Lots of good points here. Love seeing the passion and opinions. The reason I'm not a fan of the bunch is simple. Spacing. I believe this to be one of the most important parts of a successful offense. With guys like SJ13 and CJ, the need room to work. Bunching them up, and "allowing them room to release" isn't going to be a game changing scheme. I argue that it instead does clogs the field. These players are already professionals at making one man miss. I love watching Stevie come off the ball. Now why would we bundle these guys together and let a zone pick them apart as they release?
Many reasons for both opinions. There is no one answer. As many people have stated, it comes down to execution and success. Personally, I think our players belong in space. Open field, one on one. If we think our players are better than theres, line them up and beat them. We do not need the rubs, trickery or gimmicks that a bunch brings. Could it be a package for a few plays a game? Absolutely. However, I think making this a staple in this offense with these many elusive players would be a disservice to their skill set.