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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Nacho's swapping of the pills was an attempt to kill Salamanca so that he would stop putting pressure on Nacho's father to make his legitimate upholstery shop a cover for illegal activity. Gus was pissed off about the attempt on Salamanca's life b/c Gus hates Salamanca immensely, and wants to personally make him suffer painfully and then die at Gus' hand! We just saw the scene where Gus' underlings snuck into the hospital room to see what Salamanca's condition truly was. They reported back saying he's in a coma, no one can really do anything, but no one really knows what will happen next. Gus considered that unacceptable, b/c he wants Salamanca to recover, so that he can basically torture and kill him with Salamanca knowing what is happening! LOL. So that is why the hot shot doctor showed up from Johns Hopkins, apparently somehow arranged by and paid for by Gus. He is desperate to nurse the guy back to health so he can have at him. Remember the scene last episode when Nacho foolishly stopped his car on the bridge and threw the pills into the river? One of Gus' henchmen was following Nacho and saw him do it. They kind of put it all together and Gus realized what was going on. Arturo and Nacho are both idiots; they try to take advantage of the situation with Salamanca in the hospital by hustling for 6 kilos instead of the usual 5 from Victor and Tyrus. They think they are going to be tough guys and get a little something extra. At least I think that's basically what was going on. Of course, Gus is a few steps ahead of them and they kill Arturo. They would have killed Nacho as well but Gus figures he is of more value left alive, and forever in debt to Gus for sparing his life. Gus wants to use him as a loyal servant. This is significant because Nacho's character is complex; he is genuinely torn between being a good boy of his honest, hard working father, and a criminal scumbag. He has been leaning to the good side of late, presumably with a genuine interest in getting out of a life of crime, which he mentions to his father. Now Gus has pulled him back in to the dark side deeper than ever before! Poor, stupid, but I think ultimately good, Nacho!
  2. The money laundering/Madrigal: Remember when Mike took all that money from the cartel out of the truck tire? He has a fortune in hot, stolen money that he wants to pass onto his daughter in law and granddaughter, but he knows he might end up dead at some point with the money being labeled as dirty. In that case, the women in his life will never receive the cash. So Mike needs the money laundered. He approached Gus and asked him to launder it for him for like 20% commission I believe; Gus was always impressed with Mike's competence and agreed to launder the money for free. It helps that they both share a hatred for the Salamancas. I think Gus did it for free simply to entice Mike even further to the dark side, which we know was ultimately successful if you watched Breaking Bad. Mike's relationship with Madrigal is all about laundering the money. The dirty money goes into a big company's cash flow, gets mixed up with lots of legitimate cash, and clean money comes out and goes back to Mike. In order to create a facade for why Mike is receiving cash on Madrigal's books, they set up an agreement whereby Mike is "hired" as a "security consultant". This last episode featured a clash between Lydia (works at Madrigal) and Mike. She is asking him why the hell he is actually showing up and creating problems at the company. Given that he is an illegal, fictional employee of the company, he should not be showing up, according to Lydia. Mike is doing it to give himself a better alibi in case anyone from the law ever starts sniffing around. Lydia went to Gus to complain, but Gus took Mike's side in the dispute. Ultimately, it's fair to say Mike and Gus are the two most competent people on the entire show (at least among "bad guys"), and they both share an enormous respect for one another. Their relationship (and watching it bloom) is some of the best stuff on the entire show IMO.
  3. What does she have? BMW? The woman in the video is not a 10, but not a 1 either. Yes, all day long.
  4. And that would assume you did well in the game. Most fans would just get killed. To the OP's thought: I don't see us signing anyone just to play QB in PS game 4. We will use what we have on the roster now.
  5. I agree with you, but I fear the organization doesn't see it that way. In fact, the ways things are going, they seem to be going more with a sheltered approach, bringing Allen along slowly. I hope that all changes in the days ahead. I don't get that. If Allen is the best QB or at least tied for best, you start him for Game 1, period. There is no long term plan for AJ on this team. None. So why in the world play him if Allen can be played instead?
  6. I enjoyed episode 2. I'm confused by Jimmy's performance in the job interview though. It all made perfect sense and was consistent with his character up until he refused the offer and called the would-be employers suckers. When he went out to his car, I was expecting someone to come out after him, and increase the offer or something like that, but it never came. I still can't figure out Jimmy's angle with that. Why did he do it? And does this mean he isn't really looking for a job with his other job seeking activity? It seems like Jimmy is going to proposition Mike about a break-in at the printer company place to steal the Hummels (which don't have much value by the way; the market on those things crashed a long time ago). Is Jimmy just looking for crime opportunities with his "job hunt" or what? Dumb Nacho. Just as he tries to get out of the crime business, his mistake makes him owned by Gus. I like his character though and it will be interesting to see what happens to him. The scene where Kim reamed Howard a new a-hole was highly entertaining, but it looks like Kim is going to keep the letter and money away from Jimmy, to protect him. I don't agree with that; that is going to bite her/Jimmy in the ass at some point. And I can't wait for the day when that letter is read. I don't think it will be one last belittling of Jimmy from the grave as Kim predicted. Good episode; they all fly by. Can't wait for next week.
  7. Apparently his father was indeed a mechanic down in Hampton, Va. He has one older brother, Camshaft (he goes by "Cam") and a younger sister, Caliper (she goes by "Cal").
  8. Interesting. Everyone puts emphasis on first syllable. He puts it on the second syllable. be-- LICH-ick, You talking about KennyDavisEyes? Be careful. He'll tease you, he'll unease you, all the better just to please you.
  9. You know, I almost forgot about Tyrod for a moment there. Lots of QBs to watch in this game. Like all of them on both teams.
  10. I'm looking forward to seeing Mayfield, Allen, and all of our quarterbacks. Would be interesting to see if they can have another strong game. I hope they handle Allen a little differently as well, and give him more time with better players. And that cuts both ways: better players with him, and better players trying to stop him.
  11. I have noticed McCoy and a few others, here and there, say it the "alternative way" which I guess is correct. I also always dismissed them as simply not knowing how to pronounce it.
  12. I know. But they have obviously not been strict in enforcing the rule about that. I have listened to WGR 550 streamed live, on a computer at home, during regular season Bills games, for like the last 5 years. It always works. Perhaps that is being newly enforced this year for the first time. Regardless, that rule doesn't apply to today, for instance, and I am having the same problem now that I had prior to the game. In reading the various responses, it is obvious something is screwed up at their website and if/when it gets fixed, I'll be able to listen again. Until then, I am not going to get too bothered about it.
  13. Not even live broadcasts of Bills games you otherwise can't see? As the football season approaches, it would be nice to stream them live, when necessary.
  14. I believe that generation of Camaro featured the brilliant GM engineering solution of using nylon gears in the gearbox. I could be wrong on the timing of that. Late '70s early '80s is about the worst possible time frame for automobiles. Almost everyone on the planet was making pure garbage, and it was when emissions controls were first being implemented. Lots of neutered trash produced around that time.
  15. Yep, this is not entirely unusual. Seems to work pretty well in most cases, too.
  16. Not a function of "forcing" them to use it, but a function of all the teams banding together to benefit from using the same platform, so they don't have to deal with it on their own. The league shares tons of things like that, where they can.
  17. But that's a mobile device problem, right? Like you're trying to access the station on a cell phone? I'm using an Apple laptop running Safari, not Chrome. It always used to work just fine, including after they went to the new "app". But I first noticed it doesn't work when I was trying to tune into the preseason game. Still not working several days later.
  18. I have noticed that since Ryan Gates left the station, the segments for the various shows either never get posted in the "recent audio" vault or are posted really late. Ryan used to do a nice job of getting that stuff posted usually within 10 minutes of a segment ending. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they have had a website problem that hasn't been resolved for a matter of days.
  19. Word out of Cleveland training camp is that "Tyrod" is not pronounced like a "TIE ROD" with accent on first syllable, but "ti-ROD" with accent on second syllable. Kind of how the accent comes at the end when you say "LeSean" as in LeSean McCoy. le-SEAN. ty-ROD. Who knew? https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/08-13-bleacher-reports-mike-tanier-bulldog
  20. If they are genuinely approaching it as a 3-way competition with an attitude of "let the best man win" then they are doing it the wrong way. Allen should be pushed hard as the #1 and he should start Game 1 of the real season. However they want to get him to that point while keeping an eye on the other 2 guys is fine; I don't really care how they do that. But their entire organizational thinking should be Allen 110% until he shows he can't do it. The other 2 guys shouldn't even register on the radar.
  21. For a few days now when I click on the "listen live" button at wgr550.com on a home computer, the screen for the radio player sort of opens, but all it shows is a spinning circle and nothing ever loads and nothing is played. I've emptied my cache, reset things, rebooted...and listened to a variety of other online streaming radio stations with no problem. I'm thinking there is a problem with WGR's website but I don't know. Anyone else notice this?
  22. Recognize this photo? Think you've seen it before? Yes, that's Manfred von Richthofen sitting in the cockpit. The "Red Baron."
  23. I always thought this was a cool album cover, just from a graphic design point of view. Loved this too.
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