-09-bills-round-table-schopp-bulldog-chris-brown-and-mark-kelso Here is the story they wrote up about the incident in the aftermath: https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/benjamin-and-newton-get-it-preseason-tilt
  8. So you were a pilot stationed aboard USS Kittyhawk for a while? When was this? I'm trying to guess the plane with the cut-off vert. stab. I'm going to say it was an A-4, especially if you guys were in the adversary squadron. Please tell us, oh, 10,000 more stories! Not about idiots per se, but life on a carrier. I'm sure you have millions of great stories. This is absolutely a true story. When I was in high school in the '80s a group of kids from our school went on a 10 day trip to Italy. There were a number of teachers, adults, and chaperones traveling with us, including a pair of older sisters who were like the aunts of one of the students on the trip. I'll say they were around aged 60 at the time. So during our time in Italy, they were exposed to lots of pop Italian music on the radio, and they decided they really liked it. They both purchased normal transistor type radios (in Italy) so that once they got back to the USA, they would be able to continue to tune into those great Italian radio stations and continue to enjoy the Italian music.
  9. The building is reminiscent, in some respects, of stuff made in ancient Rome. Their office buildings didn't have air conditioning either. People survived. Not like A/C is needed in Buffalo, anyway, for more than about 3 weeks a year. Actually you raise an interesting point. The building was finished in 1931. I wonder how many similar buildings had A/C built into them at that time. I'm not sure how prevalent that was. The problem is that if a building is not built with A/C in mind, it can be difficult to engineer all the ducting needed into the building after the fact, especially if you want to conceal it. I do agree that all the window unit A/Cs sticking out on the exterior looks like ****. The entire building is badly in need of a media blasting as well. It's filthy. I assume there is no money in the budget for this stuff. LOL.
  10. I have always found this sort of "sound effect editing" to be really interesting. There is a documentary out there, as I recall, focusing on how the Star Wars guys got a lot of the sounds we hear in the movies. Like the sound of the AT-AT's legs moving during the Battle of Hoth in Empire Strikes back was a recording from some type of industrial assembly line machinery which featured a hydraulic press. One of the sounds was made by hitting a metal hammer against a huge steel cable or guide wire used to help stabilize a big transmitting tower. The sound of the hit and the sound waves running through this massive, thick steel cable, was recorded and then manipulated a little bit to end up as like the sound of a light saber moving or something like that. It's all really cool stuff. Dallas: I just noticed you have a +183 which seems really low for all that you do for this forum and given the abundance of quality threads you create. Doesn't seem right. I'm going to start giving you a "thanks" or a "like"!
  11. I think almost everyone would agree here. Dennison was, in contrast, so freaking bad, I almost want to hold it against McD and Co. not getting rid of him before he did. Can't believe how long we went through games with THAT as our offensive game plan.
  12. His weaknesses are all mental; he has the physical end taken care of nicely. There is nothing he can't do from an athletic perspective. But at this level, that's not good enough.
  13. These things have to come organically, naturally, and it will, in the fullness of time. You can't just invent a nickname.
  14. I really hope they handle the QB situation differently in Game #2. We all want to see Allen with the First OL protecting him and some better throwing targets. The coaching staff has always said they have a plan and are approaching Allen's development methodically. Let's hope that calls for stepping it up, and soon.
  15. Since Francesco Totti has gone away, they haven't been the same!
  16. LOL; the simple fact is that most people, in most jobs in an office setting, are filling time, killing time, and trying to figure out any way possible to get through their work day, most of the time. This site would have about 75% less activity if the above were not true. Ever monitor activity here on the weekend, when most people aren't stuck in an office? Activity drops way off.
  17. I don't know how critical I'd be of his decisions in a pre-season game, b/c winning isn't necessarily the objective for him. His in-game decisions last year, however, were mostly bad, and that is the area where he needs the most work. I agree he has demonstrated an ignorance of analytics and having a HC who has to go up against Bill B. twice a year who knows nothing of analytics, but likes to pray to Jesus, is not a recipe for success. It's interesting, isn't it? You offer some criticism of the team and posters here rush to attack you, in support of the coach/team. Here is the simple fact: the vast majority of people who decide to participate at a football team's online discussion board, apparently, fall mostly into the cult of the blind faith and simply aren't interested in objective discourse about the team. They are here to say "Let's go! Superbowl here we come!" and little else. The site needs to be divided into 2 sections: Bills Boosters for this group of people (which is most everyone) and the other section for rational, objective discussion about matters affecting the team. The booster crowd adds very little to the discussion anyway; they are not a loss.
  18. There's a thread on this topic already. On Thursday before the game, Mark Kelso elaborated at length about how these changes are absolutely necessary to preserve the game, long term. As he put it, "Kids are going to stop playing football" and that is already happening around the country. The head shot has to be taken out of the game at the NFL level, or else the sport won't be around in another 25 years.
  19. I'm a Juventus fan; not happy about Ronaldo joining the team, even though he will get his goals. With him it's all "me, me me" and I hate guys like that in sports.
  20. Folks are overlooking all the stuff Allen did wrong or poorly and focusing on the odd highlight type throw or run that he admittedly did make on occasion. That's not good enough in the NFL long term though. For now, it is, b/c we have no expectations, it's the pre-season, and Allen is a rookie getting his first playing time in. Allen will need to continually eliminate physical and mental errors as well as play on a consistently high level if he is going to develop into the player the Bills hoped he would be. The fact that he can make a great throw on occasion is not the measure of success.
  21. He threw several "downfield" and made a few good passes in tight coverage. They weren't all easy dump-offs. Watch the game again.
  22. I'd add AJ to the "Helped Themselves" list, despite some displayed flaws. He threw a pair of deep balls there were off by 4 or 5 yards, not inches. He looked good overall though, as did Nate.
  23. And 234 of those yards came from Quarterbacks not named Tyrod Taylor. To the OP: Be careful! Most folks around here don't do "irony."
  24. Will watch for this tomorrow on the replay.
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