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Posts posted by RK_BillsFan

  1. We offered him a contract, he just didn't take it... and lest be honest, 8 million a yr for a guard was not money we really had for that position.


    We have offered other FA's contracts too, but we aren't over paying and i'm ok with that. The majority of Nix's mistakes will be erased almost entirely by the time next yrs draft comes. Be patient, we're not in that bad a spot for a team that's is rebuilding and finally doing it with a youth movement.

  2. IMO, and you can obviously disagree, we are in a decent position. Take this into consideration. The last 13 yrs, and pretty much since our Golden 4 years, we have done nothing but try to draft players and bring in older players to revive their careers.


    Maybe I missed something over the years when I wasn't really paying as close attention to the team as I am right now, but when was the last time we had a true youth movement. We have 20ish million to play with right now, give or take a little. That's not really that bad. I would suffer 2 more years of bad/mediocre play IF it put us in the position the browns are in in terms of talent, cap space and team age.


    Have we been in a better position... sure. Been worse? absolutely. This isn't that bad and i have a lot of hope knowing that after next year the majority of Nix's mistakes will have been taken care of and we can move on.

  3. 1. No one wants to come to Buffalo.... ever......


    2. Cutting Fitz was right thing to do. At least we gain 7 million this yr to land someone. although see #1. I mean ****, if we need a QB someone call Jamarcuss Russell and tell him he can compete for league min. At least he can push the ball past 15 yds.


    Also they tried to restructure with Fitz. He didn't want too, and who can blame the guy, he is getting paid by the bills regardless. And i'm sure he can find a back up gig somewhere.


    Edit: i'm going to be bold here after thinking about this and say this is Nix's best !@#$ing decision he's made while here in terms of dealing with personnel and contracts. His worst was either making Fitz contract or the Brad Smith contract...... ( excluding draft since.... i feel he was average and just as even a blind dog can find a bone, he did manage to find CJ)


    3. You're worried about our QB situtaion? Cuz having Fitz would have made it better. Lets talk about our D and not having 3-4 peices. I would love nickle being our base package though. As far as i'm concerned, D transition means at least a ****ty start to the season ebfore people get comfortable.


    4. No, we are not oblifated to spend our first pick on an average QB class. There are so many options here i'm not even going to both starting to list them.


    5. Levitre was not worth 8 million a year to us. Sorry. Good player. Good teammate. Not good enough to actually be given that contract. Far more pressing needs. Enough serviable starts to fill the gap in FA. Levitre's best quality was his duriablity and ability to play anywhere cept center when asked.


    6. We have give out poor contracts the past 3 years. The head office is looking to fix that. Look for even more changes next year.


    7. Our Drafts have been Average since Nix became GM.

  4. Honestly, I would be ok with the first two picks and picking up the best remaining QB over best remaining TE. Our largest problem is our inability to get the ball down field with Fitz. TJ doesn't have that limitation and i'm sure we could get that QB from Miami Ohio in the third who's got a big arm. My largest concern with that kid is he is said to have problems with his touch on shorter passes, but i would take someone that's supposedly in the mold of Big Ben over Fitz.


    This is a great draft to go all in on either side of the ball, but i feel like the FA market this year is much better for filling out the D, specifically the LB position and that would allow us to get some young, fast, big receivers in here. Maybe we won't have a QB that can throw to them this year... if that's the case the D isn't going to save us no matter what.


    Overall, I approve.

  5. "Hmm not sure where you came up with Hartline and Lack of Effort. Hes a High effort guy who does everything the coaches ever ask of him and he does it with a smile on his face. Never even caused the slightest of problems." via LandShark13


    I was talking about Stevie not Hartline at that point, referencing the random dribble he managed to spew in that interview. I would be willing to give Hartline 4-5 million maybe with a performance/incentive bonus, say something like 1100 yds or 8 TDs that would gain him another million. If we got him i'd be all for drafting that WR that some people have suggested we take at #8 i forget his name i feel like it's petterson or patterson or something, don't have the time to check this morning as i actually have some work to do.


    I'm thinking about restarting this page and making a list of FA's that would be at least plausible candidates to watch.

  6. Hey guys. I've been reading a ton of articles on FA's and the usual off season football literature and decided to make a small list of cheap additions that I feel wouldn't be bad and could definitely help us unload some contracts and fill some holes. Let me know what you guys think. Also sorry in advance for not saving all the related articles, I will start doing so for future posts.



    Quarterback Chase Daniel -- played in NO and under Sean Payton. Might be able to be a starter for us until we get a rookie ready to go, because i can't see him being worse than fitz, although we would really be able to see at camp. ( unsure if he played while Marrone was there)


    Wide Receiver Brian Hartline -- I'm not asking to drop a lot of money here, and he will probably resign with the dolphins. However he would instantly be out #2 WR coming to the Bills. I consider Stevie not a true #1, but like... a 1B becuase he makes some truly incredible plays but it's hard to judge his full potential with the coaching he's been under and the QB situation and of course his "lack of effort"?


    Tight End Brandon Myers -- Could work alongside Scott Chandler, I read nothing but positive things about this guy.


    Defensive End Matt Shaughnessy -- please god can we somehow get rid of Chris Kelsay's contract. I'm ok with Mark Anderson (at the moment) and kyle moore looked good as a passing down threat/ project. Shaughnessy won't command a lot of money but would be a solid option to give people rest and as depth


    Cornerback E.J. Biggers - ok #2 and extremely solid #3 CB. Imo he won't require a big contract and could come here and share time with Ron Brooks until he is a bit more brought along. Could also be out #3 CB for nickle and dime packages. This would let us unload McGee who has simply seen better days. Love his effort and dire but if the body isn't willing it might be time to hang it up.


    So let me know what you guys think. These are just names that i've seen pop up a lot as extremely serviceable players and I feel could be cheap enough to be worth getting.

  7. Vick with our O-line would be decent and certainly better than Fitz. Especially if we were able to lean on the running game and get a big receiver to be our true #1 and have Stevie move to the slot(is this still happening? i thought it was an idea from the gaily camp.)


    At this point we might as well call T.O. for another contract and tell him we just need him to run 9 routes all game and find a QB that isn't afraid to sling the ball deep.

  8. As someone that lives 15 minutes from Metlife, and spent 4 yrs of college in NYC, I can not wait for the Superbowl. It's not hard to get to the stadium, from NJ or NYC and honestly i would almost rather take transit from NYC to the stadium then try to drive there. RT 3 is a nightmare but i'm betting all that construction will be finished well before the next superbowl (TY GOD)


    My only concern is the possible slight disappointment in the festivities surrounding the stadium. I'm not sure if they will use all the surrounding buildings like the racetrack and the izod center, but it's not like MSG which is literally in the middle of the city and you can go across the street to a bar. You are gonna have to drive, take a bus or taxi. I would almost suggest the NFL/ Metlife personal to somehow designate buses to take fans to different areas/bars and have them running around the clock. There are a ton of really fun places 5-20 minutes away from the stadium that could really heighten the superbowl experience and the visit to NJ. Of course you could just head back to NYC and party it up there.


    Also i hope it's a blizzard, i hope it's cold, and i hope it's an amazing game. I will be going to this superbowl simply because it's going to be probably the only one i have a chance to go to.

  9. I think i've gone back and forth between not caring and caring that he said he didn't work out while reading this thread. I've come to the conclusion that i can't make a judgement because i don't know what he considers a work out to be. Example being, i lift every week, but i don't consider it working out unless it's actually lifting to the program i'm trying to adhere too. So if it's a day that i don't have as much time or maybe i'm just not feeling well and i back it down a lot, i don't consider that working out.


    The line i do find disturbing and does somewhat sting, is the one where he says, imagine how good i'd be if i put in actual football work.


    As for the debates over training programs and all that jazz that's been brought up, everyone is different. Some people need to lift, some don't. So people need to stretch and practice certain things, while others do not. He has gone 3 seasons in a row for over 1000 yards ( and yes thats not super amazing) but he had fitz as his QB. he isn't the fastest, or the most physical guy out there, and working out most likely isn't going to close that gap for him. His groin injury may or may not benefit from working out, could just be a natural flaw of his body. I have bad knees, always have, always will, no amount of lifting or stretching changed that or ever will. His groin could be the same


    TLDR; I would love to see him try more i guess?


    Reggie Miller never lifted weights and it not once affected his ability to talk smack with Spike Lee to the highest of standards.

    Reggie Miller might also have had the purest basketball shot ever, and his 8pts in 11 seconds still haunts all of my knick loving friends.
  10. Don't want to get into this topic to much again since we did discuss this in several other posts so i will summarize a large portion of information:


    1) Ray Lewis did not stab anyone

    2) Ray Lewis was found guilt of the crime he did commit; Obstruction of Justice ( lying + destroying evidence)

    3) Testimonies were changed, however several of the ones that did not conflicted each other on a large scale.

    4) Ray Lewis did not pay off the family's, please get your facts strait. He had to pay for a wrongful death suit, 4 years AFTER the trail. This is extremely common, and of course they went after Ray. He had money. and was not guilt of murder, but simply guilt by association and proximity.

    5) Ray Lewis's crew did not start the fight. The other two member's were acquitted, even with Ray Lewis's Testimony INCLUDING him showing how his crew member's stabbed the deceased in a violent matter.

    6) The deceased were NOT innocent. They had prior records, Started the fight by smashing a bottle over someones head, and were in the possession of fire arms.

    7) 2 members's of Ray's crew did indeed go and buy knives the day before. Irrelevant really, just coincidental timing. As someone stated above, you wouldn't knowingly bring only knives to a gun fight. These last two points lead to ----

    8) This was NOT a Thrill Killing as the families of the deceased try to make it out to be.

    9) The offer for Rays' Testimony was not a some amazing deal he got because he was a football star. It was given because they knew they had no chance of convicting him of murder. The deal was made in an attempt to possibly convict the other two. This didn't happen as the other member's were found innocent because their actions to be self defense.


    More on this point. If you are going to sit here and tell us that, in a drunken state, you get assaulted and have a knife on you, that you wouldn't use it to defend yourself, I am going to flat out call you a lair. If someone assaulted me i know dam well the first thing i would reach for is my keys and i would attempt to stab that person in the neck. Now, i may not stab them multiple times, although if they kept coming at me i certainly would not hesitate, but i'll be dammed if i don't make a valid attempt to protect myself and make my attacker stop.


    Not sure if i missed anything on the trail, but just wanted to put the actual facts up. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions about articles where the facts have been misrepresented by journalist jumping the gun in an attempt to be right first.

  11. I may be dreaming, but ideally i would love for us to do:


    Rd1 - Def Player ( I could almost care less about what position although clearly LB is a large weakness for us)

    Rd2 - Def Player/ WR ( BAP here, while i don't think our WR are the best group, i feel that they are under valued based entirely on the repeated poor throws from Fitz and i'm willing to get another Def player if someone good has slipped)


    Trade back up into late second round and grab Zac Dysert from Miami Ohio. Biggest arm in the draft, very similar to big ben, although in some cases he stands in there way to long. Nassib just doesn't impress me honestly. Great he can throw short to medium passes, and he throws them hard, but his deep ball is terrible not just in his ability to get it there but the accuracy is just awful.


    I feel like possible teams that would be willing to trade in this spot would include the Redskins, Bengals, Broncos, Packers, and Seahawks (who we seem to have a good relationship with)

  12. When you file for wrongful death, you can go after anyone involved in the case. So the family members have 3 choices in this case. 2 nobodies worth jack squat.... or a guy worth millions...... hum, i wonder who i'm going to go after. It's also pretty common since the grounds on which you are looking to collect money can be but are not limited too:



    Medical expenses

    Hospital expenses

    Funeral costs

    Deceased's pain and suffering prior to death


    Financial support

    Parental support

    Mental distress

    Emotional pain

    Loss of wages


    And as ExiledInIllinois points out. No one really knows what happened that night outside of Ray and 2 others. But if they had a good enough case, it's my opinion that he would have gone to jail. As for bobobonators comments. You are a high profile person worth millions. 2 of your friends just got into a brawl and some serious **** went down. Even if you did nothing in the fight, due to your status you are most likely to be blamed. Not only that, your career might be over because of a stupid fight that your group did not start. You are also drunk as all !@#$. You are totally, while drunk and shocked, going to go to police while covered in blood. Yep. You're going to have that presence of mind. ( and i don't want to even play the black card here although it would be prevalent to his cognitive decision making).

  13. Wanted to point something else out. Ray Lewis did not "pay off" the families. Ray Lewis had to pay a Wrongful Death Settlement. This is pretty much like suing someone for indirectly being involved with or causing a death. Ray was not the only one to have to pay as all three men had to pay it. He basically had to pay because he was guilty by association. This happened AFTER the trail.

  14. Maybe my POV is skewed because I come at it from a law enforcement perspective. Sorry if my opinion on the matter irks others.


    Its fine, and good to know where you're coming from. It's just, i find the being involved and being responsible for and/or being held responsible for something others did isn't right. I mean, how many times have you been with friends and they get into a fight...... You're there, so you're responsible for the fight?


    More importantly, there are inconsistencies with the evidence of the case and really the only people that know what happened that night at Ray Lewis and the 2 men that were with him. I just find it interesting that everyone is all up in a fuss that the 2 guys got killed when they started the fight. It is a shame they died but i mean..... when you get into a drunken brawl and start by smashing a bottle over someones head, i'm pretty sure you have to plan on it escalating from there. Did they think oh ya, i'm gonna smack this kid good and then just bounce.

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