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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Thanks, Foxx, for that video. Will watch later this evening.
  2. So a buddy of mine called me today all stressed out. He works in finance at a large, multi-national corporation. He's always talking about numbers, budgets, fiscal forecasting, etc. All the fun stuff. LOL. Today he had to give a presentation over the phone to like 30 people in several countries. When he finished, he asked his underling (we'll call her Linda) to start her part of the presentation. No answer. My buddy thought she was over on her side of the building in her office quietly waiting for her turn to speak. I guess this was a fairly important matter and she certainly knew she had to participate today. So someone gets up and physically goes to Linda's office only to find it dark and unattended. Turns out Linda had some type of food poisoning incident at work earlier in the morning and went home feeling ill. The only thing she did to notify anyone of this was send an instant message in MS Office to my buddy, once the meeting had already started, which of course he never saw b/c the computer knew he was in a meeting and so it blocked the IM part of the program. She didn't tell anyone else or send an email. So now he needs to yell at Linda, basically, but he is unsure how to proceed. Keep in mind Linda is a good worker, was hired by my buddy, and overall I think my buddy has a good relationship with her which he doesn't want to ruin. Yet Linda's actions today were unprofessional, out of line, and ended up embarrassing my buddy in front of all these people in fairly high up positions particularly at world corporate HQ in a foreign country. He's afraid they are all going to be like "who is this loser you hired!?" Anyone here have managerial experience? How do you handle the little chat my buddy has to have tomorrow with Linda?
  3. Never heard of it. Just looked it up. Looks interesting. Not a bad idea.
  4. Of course they are going to play this crap up. It gets clicks, creates viewers, etc... This is the crap that people love to watch/talk about. Some probably love Ramsey for this stuff, most probably hate him...but either way it brings in business to those in media. Is that not obvious?
  5. No reason why we can't do both. Win, and target him. Based on the team's reaction to the Gronk incident last year, I'm not expecting much.
  6. Speaking of Steves who are dead. Remember Steve Irwin, the outdoorsman/animal guy? His daughter Bindi is cute as hell.
  7. Har har har. Know any good documentaries on Youtube discussing time or time travel ? I have always been interested in it too; read a few books. One was called "The Arrow of Time" and the basic concept was that time only moves forward, not backward...I guess this is a flaw in some of Einstein's equations as he treated it like it could go both ways. One thing we know is that with time dilation, you could definitely make a forward traveling time machine! Just go out into space in a fast moving spaceship, get the thing up to 80% of the speed of light or whatever, and do a few laps of the solar system or whatever....kill some "time" (no pun intended)...and come back. Your 1 week trip will advance things on Earth many years. I have never seen what the numbers actually are for that. Like at what speed for what time duration would result in what rate of time advancing in "normal time" back on earth? Anyway, it should work. Traveling backward in time is another matter entirely. I think that must be fundamentally impossible.
  8. For me, the list has to include this one in Monterey, California. Lovely motel.
  9. Before the draft, there was some discussion about how some players will fail in the NFL once drafted, and yet it won't really be on the player himself. I.E., more goes into a player's success than just the player, and if he is drafted by the wrong team/organization and is a bad fit or doesn't get the right coaching, he may fail, even though he may have succeeded elsewhere. I think of that discussion when I think of Mayfield. He seems like a guy who should be a successful, good, NFL QB...and yet his career may go sideways simply b/c he ended up in the wrong situation at the wrong time. We'll find out. Don't be so harsh on these guys. At least Nassib is aware of the concept of interest. Some of the players we saw in the first episode were clearly being introduced to the concept of interest for the first time. It makes me sick to see these guys who allegedly attended college and some have probably even graduated! They just aren't college material and pretending that they are b/c they are good at football disgusts me. I agree with you though....the guy's point was that Nassib's "rule of 7s" is kind of unrealistic in that you can't count on getting a 10% return on investment 7 years in a row. At least Nassib seems to be aware of the importance of trying to retain and grow the money he makes playing football. As opposed to blowing it on Lamborghinis, houses, drugs, and women. Wait a minute, that second approach sounds pretty good to me! Yes! Yes he is! I was thinking the same thing during that little scene with Tyrod telling him what to do in terms of filming the guys slacking off and showing it to them in order to shame them and make them stop.
  10. Why? Because he is now a Bill? What changed your mind?
  11. I have never pooped in my own hand and flung it at someone I don't know, in a public environment, in a moment of anger.
  12. I don't think it's a question of him getting the opportunity. It's more the fact that he doesn't have it in him any more to put in the work/hours and doesn't want to coach.
  13. Finally just saw episode 2. Cleveland's problems start with ownership. The entire top of that organization are bad hires, and that's on ownership. Aging Jim Brown looks like a bald Frederick Douglass. Antonio Callaway is one of these NFL players who is just dumber than dirt. He probably hasn't screwed up for the last time, and you can't blame Jackson for that. Dude's a brainless drone incapable of learning. If John Dorsey is awake, he's chewing gum. Tyrod's professionalism, intelligence, and work ethic all stand out like a shining light in a dark sky on that team! It's a mess and will remain that way until this entire regime is gone. It reminds me of much of what we have seen at OBD over the years. Thankfully, not so much now though.
  14. I think this is my favorite part: "Every time they played a big school—like, they played Iowa State, which is not a big school in my opinion because I went to Florida State." So he himself cites Iowa State as an example of a big school Allen played, but then states they are not a big school. In a league of illiterates, idiots, morons, criminals, and scumbags, this guy stands out as the creme de la creme. Hope he gets his knee destroyed.
  15. If only their mistakes had led to the same spot at the same time, we would have been unstoppable.
  16. One of Kip Thorne's colleagues at Cal Tech is Sean Carroll, who has now done 2 podcasts with Joe Rogan, including one just recently. The first was much better in terms of focusing on physics. Anyone interested in this thread would probably enjoy that podcast.
  17. I think she will dump him as he turns more and more into Saul the scumbag. They gave it away with that scene at the end of the first episode. But then she came out in the 2nd episode swinging at Howard and hiding the check/letter from Jimmy in order to protect her man. So who knows. I just hope they don't kill her off. LOL. I thought you meant in terms of content, not how they actually sound. You're right; they both have that same gravely sort of broken up thing going, like they need a cough drop and could stand to clear their throat.
  18. This has to be a piece of fictional, creative writing. Still a fun read though.
  19. There are a lot of recorded scholarly lectures on Youtube. If you start looking for whatever you are interested in, you will find them.
  20. Could be, but then the show has tried her to point a finger at her as sort of a shady character with some flaws. Yes, 2 to go. Thank goodness! I will see it through to the end, but I really haven't enjoyed it and it has dragged on with such a slow pace. Could have been reduced to 4 or 5 instead of 8 episodes.
  21. Either zero or once. They are only doing it for the first win of the season. Indeed. When you can't sell your product with quality, you lean on the marketing department to sell it with invented bull ****. No industry is more guilty of this than the shaving/razor industry. 2 blades! 3! 4! It pivots! It has a lubricating strip! Wheat they should be telling you is to buy an old fashioned safety razor, some good razor blades (Feather from Japan are among the best), a good brush, a good bar of shaving soap, and learn to shave properly. I.E., use technology from the 1930s. Instead Gillete, etc., keep trying to re-invent the razor every 6 months.
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