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Everything posted by SBUffalo

  1. Yes, you can actually work out an agreement to avoid the tag being thrown on you again in a year.
  2. Yea, I posted it a few pages ago and I think it's hilariously correct. Just because it's not used in that context today doesn't make it okay. Sometimes when a word has historic relations to such a terrible time of genocide and hate then that word should never be used again. The n word originated just as a simple way to describe black people. It didn't have negative connotations, but it's connection to slavery and the worst time in this countries history makes the word forever terrible. Even though it's thrown around in some social groups like a term of endearment (which baffles me). The r word is the same.
  3. I've always liked Marshall. Would be a good pickup.
  4. It's Pollock (pronounced "PAH-lick") for those who seem to be getting it mixed up haha. Hoppe works freelance and would randomly call us up and tell us he had an article for the paper. Was an interesting setup that, I assume, he still does. He writes for a few other publications, as well. I only met him once because he never came into the office (came in one night because I believe Chuck requested he came in to discuss his articles). Definitely does a solid job considering the circumstances. Yea, he always just does his job. He reports what he sees/hears and makes sure everything is factual when writing. A very old school guy who doesn't enjoy the new twitterverse media. He doesn't think he needs to be the first to report something, and he doesn't really care to go hard at getting scoops. Although he was told that the team wasn't extremely interested in resigning Stevie until they found out his agent wasn't asking for a whole lot. He never reported that, but I always thought that was fun. The one time I remember him every reporting a "scoop" was when Lee Evans got an extension. I was still in high school at this point and it was the first time I had ever met him. I asked him about the process of reporting breaking news through a newspaper and he told me to check out tomorrow's paper to see an example and there was that report. He reminds me a lot of Boston's Bob Ryan who also hates the twitter news NOW world (he actually decided to retire because he didn't want to keep up with it). I met Bob Ryan twice, and he's a surprisingly nice guy. From reading his articles and seeing him on ESPN I always assumed he would be rude, but that's not even close to being true. At least not in my dealings.
  5. Still banned by the NFL in those states and players will be suspended as normal if caught with it. Pretty sure they even released a statement saying this themselves, but if they didn't that is how it's going to work anyways.
  6. Yea, what's your point? "All I'm saying is that it doesn't matter if they're bad if Manuel is bad too" "Doesn't matter" = "not relevant." But go ahead, keep trying to "call me out" because I disagreed with your opinion in another thread. Mature.
  7. I'm not sure why you quoted my comment here.
  8. No, but you can lead a case to get a court order that the name be changed. In order for the case to work, you'll need strong support from the group being offended, but it's still possible in that sense.
  9. Chuck was my boss for three years and is still a good friend.. He doesn't mention something in an article if he doesn't have a lot of confidence and good sources telling him that it's true. I can't even begin to list the "prestigious" job offers he has received and refused to take over the years. Take one step into our little sports writing section of OTH and look behind his desk. There's probably between 20-30 AP awards there for his writing. One of the best kept secrets.
  10. So you're saying that the Civil War had absolutely nothing to do with race or that thing where they were enslaving human beings? Oh. I should probably go back to school. Boycotts aren't the only way to create change. How do you know what I do outside of this message board? You have no idea about my life outside this message board. I have done much more than just sit on a message board and gripe with far right conservative jerks.
  11. This is a football message board. I am talking football. My opinion is "who cares." If you don't like my comments, don't comment back. The world goes round. All I'm saying is that it doesn't matter if they're bad if Manuel is bad too. That doesn't give us any indication as to who was the "right choice." If Manuel is very good then we know who the right pick was.
  12. Exaggeration. That's what it was. But there are many that would be and are offended (who have come out and said so).
  13. Did you want me to give a full breakdown? I don't have time for it right now. I can come back another time to give you a full breakdown if you'd like. I always forget that message boards aren't a place for simplifying statements for the sake of discussion and time. Keep throwing that poll around. The reason that those results were found a decade ago is because the name has been in the public eye for such a long time. You don't really expect something that's in the public eye to be blatantly offensive. Today, it's different. There have ALWAYS been people who have found it offensive, but it just took some that are in notable positions to come out and reveal the issue. Unfortunately, we live in a country driven by our government and the media. So sometimes it does take them to open a lot of people's eyes. Maybe you'll open your mind a little bit eventually. This is obviously satire, but its point is valid: http://www.theonion.com/articles/report-redskins-name-only-offensive-if-you-think-a,33449/
  14. The term was coined by the immigrants that came here and took the country from those American Indians. The same people that just slaughtered them with complete disregard for their lives and hated them for making them work for this new land they had. Just consider that for a second.
  15. Calling people "sensitive" for realizing bigotry and racism? Sounds familiar. I think there was some sort of war against ourselves over this very idea. It's pure ignorance to call people sensitive for calling for change of something offensive. You will not find an American Indian ANYWHERE in this country who doesn't find it offensive. It's so bad the team had to PAY a "Chief" to say it's not offensive. The original owner was a brutal racist and used this name to promote said racism. Learn. Thank you.
  16. Because you never really think about things like that when it's a nationally renowned sports franchise. It's not something that crosses your mind until it's pointed out to you. That name is 100% racist, without a doubt.
  17. Yea, we should know by the end of their second preseason games. It's not relevant. If they all suck then it still doesn't mean we made the right choice unless EJ turns into something worthwhile in the NFL. EJ is the ONLY relevant QB to Buffalo from this year's draft picks unless we acquire one of them in the future.
  18. He "mailed it in" while becoming the first Bill to have double-digit sacks in a few years. Sheesh. I like him even more.
  19. It's obviously Chandler, but that's not a good thing. He's solid but not "good."
  20. How about a new name first? I stopped calling them by that racist moniker about a year ago.
  21. Can we stop posting about all these other QBs? They have zero relevance to us. MAYBE Geno since he's in the division. Otherwise, who cares?
  22. I don't consider him "troubled." He had trouble a few years ago, he's been good for a year plus. And "potential star" is a pretty big label. He's just a talented player (more than normal for an undrafted guy) looking to get a roster spot. Not much else yet. He's got more potential than most guys from this entire draft, but he's definitely got a long way to go.
  23. EXCITEMENT... ANDDDDDD it's gone.
  24. They're all the bad kind of bust while Manuel is being immortalized as the good kind of bust in Canton as we speak.
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