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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Good thing he isn't sporting a visor...
  2. So far, the OL draft class from 2014 is all backwards. Our 7th rounder is in the mix for a 'starting' position. The 5th rounder is rotating in at Guard and seems to be holding his own. And the second rounder looks lost.... interesting.
  3. Those fans got a show. Wonder how the football was. I liked that lick though. Low man wins!
  4. CJ destroyed my team as I selected him 7th overall last year... Buyer beware!
  5. I'm not sure I read this correctly but I think you said... "Man, if I could have ANYTHING in the world. Just one wish? I'd really love some salt on these greasy, undercooked french fries!" You don't want fresher fries? Less grease? A better cook? Seriously though, I don't doubt EJ as a leader. And I certainly don't believe his helmet is making him less of a player.
  6. Not the most dignifying victory but hell, mark it down as a win! All jokes aside, it is a shame that certain fans choose to, or unconsciously act in a disrespectful and unacceptable manner. Don't get me wrong, I love the tailgate and the Ralph atmosphere, but there are a certain few who give the rest a negative reputation.
  7. I can't help to feel bad for this kid. I always like him coming out of college and have followed him the past two seasons. Wish him the best. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/watch-david-wilson-say-a-tearful-and-heartfelt-goodbye-to-the-nfl-232828592.html
  8. The entire practice seemed sluggish. No standouts IMO last night. A few good plays here and there but boy, they looked like they didn't want to be out there. There are some exceptions to this. A couple players, Hogan, included were leading the charge drill to drill. They really need a kick in the a$$. Lets go, Marrone!
  9. Thanks, Bill. I was impressed with Henderson as well. With Glenn back, do we kick this kid to RT?
  10. Thanks for posting. Makes me for more at ease about unused tickets. I woulda hate to think I was keepin fans from going if I can't get rid of these
  11. Four extra tickets I'm trying to give away. PM or post here it interested.
  12. This is great. Glad to see some people are behind us. Thanks, Harry.
  13. It really depends on the game. I'd like to see as close to a 50/50 run/pass balance as possible.
  14. spare us this discussion again, please!
  15. Just joined. Looks like room for 8 more... Is the draft time/date negotiable?
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