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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Look at that collection of tweets! Such praise! The lesson: none of us knows anything until Allen plays some games in the regular season.
  2. Haven't read the piece, but I'm sure the typical fan reaction at this forum is identical to the early days with EJ, or Tyrod for that matter. Remember the "comeback" against Carolina? A poster here declared we were witnessing the birth of a great new legend QB in Buffalo: EJ Manuel. Yeah, not so much.
  3. "Just hook 'em like we hook a big ole chucklehead back home in Missouruh."
  4. QB throwing motion is kind of like a batter's swing in baseball. You can do everything "wrong" going by the book but it doesn't matter if you can get the job done. I.E, throwing motion is an issue only if it is an issue. If it is not, it's not.
  5. Good call. That dude has "fired" written across his forehead. Not sure how he has lasted this long.
  6. I've driven probably thousands of miles on Italian autostradas; I think they have some of the best highways in the world.
  7. That video is 1 hour 26 min. long! Cool. I'll watch later tonight when I have free time.
  8. Who the hell is Steve? Correction: Who the hell was Steve?
  9. I don't care if he redeems himself and finds Jesus...I just want him to catch the freaking football. One of anything does not a trend make. But Jones played in 15 games last year and that's sixty quarters of football. He played pretty much the same in all sixty. Is that a trend?
  10. Cleveland Browns defensive coordinator Gregg Williams Crap! I hate when this happens!
  11. I think what makes Allen unique is his hip rotation; he generates most of his power in that manner. He is harnessing his entire big body which is why he has such velocity. Similar to how boxers throw a punch. They punch with their hips, not their arms. He does not throw with his arm, per se.
  12. He followed up the crap about turning down job offers by saying "I want to be here." He was trying to instill a sense of value in the players, basically saying he wanted to be there so they should want to be there too. I.E., Cleveland is to be respected, not joked about. The funny thing is what he is arguing is so obviously phony and superficial. It's out of some hack's book on "motivational speaking for beginners". He just seems like a total idiot to me.
  13. This was mentioned several times in the thread on the "Hard Knocks" TV show. As I said in that thread, Gregg is a first class douchebag. He absolutely wreaks of it. He comes across as a redneck and an idiot, and yet has been enjoying 7 figure salaries for a long time. He is the luckiest man in America.
  14. Haven't heard of the show. Sounds like I should check it out.
  15. First the truck blew up outside Bologna, and now this! Jesus.
  16. Good call. You're right about that. The "cousins" Leonel and Marco Salamanca. I think that was the first time either of them actually spoke in either show. I could be wrong though.
  17. Thanks for inviting me into the world of your typical dipzhit American. I'm never visiting again.
  18. The "listen live" button still doesn't work at the website for me.
  19. You know, it's not 1890 anymore. Many nurses are men, and many doctors are women.
  20. Last night we had a cool crescent moon pretty close in the night sky to Venus, which was super big and bright. I guess it should be that way again tonight, earlier in the evening. Watch out for it!
  21. Guys who drive at the track like me hate run flats, b/c they are heavy (and that's unsprung weight which is a bad thing), and there aren't that many options out there, particularly for performance duty. I've been a member of the BMWCCA for many years. Most folks can't stand the transformation to run flats and the elimination of the dipstick as well. Unfortunately, the premium German manufactures decided a long time ago to go the crazy computer/techno route with their cars. It's really hard to work on them these days. My personal beef with most new BMW products is that the computers draw a constant strain on the battery, such that your battery will be dead if you are out of town for a few weeks and don't touch the car. Need to disable the battery and what not. Stuff like that is just total bull ****. BMW pisses me off these days with lots of things, not the least of which is abandoning their traditional design philosophy and making big, bloated, bland looking cars with marginal handling, like everyone else. The switch over to turbos and away from the inline 6s, which is why you buy a BMW in the first place, was the final straw. I think I'm done with them. At least they still offer stick shifts on some of their cars. That's becoming increasingly rare. Sorry to rant and go so off topic.
  22. Love the show too, but I'm not sure why that qualifies as a "guilty pleasure." Forging things from steel is seriously righteous stuff.
  23. The older guy was Manuel Varga, Nacho's father. He owns and was in his own upholstery shop. He assumed his son was there to collect the usual tribute payment required by Salamanca. His son was telling him that it was not needed anymore, b/c he is thinking he has killed or almost killed Salamanca. His dad doesn't know that he did that to protect him. His father gave the money anyway b/c he is just sort of burned out and sickened by the whole thing. Like "take it anyway!" So his son took it, presumably he will give it back to his dad at some point or buy him a gift maybe. I tried to answer your question about Madrigal a few posts ago.
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