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Everything posted by SBUffalo

  1. My view is "meh." He got overrated last time he was a free agent and got nobody to bite on giving him a big deal. He's not an upgrade over Stevie. Especially when Rodgers isn't throwing him the ball.
  2. This is huge. And very good news. I'm glad that he's done something so courageous. I consider myself an activist. I always speak up when ignorance comes out of those around me, and I always do what I can to support the cause. With that said, I hope we don't see "I hope my team drafts Michael Sam" now. I would welcome him in Buffalo, but I don't want them to draft him based on this. I would draft him purely based on his ability and the team need.
  3. They've done a lot more to be a citizen than I ever did. I just came out of a slimy hole and bam, I was a citizen. At least these people worked for it.
  4. If Schwartz is going to run the 4-3 mostly we should sell high on Hughes and sign Cliff Avril.
  5. Has anybody mentioned the obvious that we should try to pry Shaun Hill out of Detroit to be our backup?
  6. No, it's not a porno. But it might make you feel the same way... http://lockerdome.com/happygilmore/6170048381332289/6293628012204308
  7. This isn't true. Troll.
  8. The pro bowl means nothing anymore. It's always been a joke with how many players say they're injured and skip out, but now it's overkill. So many players are now "pro bowl" players. All-Pro is the only relevant honor. Pro Bowl is an insult.
  9. Per Bills app. Replaced Justin Smith.
  10. It's not actually illegal. It's only illegal for distributors to remove them. Once you own the mattress yourself you may remove them.
  11. Good thing I don't believe that. There were definitely many. But that wasn't part of the discussion anyways.
  12. Ignorance is believing that there isn't a very large number of people who, whether through their own admittance or the power of subconscious, would've never supported Obama purely because he's different/black.
  13. Zero chance be returns to Chicago. Chicago can only give him the veterans minimum due to the contract they signed to him last offseason. He's getting more than that.
  14. You'd HAVE to say who went 1-8. There are many other players available.
  15. Would have to trade down and get two firsts somehow to make this happen.
  16. Denver and Seattle. The mega matchup happens for once.
  17. Lacy out of this group. He kept the Packers afloat while producing outstanding numbers.
  18. So far we have zero QBs capable of winning.
  19. I like the move by LeBetard. Don't like the move by Mike Harrington to call LeBetard a "Tard." Insensitive POS. I don't want to hear this "just talk about it on your radio and tv show a lot and you'll get your wish." No. If that would work then anybody who has a radio show and has the opposite view could do the same with their opinion and then no progress is made. Something drastic like this might move the needle. The roid guys should be in, in my opinion. I'm also of the opinion that anybody caught using steroids or HGH should get an immediate lifetime ban and that should be the end of it. If your numbers before you were banned are good enough to get you into the hall then so be it. Bonds would've been a hall of famer without the roids. Not so sure about some others. Baseball and its hall of fame is a joke.
  20. Am I the only one that never just votes for players from my favorite teams? I vote for who I believe deserves it, which is not Kiko. No knock on him, obviously. I love Kiko.
  21. No. He might enter the draft, though. Cue the posts ignoring how bad of an overall game Benjamin had.
  22. Olsen isn't a free agent until 2016. Byrd can't be traded on draft day unless franchised. The draft starts two months after free agency so they'll have to make a decision on franchising, resigning or letting him walk by then. Side note: I think Scott Chandler would be good for Atlanta. I don't think Chandler is a true number one, but they have two outstanding WRs in ATL that would make sure that he would never draw much attention. It'd be a cheap option for them.
  23. Brees didn't play his rookie year and then showed flashes for two years before blowing up. Manuel played his rookie year and didn't show much if anything.
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