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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Tebow in "peak physical condition?!" Someone convince the football Jesus to give TE a try for us! What could it hurt. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/tim-tebow-wants-you-to-know-he-s-in-shape-and-totally-ready-for-an-nfl-call-171541549.html
  2. Acceleration and explosiveness are definitely factors. I also think the league (and country) bought into the idea of SWAT because he is still very raw. This is not be said that he isn't NFL ready because it appears he is. But he has tremendous room to grow. The ceiling with this guy is growing higher, as it seems. His route running and understanding of the game have never been explored, pushed or refined to the point they will be as a professional. I'm excited to see his growth as he perfects the route tree and learns the ins and outs of x's and o's.
  3. It seems like the board forgets that a lot of Kiko's success came from outstanding defensive line play. He was able to scrape freely last season. Our DT's allowed him to flow without interruption while edge players kept the ball contained. Losing Kiko is undoubtedly a blow to our team. However, with our addition of Brandon Spikes and consistent defensive line play, I think whoever fills the WLB role will be adequate. Two years ago the board raved about how bad Bradham was. I argued that it was often our scheme and lack of Nick Barnett's ability to take on a Offensive Lineman. If we sit in the true wide nine, 4-3 look that it appears we're going for, Bradham, Rivers or whoever should often be the 'snuffer'.
  4. I know they discussed his (Hughes) and Lawson's role in our defensive scheme, but how is this kid against the run? Is he a three down guy or a one trick pony?
  5. They've been looking okay so far this year. Especially when they are dropping into number 14's hands.
  6. Haven't heard much of him yet... ...I suppose it's only been three days.
  7. Interesting take. I don't think he was as under the radar as you make him seem. His stats last season were notable and I expect his production to remain the same if not improve.
  8. Unless TJ flashes in camp, I can't see him making the final cut. All in on Hogan at this point.
  9. Gasser tests are insane. Players are generally sorted into skill, semi-skill and lineman. Skill and semi-skill usually follow the following breakdown -Gasser (width of the field and back) Skill: sub 18 seconds / Semi: sub 19 seconds -35 second rest - Gasser -35 second rest (repeat until 10 gassers completed) *Players are now allowed an additional second for each gasser and rest time jumps to 45 seconds* -Gasser S: sub 19 seconds SS: sub 20 seconds -45 second rest (continues until 20 total gassers are completed) Note: Different programs follow different procedures for what 'passing' is. When I played college ball we used this test for 3 of my 4 years. Failing one gasser was allowed but two disqualified you. I've also heard this test being used with no failures or many failures as long as the are non-consecutive. My guess would be they allow zero failures. Lineman may follow a similar procedure with longer rest and gasser times.
  10. .... Mrags, Astro, etc, I missed having the reports today guys. Makes you appreciate all the work some people do for those who cannot attend camp. Special thanks to those guys who devote hours to the study and write ups! cheers to you all -Billeve
  11. Is this just a shot in the dark or does it have some truth to it?
  12. He's only an 80 on Madden?!?! bust.
  13. Jumping in late here. I'd take Thad based on performance last year. He wasn't that bad. Tuel wasn't terrible as some people suggested. However made unforgettable mistakes in crucial moments. Thad is 2.
  14. Good to hear he's been working out on the sideline. Good to hear he's been working out on the sideline.
  15. Marcell is all aboard on that it would appear
  16. My schedule just opened up for this Friday and I am interested in going to camp. Looking for 1-4 tickets if anyone has extra. Ticketmaster seems to be sold out. PM me or message here if you have extra. I appreciate any help, guys! -Billeve!
  17. anyone attending camp today? If not, I'll sure miss these awesome reports (mrags, astro, cletus)
  18. I see that as well. Something about his production increase last season and this being a possible contract extension year leads me to believe likewise.
  19. This might be the most accurate post I've read recently. I played four years of college ball and some of the best lineman worked with were excellent holders.
  20. Thank you guys. Reading these updates is awesome. Sounds like: -EJ is inconsistent -sammy is killing it -hughes is as well Any surprises yet?
  21. Very cool. Some stadiums already use this system, no? Hope it works!
  22. Let's hope not. But sometimes those things are unavoidable.
  23. "He's not even that good" I believe is a little hasty. He's shown flashes of top tier quality and has get to unleash his full potential. If he ever does or not is yet to be seen. But saying he can be easily replaced is a little bit of a stretch in my opinion. We cannot simply keep turning players over. We need to retain, and in this case, reform his character so that his game will excel. I wouldn't be so quick to throw in the towel.
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