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Posts posted by RK_BillsFan

  1. Hey guys, with the lovely snow day I have right now, i was sitting down and starting to do my First Mock. It occurred to me, that with such a great community here on these boards, it's odd that no one has made an overall list regarding suggested draft picks and FA signings.


    Before I finish this draft, I thought i'd hope on here and ask if anyone would like the idea of a google document being set up, dividing out Draft vs FA. We can make note of the rounds, the players by position, and leave notes on it stating who suggested what, and copy and paste their reasoning into it. Just thought I'd drop the idea since I have about a hundred tabs open between here, and other websites reading different reviews/report and suggested drafts.

  2. So, i'm pretty glad this post was already made because I wanted to discuss Seattle's performance. First of all, idk how everyone else feels but, I really wanted Seattle to win. The seahawks have been, for the most part of their history, the loveable losers. The last 4 years, the entire culture of that franchise has changed rewarding their fans. Now onto the team itself.


    I feel that this team is not just built as "A Team That Wins Championships with Defense". This team feels different, it's not the 2000 Ravens, or the Bucs' Superbowl team. They have an amazing Defence, and a dynamic Offence that is run by an extremely efficient QB. Are WIlson's numbers eye popping? nope.


    Do they need to be?


    Wilson is in his second year. His numbers are good, not great, but not pedestrian. He has less weapons than Tom Brady, and a monster of a RB to change the pace of the game. His ability to be an effective scrambler as well as his pocket awareness which was entirely on display last night, makes him a very dangerous weapon.


    That being said. I was trying to find anyway to say that the broncos did well last night. Unfortunately I can't justify anything. They never got the run game going. Mannings are looked like garbage. And the Dink and Dunk passes all game never got them anything.


    Manning had 8.2 yards per pass.

    Wilson had 11.4


    The broncos had 26 yds rushing

    The seahawks had 86


    Even if you take away the pick 6, and the kickoff return, and the terrible fumble trying to get more yards, the Broncos were simply not going to win last night. They were outplayed, in every part of the game. Not to mention, that at the start of the game, their D did a fantastic job of keeping the game respectable at least in the first quarter.


    Now of course only time will tell, but i feel as though, Unlike the 2000 Ravens, and the Bucs, the Seahawks who are extremely young as a team, will probably be in superbowl contention for the next few years.

  3. Man..... watching those videos..... is that what it's like to have a QB that can throw over 15 yds. People can say what they want about Bledsoe being a statue in the pocket, at least he had a cannon for an arm. Also watching Moulds and Price again. I felt a certain pride as a fan seeing us have 2 competent WR's and a QB able to get them the ball.

  4. I think we are missing a rather important stat. How many times was the ball thrown to where he was covering? I would probably guess a lot more his rookie season than any of the other seasons. That said, Byrd is a very good safety. as a matter of fact, PFF ranks him as the best cover safety in football:


    25. Jairus Byrd, S, Buffalo Bills (previously 72nd)

    Is there a better deep safety in the league than Byrd right now? A legitimate playmaker that quarterbacks have to be mindful of on every down, Byrd comfortably finished the year our top ranked cover safety. Now, the way he’s used may not make him the most complete safety out there, but he’s so good at what he does you can’t help but appreciate the Bills’ franchise player.

    Best Performance: Week 11 vs Miami, +5.3

    Key Stat: Intercepted five passes and wasn’t beaten for a touchdown all year


    Now. Should we make him the highest paid safety in the league? I would say no. new system, new teammates, and like you said his stat's are slightly padded INT wise. However, he is s sure tackler, and causes a fair amount of fumbles when he gets his hands on the ball. Is he going to put up Ed Reed INT numbers? Probably not. But who knows. It's not like the bills front line has exactly been breathing down the necks of opposing QBs these past few seasons.


    TBH if the bills offered 5 yr / 45 million, front loaded the contract and made it say, 28 million guaranteed, i'd be ok with it. Take the teams salary close to cap next year to make this happen and be done with it. If we get to drop Mark Anderson due to not really doing what we brought him in for, it would help alleviate some cap space that the Fitz contract will eat up. He will be paid like a top Safety and have i believe the most guaranteed money of the most recent contracts. It's really this simple.

  5. Its pretty simple, the Bills aren't backing down. They know that they have a stud in Byrd but he is certainly not worth the money he is asking. I am completely fine with top 4-5 money. They know that it would be cheaper for them to franchise him this year and next. No player in heir right mind would sit 2 yrs in a row. Byrd and his Agent will come to terms more in line with what the bills want, or he won't play for 2 yrs, simple.

  6. Honestly, I like the bills approach. They have said they are willing to pay him top 4-5 money, but not the top, considering he hasn't played in this D scheme yet. So, Parker wants to play hardball? No problem. It would be cheaper to tag him this year and next. And no one is going to come knocking with 2 first round picks for Byrd. So he doesn't want to play? Enjoy not playing for 2 years. Really, The bills are fine in their current position. Byrd has to decide if he would like to play over the next 2 years and prolong his career beyond that(baring injury).

  7. I'm sure it's been posted but, Byrd is basically screwed when it comes to trying to force a deal on his worth. These are the options:


    1) They come to an agreement to a long term contract this year.

    2) Byrd plays this year, at his franchise tag price, in a new system where he might not fit as well as he has in past systems, and we lock him up long term next year.

    3) Byrd doesn't play, holds out and still collects his franchise tag money. He is either signed long term, re-franchised, or traded at the end of the season

    4) Some team gives up 2 first round draft picks and a player for Byrd


    No safety is worth 2 first round picks and a player. That's Franchise Elite QB ransom.

  8. You know it's strange. When I first read this post, I dismissed it quickly, quietly, and without much thought. Over the past few days however, I gave this a bit more thought. at least entertained the idea, what should the game look like. Important things came up:


    How does our Offence actually perform?

    Is the Patriot's D still pretty shoddy?

    How will our D do against the infallible constant machine that is Tom Brady?

    Tom Brady, while seeming ageless is aging, does he still have it?

    If Gronk isn't there, how does Hernandez fair?

    If Hernandez is actually in trouble, what happens to the attack pattern of the pats?

    Who the hell is actually a WR for the pats.....?

    Will the pats rely on their run game with ever changing backfield?

    Can our D actually stop the run with the new schemes?

    Will we make corrections at half-time?


    At some point, there was a small rise of hope with in me that, maybe, just maybe, going into this game, i could consider the outcome to truely be 50/50, to say that neither team really had a leg up or should be expected to win.


    Then I remembered that, we are the Bills, a young and unproven team, new schemes on both sides of the ball. We are opening against a team coached by, one of the better football minds of the history of the sports. Along with that, is a QB who, honestly makes even the most pedestrian of WR's look amazing. Someone who may and probably should go down as one of the best QBS in the history of the sport, if not for his numbers, for the fact that he put up his numbers with, basically band aid WR's that without him and the system that is being used in NE, would be happy to be number 3 or lower receivers on other teams.


    I am extremely enthused by the new coaching staff and direction we seem to be going as a team. I would love nothing more for the Bills to open the season with a win, and even more so to beat the Pats. However, i can't bring myself to honestly say we are not underdogs in the competition and will be fighting an uphill battle. If nothing else i would like to see an exciting game, perhaps something in the range of 20-17 or 24-20 or 23-21. One where the reason for our lose was not lack of talent or terrible coaching, but more about the youth of our team and lack of comfort and time with the new system.


    PS. If we won the game 21-20 because we blocked the game winning FG attempt by the pats on the final play of the game, all because of "Megahand". I will probably be uncontrollable at the bar.


    PPS. Who am I kidding..... if we win, I'll be uncontrollable regardless of have it happened.

  9. Well page 2 Badolbeelz implies it and I agreed. Seriously, maybe not bust status (yet), but no one on this board can be happy with his performance to date, especially when you see the impact of other players from that year draft


    I'm not happy, or shall we say ecstatic with his performance, but i can live with it... Hard to play the hindsight is 20/20 game imho. But again.... if he averaged 5 sacks a year for his career here, i'd be happy with it. Would I like more? Sure I would.... But considering I never really liked Nix and the previous coaching staff, to at least get a productive starter with a first round pick, it's got to count for something. I mean.... how many previous first rounders did we pick up this season that have done nothing or have been of either equal or lesser value. I feel like we picked up 2, can't honestly remember if it's only the guy from the Colts.


    Back on topic. Dareus might never live up to the superstar status he was supposed to be, but if he can be a productive starter for us for a decade, then i'm ok with that. Baby steps in the right direction. As long as we don't have more Maybin's running around not even sniffing the field.


    As for him being.... what 20-30 lbs over weight..... if he is..... who cares? at that size, i can't image it makes much of a difference. Under the current coaching staff, if he wasn't doing well we'd just have him sit and have Branch in. Hell Kyle Williams played the nose for us the yr before we got Dareus if I remember correctly

  10. SO... let me get this strait. We drafted a player, and in his first 2 seasons had to learn different schemes. In this first season he didn't have the teams best lineman lining up next to him as was intended and in the second season, our D might as well have been run by a high school football coach. He still manages to get 10 sacks ( i'm pretty sure he's around there) and he's a bust? Or rather not living up to his potential?


    Just because you draft someone in the top 10, doesn't mean they are going to be some record breaking star. The lose of family members is also something everyone takes differently. Some players rise above it, some sink. It's his third year, with what might be a real DC. Lets see how this year goes. If he goes his entire career here averaging 5 sacks..... I'd be fine with it, considering this is.... you know.... the Bills..... it wouldn't be that bad. Hell of a lot better than Maybin.......

  11. So we have about 20 Million in cap room now. The 1.75 million was his total cap space hit if he played the whole year. He is still 550k of dead space, so we only pick up 1.2 Million ( which is still nice).


    Assuming Byrd gets the 9 Million a year that his agent wants, and EJ signs a 4-5 yr 9-10 Million dollar deal, with 4 million of so counting against us this yr, we are looking at about 7 Million in cap space left. Not to bad, considering we still have a ton of players that will be cut and add some min wage contract space to our cap. Probably enough to sign 2 more linemen if the coaches feel it's needed.

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