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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You are mincing words. Consistency/Inaccuracy. What you call it doesn't matter. What matters is that it's a problem, and data shows QBs with this problem seldom get it fixed. That which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet.
  2. That's hilarious. I like this, simply b/c the stunt took some planning and preparation. I can see a guy like that blending in and keeping the hoax going for quite a while actually.
  3. Mike Schopp appears to be that kind of guy. He gets excited at the prospect of a bet over anything, and has made that clear multiple times on the air! Dude is a total gambling addict.
  4. This was definitely ahead of its time: the Daimler Benz DB601 12 cylinder engine of WWII. First run in 1935, with mechanical fuel injection. NASCAR racing cars still use carbs, 83 year later.
  5. I'd shag her rotten. If a chick is getting her mug shot taken pursuant to an arrest/booking and decides this is a great time to screw around and flirt with the camera, what might she do to you in bed? I'm going to suggest she would be rather uninhibited.
  6. You know, I am the biggest GOT fan there is, and yet I clearly recall not getting hooked until I had seen the first 3 episodes in Season 1. At the beginning, you are introduced to a lot of stuff, a lot of characters, the narrative hops around, and it takes some time to get sucked in. At least it did for me. I would urge you or anyone to make yourself watch, say, the first 5 episodes of season 1. If you still don't get it, shut it off. But if you get the hook, you'll be glad you made the commitment to watch, b/c you'll have a whole lot of great TV ahead of you. This is a good one. I have no tattoos of any kind either, and likely never will. It's just not my thing. Down here in south FL, most people aren't wearing much clothing most of the time, and my God, it is hard to find a person who does not have a tattoo, particularly if you are younger. It is almost impossible to find a young, hot chick on the beach in a bikini who does not have some tattoos on her body now. And they also tend to sport a pierced belly button. I also have no piercings of any kind.
  7. Thanks Dallas, this is a fantastic series of videos! I enjoyed this one I'm attaching. Note the puking girl toward the end. She vomits no less than three times in the span of 15 paces or so. What I admired was how she literally almost doesn't break strike and just keeps moving along. Such efficiency! She looks like she's done this sort of thing, oh, about 10,000 times and it's no big deal to her whatsoever. If she'll puke and keep moving like this without so much as a blink of an eye, what will she do to you in bed!?
  8. I think that's a wise choice, but most people probably have not pierced their anus. So that doesn't really apply, at least in terms of the OP's intentions. I have never "interacted online" using a telephone, largely b/c I still have a flip phone, and have only had that for a few years. I wouldn't know how to make a cell phone go online. Also never, ever, used a GPS system to figure out where to drive in a car. I've dragged my feet kicking and screaming on converting to the cell phone culture, which I kind of despise and consider to be the end of society as we know it. I think there are a lot of people out there who have never watched GOT and it's b/c they see a commercial, realize they are not interested in castles, wizards, and swords, etc., and so they look away. This is a huge mistake. The cinematography, set design, costume design, acting, and most of all, the writing are all superb. It is the best TV on TV and by a long way. If you are interested in fiction, reading, and the new age of "super TV shows" you are really doing yourself a disservice by not watching the show based solely on a lack of interest in the subject matter. A good show, book, or movie is good, no matter what it is about. And it can be about anything. By the same token, a show, book, or movie might perfectly appeal to your main interest in life, yet if it sucks, it sucks.
  9. Yes, if you fall into a certain demographic, which I believe you do fall into, it is quite rare to not have travelled internationally, at least not counting Mexico or Canada. I've travelled all over, but never to Bulgaria if that makes you feel better.
  10. It is real insofar as it is a real theory purported by idiots on the internet. Was that Mills' actual intent during the game? Probably not. Remember, there was the mic'd up feature with Bosa on the sideline saying "he didn't even try to block me" to a fellow teammate. But that was jut the way he reacted to the situation, it wasn't an accurate statement of fact.
  11. For something as specific as a kid's size, white, Bills themed shirt, I would go straight to the internet and mail order precisely what you want. I stopped running all over town for things like that a long, long time ago. You could have had precisely what you wanted delivered to your door for the cheapest price around. So live and learn with that one. It sounds like, overall, the Bills organization is focusing on the training camp actually being a training camp--i.e., a device for the team to practice and for the best overall roster to be selected, and much less about it as a PR event or an entertainment even for fans. I don't have a problem with that, but maybe someone at the organization could step up that aspect of these things in the future.
  12. Yes....as a general rule, good teams are more likely to sit good players and play bad players on the fringe. And bad teams might be more likely to play the good players to see what they have or who should be the starters. So it can be argued in a pre-season game the worse team (come the regular season) has a better chance of winning the pre-season game. I'm sure if you looked at enough data of pre-season record vs. regular season record, you could put together some type of correlation. It is also worth remembering that a preseason game, for anyone, should be about finding the best players and the players to retain on the roster, and absolutely NOT about winning or losing.
  13. How about the first play when he was in the game. The bomb. That was thrown 3 yards out of bounds.
  14. Mills is listed at 316 pounds. I wonder how much he would weigh if he actually got in shape.
  15. I saw a documentary one time about a Japanese guy who killed his girlfriend and ate her as well. At least part of her. When asked why he did it, he said he always wondered what she would taste like.
  16. I believe their album "Shark Sandwich" received merely a two word review: "**** sandwich."
  17. You realize you just complained about people complaining too much, right?
  18. He did a lot of good and a lot of bad. He was often late to decide what to do and throw the ball. That led to an easy pick at one point. He tended to lock onto his target before throwing, again making it easy for DBs to know where the ball was going. Arm strength seems suspect. Not horrible, but could be stronger. He showed an over-eagerness to pull the ball down and run. Though when he did, he often ran for some nice yardage. No doubt he is a scrapper and gamer type player, but I think he lacks the tools to be a good QB at the NFL level.
  19. I believe he has some photographs of the coach in a compromising position.
  20. Forming opinions after each played a portion of their first preseason game ever? Seems reasonable.
  21. And he would be playing against better defenders too.
  22. I think I jinxed Chad. Just threw a pick. Way too late on the throw and not enough power to force it in there. Also named Chad!
  23. Who's watching? Game on NFL Network. Chad Kelly is playing well and has brought the Broncos back from a deficit. Nice to see a Marauder playing well in the NFL.
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