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Posts posted by SBUffalo

  1. Wet blanket chimes in



    @ByTimGraham: Toronto is within 90 miles of Buffalo and considered Buffalo's NFL territory. Moving the team there might not be considered relocation.


    As much as he might be technically right about the market crap he's arguing, I don't think there's any way somebody could argue moving a team to another country, when no other team plays in that country, wouldn't be considered relocation. "Wet blanket" indeed.

  2. If they trade up to one it's for Clowney. If it's for anybody else then this team just paid a steep price for a prospect that wasn't worth it.

    If they trade up to two-five it could be for Mack, Watkins or Robinson.

    If they trade up to six-seven then it would be for any of the three above if they fall, Evans or one of Lewan/Matthews.



    In my opinion.

  3. I really think we are trading up. To Houston? I am not sure. I think Whaley thinks we are 2-3 players in this draft from making the playoffs so I can see it happening. I can see us trading around and only having say 3-4 picks in this draft and 3-4 maybe next year.


    I think this Front office has said 'f'k it...lets go all in and let the chips fall where they may'. Why wouldn't they? None of them are safe with a new owner.




    What if Whaley and the Texans GM have a plan in which Whaley talks up #1 so much someone else trades up like you suggest, and in turn they are willing to swap 2nd round picks so we choose top of round 2 in return for a pick next year or whatever? Fans don't think GM's do each other a solid but if they know each other they sure as hell do.


    Well they're not going to give us something THAT big.


    I think they could be targeting Mack. Teams that want Clowney will want Mack. If they talk up Clowney at one then they might be able to convince a team to move up while Buffalo negotiates the second or third pick for Mack.

  4. I can't figure out why a GM would lie about wanting to move up. What possible advantage could be gained?


    There's always the chance that he thinks that Clowney being the first pick would benefit Buffalo. Maybe he has a certain order of picks in his mind and believes that Clowney going number one would really help ensure that a certain guy is there at nine. Saying you want to trade up might pressure other teams to make the move to get him.


    Also, he could be doing Houston a favor. Maybe Houston is close on a couple other fronts in a trade for number one and he's doing a favor for a team. It can never hurt to build a good relationship with another team in case something comes up later and you need the help.


    I also agree with these people saying Mack is the target. Well, I wouldn't say he IS the target, but he SHOULD be. Not if we trade to number one, that's Clowney every time, but if Mack gets to five then I think we should move up for him. Then go offense heavy they rest of the way.

  5. The best and only realistic way to get to number one is if Buffalo trades up twice.


    Something like:

    9, 73 and next year's 3rd for 5


    5, 41, next year's 2nd and a player for 1 (someone like Jerry Hughes or Manny Lawson).


    So it'd be 9, 41, 73, next year's 2nd and 3rd along with one player who may not have a role this year for the first pick.


    Very steep price, but that's the kind of stuff you have to pay.

  6. Chris Trapasso@ChrisTrapasso 3m

    Don't necessarily agree, but good argument here from @RQUINN619 saying #Bills should move up to No. 1 for J.Clowney | http://forgedinbuffalo.com/media/sports


    The trade from 9 to 1 would cost much more than he says. It's barely close to what he says. Add a 2015 first to it and then probably. Chances are we don't get 9 to 1 without giving up a 2015 first. Would be a bad move.

  7. Time for everybody to get mad at me...


    Week 1: Chicago: Loss

    Week 2: MIAMI: WIN

    Week 3: San Diego: Loss

    Week 4: Houston: Loss

    Week 5: Lions: Loss

    Week 6: Patriots: Loss

    Week 7: Vikings: WIN

    Week 8: Jets: Loss

    Week 9: BYE

    Week 10: KC: Loss

    Week 11: Miami: Loss

    Week 12: Jets: WIN

    Week 13: Cleveland: WIN

    Week 14: Broncos: Loss

    Week 15: Green Bay: Loss

    Week 16: Raiders: WIN

    Week 17: NE: Loss

  8. I was talking about cheerleaders yesterday...


    Here are some random facts I found out:

    26 of 32 have teams have them

    The Giants are the only one to publicly state why they don't (because they think it disrespects women)

    The 2011 SB was the first time neither team had cheerleaders


    And most importantly...


    Even the biggest paid cheerleaders make less than an Applebee's waitress.

  9. If we take Evans then I doubt both Williams and Stevie make the team this year. Woods or Goodwin would then be the number five guy.


    If Evans gets to nine then I would start talking to teams looking to move up. Even if we could get Detroit to throw us an extra pick to swap spots.

  10. Some people don't like him because he's not a home town cheerleader. I find his honest and objective commentary refreshing in a world where broadcasters are afraid to offend the leagues that they're in bed with.


    Actually Sullivan isn't in bed with the league/team. His bull **** makes it harder for the guys that actually are. The beat writers for the Bills at the BN get !@#$ed over because of his ****. The columnists with bad attitude will hurt the beat writers everytime.

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