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Everything posted by RK_BillsFan

  1. ^^^^^^^^ winner.
  2. I hope no one notices the useless blue sports tape on the back of my left leg.
  3. Fig, I know you don't want me running my numbers again. Flutie was a lot better than you are giving him credit for. As for Kolb. Has he ever played a season behind a even semi-decent O-line? Anyone? All I can think of is hearing about the guy running for his life and then getting injured. He also, unless EJ comes out of camp by and far the started, is definitely the best option to start. I'm pretty convinced that Tjax will be released so the team can list B.Smith as the third QB to open up other roster spots
  4. Was I the only person not surprised when the bills took EJ for their QB pick? There was an article on Bufflorumblings.com 3 days before the draft where someone pointed out that they had no idea where media was getting their info about the Bills being interested on Geno and Nassib but that the staff was completely enamored with EJ.
  5. I would say he is probably if not a first round pick, he is easily second round worthy. My largest concern is trying to second guess how the new O will do with a new coach, and what happens when they get inside the 5. Make no mistake, he is, imo a better Chris Johnson, and is lethal in the passing game. danh920 was pretty spot on, you could probably say Alfred Morris could be considered in the top 5, also Beast Mode has to be a consideration. Another thing to consider might be your draft order. I know a lot of leagues do things different. but if you draft in the top half of the order, it might be wise to wait on him and see if he slips to the later part of the second. If you are in the bottom half the order you could just spring for him with an early second round pick or just take him off the board with a late first round.
  6. IMO, the qbs will be: Kolb, EJ, Brad Smith > Tuel to PS This means we drop Tjax, and get an extra WR Slot where i would like to see: SJ, Graham, Woods, Goodwin, Rodgers, and Kaufman (sp? the tall UDFA) I'll be one of the first people to say, please dear god lets get rid of brad smith and open up the money and slot, but i have to admit, the guy can play a lot of positions and was terribly underused by the previous staff. I think his contract is 500k of dead money even if we cut him, which is less than he 3M + we will pay him, but he does give us a KR, WR, and ST player. Essentially, if you pay Min Wage for a player to take up each of those slots, you're looking at 1.5M - 2M anyway, it's not a bad deal to pay him a bit more to take up only 1 roster spot.
  7. Can we just name them "The Hogs" and get it over with. Although honestly all this crap is nothing but free publicity for the team.
  8. Some people were talking about Byrd as if we couldn't afford 8-9 million a year with our current contracts. We can. I would bet at this point, they are going to wait to see who they can get to come in FA wise before the make his contract. We can tightly pack in a FA or 2 with a 9 million Byrd Contract this year. Next year however we end up with an interesting situation. Several contracts either end or hit a point were cuts don't hurt us. I would say the names that come to mind are: Fred Jackson (3.7M owards cap / no dead Money) Mark Anderson (5.5M towards cap / 3M dead Money) Brad Smith (4M towards cap / .5M dead Money) Fitzmagic (7M dead money towards cap) There's also a ton of smaller contracts that will add up to cap room when people are cut.
  9. I wonder who Rodgers has beaten on those 3 plays. Also I'm a bit worried about out O but i guess we'll see what happens when they put on pads and start getting a bit more time with the play book. The new D seems to at least be able to cause a stir instead of hoping the other team falls asleep.
  10. <3 u Fig, i was REALLLLLLLLY bored at work. TY for the time waster. Besides I love working with numbers.
  11. I actually agree with Fig here. I would take Romo over Fitz every day of the week. Sorry. Choke artist? Sure. Able to throw the ball a whole lot better? Hell yes he can.
  12. Sanchez has not done historically well against the Bills..... he has played great to above average in 3 strait games. The JETS as a whole have beaten us a lot in the past decade, but it has little to do with Sanchez. Pennington could have stayed and done just as well(assuming his shoulder didn't break yet again). The numbers do not lie, Sanchez has not actually done that well against the Bills. He has had good games here and there but he has also had bad ones. His average is pedestrian at best. Again this is his average, this is what he has done in 7 starts, good and bad: 15/28 (53.5%) 181 yds 1.57 TDS 1.28 Int What part of this screams "historically" good to you? And if you are going to say to throw out the fist game, you might as well throw out the best and worst performance in each stat and consider them flukes ie 4 TDs vs 0 TD and 266 yds vs 104. You know what, screw it, i'll do it for you: yds 119/104/161/230/180/266/205 td 0/1/2/1/4/3/0 int 5/0/0/1/1/1/1 179 yds 1.4 TDs .8 INT This is only slightly better than before and still hard worth even mentioning. Numbers do not lie, Sanchez doesn't actually do much in his games against us.
  13. 4 TD and 180 yds with under 50% completion. That's 1 inflated stat with 2 pretty mediocre ones. Great he finished 4 drives that the running backs didn't and had short fields to work with that game. Sanchez is simply not that great. Again, he has in 7 games started against us of the last 8 since he was rested for 1 of them, 2 Great games, 1 where he did what was needed and finished drives, and 4 games where he did basically nothing. Oh the game where Sanchez was 2 TD for 0 Int..... so was Fitz..... Difference? the Jets had over 200 rushing yds.
  14. Game 1: (210 rushing yds / 1 TD) 10/29 119 yds 0 TD 5 INT Terrible Game, but hey, kids a rookie. Game 2: (249 rushing yds / 0TD) 7/15 (46.7% / 6.9 YPA) 104 yds 1 TD 0 INT All Run game and Jets D, Sanchez did basically nothing Game 3: (227 rushing yds / 2TD) 14/24 (58.3% / 6.7 YPA) 161 yds 2 TD 0 INT All Run game and Jets D. Sanchez did just enough nothing special. Game 4: (129 rushing yds / 2 TD) 20/28 (71.4% / 8.2 YPA) 230 yds 1 TD 1 INT First Good Game against Bills Game 5: (138 rushing yds / 0 TD) 17/35 (48.6% / 5.1 YPA) 180 yds 4 TD 1 INT Meh stats, but put up 4 TD, did what was needed, but did not exactly destroy the Bills. Game 6: (118 rushing yds / 1 TD) 19/27 (70.4% / 9.9 YPA) 266 yds 3 TD 1 INT We all know what happened here. Bills vanilla D got stomped, Third good game against the Bills in a row. Game 7: (134 Rushing Yards / 0 TD) 17/35 (48.6% / 5.9 YPA) 205 yds 0 TD 1 INT Once again nothing special just like in games 1,2,3. So we are looking at 2 AMAZING games, 1 Decent game, and 4 Nothing games where he was either bad or did nothing...... yep let me tell you Sanchez owns the Bills. The Jets as a team have, beaten the bills pretty soundly over the last decade, but in the last 4 years, it was certainly not because of the amazing talents of Sanchez, nor this idea that Sanchez has our number and always plays well against us. If you would like here is his average against us per game: 15/28 (53.5%) 181 yds 1.57 TDS 1.28 Int Ya. Real scary numbers. Sanchez has owned the Bills, not like it's the rest of the Jets team pulling weight or the Bills just being bad. It's alllllll Sanchez.
  15. at this point, i'm just going to assume Fig Newtons is trolling. Proof has been brought up that sanchez is not amazing, and simply the enjoying the benefits of the team he was on at the time he was there. Basically Trent Dilfer.
  16. @ Fig Newtons "Fact is, Sanchez is better than every single QB we've had on our roster since Kelly left. Another fact is that Brady is better than ANY quarterback in Bills history." 1) Sanchez is NOT better than Bledsoe and Flutie, i would even dare say Rob Johnson was equal or better. Sanchez's early career success is enitrely, 100% based on the system Rex initially installed relying on a heavy ground game and stellar D. Just because he did well against our team while coached by fossils of football past means nothing. 2) Brady is, and forever will be, the player that made BB look brilliant. To say BB is the luckiest man ever, is probably an understatement. He is amazing, but I would bet a large amount of money that Both Mannings and Brees would put up equal or greater guady numbers as Brady with they system. "Rex Ryan's style of coaching, along with Mark Sanchez under center, got the Jets to consecutive AFC Championships ... so yes, I do respect that." Any QB would have been fine those 2 years. Fitz could have done Sanchez's job in those 2 yrs. "Sanchez is better than EVERY quarterback since Kelly." See above, because that is clearly just not true. "The Jets have been better TEAM than the Bills for over a decade." And the Bills were a better TEAM than the Jets for over a decade in the 90s. Teams go through cycles, simple. Can't suck forever, otherwise the team goes under. "People need to realize that to slam players, teams and coaches that have been better than Buffalo since the last friggin millenium is nothing but hatred born of jealousy." I will bash the Jets and Mark Sanchez all day. It is NOT jealousy. I will note that I would rather SUCK something aweful than be anything close to resembling the abnoxiousness of Jets players, coach, and fans and that mentality. I thought the Cowboys were bad in the 90s, but I'd rather listen to one of those guys than hear anything from one of these circus side shows. It's not Talent, or Skill, or Being better. So they had a better W/L record in the last 4 Yrs. You know who else did? The Falcons. You know why no one cares. They didn't win the superbowl. Nothing matters unless you win the game at the end. Oh man they were 1 game away...... No one cares. Want proof? The eagles went to 4 strait NFC championship games..... no one cares. All people remember is the loss in the 1 time they made it all the way. "Respect those who are better and aspire to be better than them." "Or just say, "they suck," and pretend the Bills are better." The problem is.... are they really better? I would bet that outside of coaches, the answer is no. I would bet that swaping coaches, would result in the Jets never making it to those 2 title games and simply having 4 terrible yrs rather than 2. I can't tell you how many time I see games where the Jets clearly should have lost and some how are given the game on a platter. Don't get me wrong though. The Bills are, a rebuilding team, and I have yet to have confidence on the Bills Coaching staff in many years. Nothing makes me madder than cutsey play calling and not just out right beating the other team, something I think Rex at least trys to convey. we are 8-12 against them in the last decade. Of the 12 loses, half of the games were lost by 6 or less. So that means, we lost 6 close games and got beat decently to badly in 6. Thats not exactly being destroyed by a team. Also i'll take a 48-28 lose over a 28-9 lose. Jets just really aren't that good, mostly a product of coaching scheme, and in many cases luck. Sanchez is NOT that amazing, and if you really want to argue, the second they started to ask him to do more than keep the defense honest, the team started losing more and more.
  17. He probably will not get the ring back. I'm a bit more concerned that he could pop 5 of those pills again because he's depressed. Could be a decent explanation as to his poor play at times last year. Hard to be at your best when you are 1) lost in your thoughts 2) taking a !@#$ ton of pills to deal with it
  18. it was in Jersey. Shame really, my friend was a big fan of the kid when he was with the Raiders.
  19. The Hogs would be a way more fun name for a team. Just saying.
  20. anyone else refreshing the bills site like an addict, begging for the video of the workout to be up?
  21. I think i get a pretty good idea how the rest of the people will respond so i'll cover it. Rodgers beats Gilmore our #1 CB constantly......... Our # 1 CB is useless, DOOOOOOOOOOOMED Rodgers never makes another highlight catch during practices.......... Our UDFA gem we managed to steal from everyone is fools gold. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED Did i get it right?
  22. I have to say that i'm pretty indifferent on the situation. I do see the point that Redskins is a generalized term and not to be classified the same as say Blackhawks. While I don't care if the name stays the same, I do care if they change to name to something stupid. I heard someone mention the Red Hawks, and at first I thought, that's actually not to bad, until the person answered the question in my mind of " are there red (tailed) hawks in dc?". The Red Hawks being the African American pilot group, an while that was fine, i disliked the whole black pride approach. It just sounded like he wanted to trade one race for another, but I digress. Didn't read all the pages of posts but.... why the hell are they not just go with "The Hogs"? I feel like it would not upset any group, and it has team history linked to it. All in favor of The Washington Hogs and all of their cheerleaders can be Pigglets ( the cross dressers in the stands can stay the hoggets)
  23. we have 13 million in cap space not counting rookies and byrd. assuming the rookies cost us about 4-5, we can give byrd the contract that he deserves and be basically at cap.
  24. If nothing else, we won't be as boring. Maybe.... we'll even.... gasp..... blitz?
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