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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. David Shaw Kirk Cousins And cousins is my big acquisition
  2. I feel as if his toes have been stepped on and his talent acquisition is tough to judge based on how players are used
  3. I'm saying there is no gaurentee this guy will see the success he has in Baltimore. There is also no way on knowing he'd be more productive than Whaley. I know you're not a Rex guy, and knowing that, aren't you curious to see what our talent would do when put in a position to be successful. I believe there are less talented teams who do as well as the Bills because their coaches use their talent well. The Chiefs, Bucs and Titans all come to mind. Even the Texans have a similar record with what I believe to be far less talent. Maybe I'm a homer, but I'd like to see Whaley stay and have a chance to bring in someone he thinks he can truly work with Which is what exactly? Lol Sounds great in theory
  4. Have you seen the 49ers or Browns? You think their situation isn't worse than ours? Sorry, 8-8 instead of 9-7, you're right
  5. 9-7 last year and a similar record this year. Yes, it could absolutely be worse
  6. How much of the Ravens success is Oz and how much does he deserve? I'm all for complete control but i don't know enough about these guys to say who would deserve it. For argument sake, he has never had to deal with QB purgatory and is the same person who brought TT in to Baltimore...
  7. What is Matt Cassel up to these days?
  8. Assuming we sign our own... Head coach QB RT S WR
  9. That's hilarious. I respect the hell out of AB as a receiver. I hope Rex does too.
  10. Line em up, pin em back and send 4-5, Rex. It's hard to get to the QB double teamed by two OL when only rushing 3 defenders
  11. This gifs are great and reconfirm my belief that he has a balance issue. He is always falling
  12. Simply Saying "the bills suck" or "we always blow it", though not necessarily inaccurate, is a discourteous response to a man who brought real arguements to the board. Disagreement and discussion is what this board is for. So if you disagree, how about countering someone's points with real fact or taking some time to write a more meaningful post. I don't understand why some people post here just to bash the franchise. How about offering a counter argument? I'm not calling you out. I'm commenting about the general tone of many posts around here lately I'd love to see Shaq really turn it up today. He is a guy that could do some damage to Big Ben. I wonder if weight has to do with the fact he is rotating in more this week over the lighter Alexander.
  13. unsubstantiated negativity is disrespectful to posters trying to add to real discussion to the board. Beating a dead horse about the usual (TT sucks, fire Rex, Whaley has to go, etc) gets real old quickly. We get it. Those are some losterMs opinions. But I understand JM. Trying to add some good discussion and being met time after time with repetitive comments that add nothing but negativity, can be extremely off putting
  14. I sometimes feel the same way. I love reading people's opinions and having discussions with other Bills fans. Too often are legitimate conversations, ideas and points tossed aside due to negativity or just cynical nonsense. I'm all for joking and having a good time but sometimes it can get tiresome. Don't quit posting. Ppl like you are why I keep coming back
  15. Things Bob Woods does regularly: Brushes his teeth and then eats Oreos Listens to Al Pachino's Any Given Sunday speech on repeat for 24 hours Thimblelessly stictches his own injuries Robert woods is !@#$ing crazy
  16. Thanks Bo. Reaffirmed what lots of us believe to be true. I was unsure, and hoping it wasn't true but it is clear: we need a QB
  17. Of all the problems on the Bills this season, this ranks at about #32. Really, lots else to worry about
  18. Kyle WIlliams for many, many reasons: 1) 5th round draft pixk 2) life time Bill 3) under rated his whole career 4) outstanding person and team mate 5) sweet accent
  19. Same reason Rex will never bench TT Trying to pad the stats and save their job. Stacking wins now is more important than developing someone young
  20. I also think he is going to be good for a very long time. But that throw was no different than ones Carr put up yesterday or ones that plenty of QBs throw weekly. Although the back shoulder throw is definitely a skill, but TT doesn't even throw that ball there
  21. Please take note how Luck threw it into contested coverage, gave his guy a chance to make a play, and scored a touchdown. I hope you're watching TT
  22. You mean like spending your free time posting in a Bills forum?
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