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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Anyone here pounding the table for chip still?
  2. Chip gone. Gus Bradley safe. Pagano? Fox? Pettine? We shall see
  3. And shoulder injuries. Thanks for posting. I also find it extremely frustrating at the overall level of tackling in the NFL. It's difficult in today's league. Not too high, not too low. Can't be too hard or too late. However, none are valid excuses for tackling with the crown of your helmet, or simply lunging your body with your head down. I do see a time and a place for those types of tackles, but it can't be relied upon.
  4. Absolutely. Their defense should be a model for ours. I think Corey Graham plays the honey badger roll. We need to find out Caleis Cambell (beast)!
  5. I like their evaluations of need. If I had to rank it in order of importance, I'd say: ILB LT DE WR QB S That doesn't necessarily correlate with how I believe players should be selected. For instance, just because DE isn't our highest need, doesn't mean you don't take one in the first round
  6. Feel terrible for this guy. Seems lo get hurt late each season. Big loss on ST for us, not just this year but if he isn't ready to roll next season early
  7. They are a RT and WR#2 from being solid at all positions. That being said, you HAVE to pay Glenn and lock down Richie. The rushing attack has been something that was extremely pleasing to watch under Roman. However, as some of you have mentioned, I think that his passing attack needs to be remodeled. Gimmie those things and cut out the bull **** trick plays with EJ and I'll be happy with their O
  8. Shelf this man. I was a big Mario supporter, but seeing him play patty cake all game yesterday angers me. Save the 12 mil and get two decent to above average starters with it.
  9. Agree. Not worth risking long term injury. Same for McCoy
  10. Continuity is the one thing we've have. We've continuously missed the playoffs for 16 years. Can't be more consistent than that
  11. I'll be at the game doing nothing but rooting for a Bills win and spending time with my Dad. I've never been a believer in booing your own organization. Pegulas saved this franchise for the time being, they e earned the right to choose. As fans we have no role but watching, accepting and cheering. Some of you need to lighten up and watch the game not the press box.
  12. Waking up early just to IN
  13. Injuries can happen. Pushing injured players who get hurt worse, can't.
  14. Greater player, it is his time. 65 ints, fifth all time, tremendous leader. Thanks for the decade plus of good ball.
  15. IR, see ya in August. Why risk further injury especially with a knee
  16. Jumping in late here, but JTSP, are you even a bills fan? Why bring up the paying of McCoy and Watkins? It's over. Stop defending an obvious mistake by a lime lighted golden boy and start rooting and finding positives in our situation. Or keep looking to the past, comparing Watkins and Odell, drag in McCoy and try to excuse Odell for unacceptable behavior. Reciprocated or instigated, he was wrong. You can't do that. And should serve the punishment
  17. Start prepping for next year shady. Can't wait to watch you again in 2016
  18. It better suits his athletic makeup
  19. Any word on McCoy's status?
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